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WP2 Manchester Local Area Energy Strategy: Planning Briefing Notes Informing Stage 0 GM Spatial Energy Plan – Briefing Note 4

Citation Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd (JLL) WP2 Manchester Local Area Energy Strategy: Planning Briefing Notes Informing Stage 0 GM Spatial Energy Plan – Briefing Note 4, ETI, 2016. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000633.
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Author(s) Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd (JLL)
Project partner(s) Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd (JLL)
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000633
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Abstract he Spatial Energy Plan for Greater Manchester Combined Authority project was commissioned as part of the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) Smart Systems and Heat Programme and undertaken through collaboration between the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Energy Systems Catapult. The study has consolidated the significant data and existing evidence relating to the local energy system to provide a platform for future energy planning in the region and the development of suitable policies within the emerging spatial planning framework for Greater Manchester.

This Deliverable comprises one of a series of four briefing notes regarding the planning policy and related information to inform the production of a high level energy evidence base prior to the completion of a detailed EnergyPath modelling study with a local authority in Greater Manchester. It provides advice and recommendations relating to the current and future policy framework in GM which has informed the Catapult high level energy study for Greater Manchester. This Deliverable, Briefing Note 4, considers the possible policy levers and mechanisms that could be adopted and included within the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework to support energy system transformation and carbon reduction ambitions.
Associated Project(s) ETI-SS9007: Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme - Manchester Local Area Energy Strategy
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

List of projects for the ETI Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme

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WP2 Manchester Local Area Energy Strategy: Planning Briefing Notes Informing Spatial Energy Plan – Briefing Note 1

WP2 Manchester Local Area Energy Strategy: Planning Briefing Notes Informing Spatial Energy Plan – Briefing Note 2

WP2 Manchester Local Area Energy Strategy: Planning Briefing Notes Informing Spatial Energy Plan – Briefing Note 3

WP2 Manchester Local Area Energy Strategy: Policy and Commercial Insights for Energy System Transformation: Bury Council

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