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CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis - Executive Summary

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The vision for the ETI’s CCS Next Generation Capture Technologies focus area is to support the development of a transformational capture technology to a stage where it is ready for incorporation into a full scale demonstration or first of a kind build by 2015. To support selection of the most appropriate technology, the ETI commissioned a series of projects, with Foster Wheeler Energy Limited (FW), to produce outline designs and technoeconomic assessments of power generation plant with different capture technologies. This report summarises the key findings from the first of these: the Capture Benchmarking project. The primary aim of this project was to establish a set of techno-economic performance benchmarks, based on ‘best available technology’, against which the performance of potential ‘Next Generation’ technologies could be objectively measured. Thesebenchmarks covered the three key capture technologies for power generation applications (pre-combustion, post-combustion (for coal and gas) and oxyfuel), based on a ‘typical’ UK application. The key deliverables for the project were a comprehensive technical report and spreadsheet economic model, which allows ‘what if’ calculations to be undertaken.

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283538 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Project Report




Carbon Capture and Storage