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Micro DE - Review of in Market Buildings Control Systems, Technology Platforms and Standards

Citation Pride, R.D., Patterson, M. and Preston-Barnes, H. Micro DE - Review of in Market Buildings Control Systems, Technology Platforms and Standards, ETI, 2010. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000290.
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Author(s) Pride, R.D., Patterson, M. and Preston-Barnes, H.
Project partner(s) Electricité de France SA (EDF SA)} Building Research Establishment Limited} University College London} Passivsystems Ltd
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000290
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Abstract The Micro DE project was a scoping and feasibility study to identify opportunities for micro-generation storage and control technology development at an individual dwelling level in the UK. The study investigated the potential for reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions through Distributed Energy (DE) technologies. This was achieved through the development of a segmented model of the UK housing stock supplemented with detailed, real-time supply and demand energy-usage gathered from field trials of micro distributed generation and storage technology in conjunction with building control systems. The outputs of this project now feed into the Smart Systems and Heat programme.

This deliverable is number 6 of 9 in Work Package 1. It summarises the current market position and technologies associated with the control of distributed energy systems at the individual dwelling level. It is split into 4 parts:
  1. Heating Controls : conventional controls for domestic hot water / storage and heating systems
  2. Advanced Controls : products which integrate existing control strategies to improve the performance of micro-generation systems within the built environment
  3. Thermal DE : control of heat pump and solar thermal systems
  4. Electrical DE : control of solar PV and micro-wind systems used for the generation of electricity
Associated Project(s) ETI-DE2003: Micro Distributed Energy
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

Micro DE - Analysis of the Benefits of Buildings Energy Services Control System

Micro DE - Distributed Energy Monitoring System Requirements

Micro DE - Executive Summary - DE2003/D3.5: Modelling the Cost Effectiveness and Hence Potential Uptake of Technologies

Micro DE - Executive Summary - DE2003/D3.7: Project Summary Report

Micro DE - Findings From Field Trial Occupant Interviews

Micro DE - Heat Meter Investigation

Micro DE - Micro DE Technology Comparisons

Micro DE - Micro Distributed Energy and Energy Services Management Application to existing UK residential buildings

Micro DE - Modelling the Cost Effectiveness and Potential Uptake of Technologies in Existing UK Residential Buildings

Micro DE - Plan for Larger Field Trials

Micro DE - Project Summary Report

Micro DE - Review of Previous Work on Energy User Behaviour