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Micro DE - Executive Summary - DE2003/D3.5: Modelling the Cost Effectiveness and Hence Potential Uptake of Technologies

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The objective of the Distributed Energy (DE) Programme is to increase the up-take of DE through the development of integrated systems in order to reduce through-life costs, improve ease of installation and increase efficiency in the combined generation of heat and electricity. Energy consumption within buildings represents the largest single category of final energy use in the UK, with UK residential buildings accounting for ~27% of the UK energy production, ~26% of CO2 emissions and 23% of GHG emissions. 82% of the energy consumed within UK domestic buildings is for space heating and hot water production. The “Micro DE” FRP (a scoping and feasibility study) was commissioned to understand the range of opportunities to positively impact on energy consumption / CO2 reduction through technology development and demonstration of building control systems in combination with micro-generation/storage technologies. The project is a feasibility study, with a core element to help shape the benefits case for a much larger project / field trial.

The agreed objectives of the project were to deliver the following outputs:

  • Evaluation of the potential benefits of current and emerging DE technologies inexisting domestic buildings
  • Categorisation of
    • The stock of existing domestic UK buildings
    • Building occupants into groups of similar energy use behaviours
    • The main appliance types (energy use patterns, control strategies, etc)
  • Evaluation of the platform technologies and standards likely to be used in developingbuilding control systems
  • Analysis of the potential benefits of building energy service controls
  • Provisional model of existing UK domestic housing stock as the basis for predictingμDE impact out to 2030
  • Identification of development and demonstration opportunities (including an outline ofhow to test these in an appropriate environment)
The objective of the D3.5.1 report is to identify the opportunities to develop Micro DE and control technologies and quantify the potential impact on UK domestic energy use by 2040. It also addresses the impact of human interaction in the form of ‘comfort taking’, ie using Micro DE technologies / improvements in building thermal efficiency to improve occupant comfort through higher internal temperature as opposed to reduction of energy consumption

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343477 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Project Report


Distributed Energy