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EnergyPath - Best practice and Opportunities

Citation Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd (JLL) EnergyPath - Best practice and Opportunities, ETI, 2018. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000868.
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Author(s) Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd (JLL)
Project partner(s) Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd (JLL)
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000868
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Abstract Energy consultancy Baringa Partners were appointed to design and develop a software modelling tool to be used in the planning of cost-effective local energy systems. This software is called EnergyPath and will evolve to include a number of additional packages to inform planning, consumer insights and business metrics. Element Energy, Hitachi and University College London have worked with Baringa to develop the software with input from a range of local authorities, Western Power Distribution and Ramboll. EnergyPath will complement ETI’s national strategic energy system tool ESME which links heat, power, transport and the infrastructure that connects them. EnergyPath is a registered trade mark of the Energy Technologies Institute LLP.

Local Area Energy Planning is seen by the ETI and ESC as central to achieving national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and unlockthe infrastructure investment needed to decarbonise heat.

More effective local area planning supported by objective, technology agnostic evidence can support transition in a way that enables local communities to realise the benefits and understand the costs of decarbonisation. This document supports this objective by exploring existing best practice and opportunities by way of a number of case studies.
Associated Project(s) ETI-SS9014: Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme - EnergyPath Operations
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

EnergyPath - Request for Proposal

EnergyPath - WP3 EnergyPath Operations: Request for proposals

EnergyPath Operations - Demonstration Presentation

EnergyPath Operations - Developing Whole-Systems Analysis to Explore Future Great Britain Energy System Challenges

EnergyPath Operations - EPO Analysis Plan and Results

EnergyPath Operations - EPO Verification and Validation Strategy

List of projects for the ETI Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme

SSH Stagegate 1 - Review of International Smart Systems and Heat Initiatives - Final Report