ETI, Imperial College London High Hydrogen - dataset of test results, ETI, 2018. . Cite this using DataCite
ETI, Imperial College London
Project partner(s)
The data are the results of tests carried out to model at reduced scale, the consequences of a flameout in a full-size combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) when running on high hydrogen fuel mixtures.
The High Hydrogen data set includes data from 69 Circular Duct Tests and 76 tests with a Heat Recovery Steam Generator. The data are further described by read me files in each directory and by reports in the directory Supporting_Documentation. Phase 1 data (Circular Duct tests 1 - 69 and Heat Recovery Steam Generator tests 1 to 17) were added in December 2017. Phase 2 data (Heat Recovery Steam Generator tests 18 to 76) were added in December 2019, when this catalogue entry was updated accordingly.