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Technology Scoping and New Demonstrators - Executive Summary

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The ETI’s Marine Energy Programme was launched in December 2007. The first Call under the Marine Programme yielded three major projects (ReDAPT, PerAWaT and Wetmate Connector). In order to inform the future development of the ETI’s Marine Energy Programme, the ETI also commissioned a detailed benchmarking study of the marine energy technology landscape.The key purpose of the study was to analyse and map key marine energy (wave and tidal stream) component and system technologies in order to identify the major industry technology challenges and high-additionality technology opportunities that could be of interest to ETI. The study was commissioned as a Flexible Research Programme (FRP) project by Black & Veatch with DNV and Entec as sub-contractors, over 6 months and at a cost of £116k.

This is the executive summary, describing the four phases of the project and summarizing the results of each. The key findings of the whole programme are given. Recommended technologies for further investigation are

  1. tidal stream foundations
  2. low-cost wave energy structures
  3. optimised tidal stream blade technologies
  4. optimised power take-off systems (wave & tidal)
  5. wave energy sensors for control system optimisation and yield improvement.

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Project Report



