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UK offshore wind cost optimisation: top head mass (Presentation to All Energy, 10th May 2017)

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The Industrial Doctorate Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE) trains research engineers whose work in conjunction with sponsoring companies aims to accelerate the deployment of offshore wind, wave and tidal-current technologies. This is to help meet the UK’s ambitious renewable energy targets.Students undertake a four year full time course including time with a sponsoring company working on “real world” applications and research initiatives to obtain their doctorates. IDCORE is administered from the University of Edinburgh.
ETI sponsored IDCORE Research Engineer Inés Tunga presents “UK offshore wind cost optimisation: top head mass” at All Energy 2017 in Glasgow.  Reducing the ‘top head mass’ (i.e. nacelle, rotor, gearbox, generator and ancillaries) of a wind turbine is one of the key requirements for current and futuredesigns. It enables a lighter and more cost effective tower and foundation, and reducing gearbox weight and size has a huge benefit.

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Tunga, I

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1072382 B


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Offshore Wind