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Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) Stage 2A Report

Citation Styles, M.T., Lacinska, A.M., Zemskova, S., Paulson, T., Sanna, T. and Hillier, G. Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) Stage 2A Report, ETI, 2011. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000089.
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Author(s) Styles, M.T., Lacinska, A.M., Zemskova, S., Paulson, T., Sanna, T. and Hillier, G.
Project partner(s) Shell Research Ltd, Caterpillar, British Geological Survey, University of Nottingham
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000089
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Abstract This report describes the state of technology development and compares CCS using Mineralisation (CCSM) with Geological CCS (GCCS). It concludes by describing a programme of experimental work and economic analysis that will identify opportunities to improve the competitiveness and operability of CCSM processes. This report should be read in conjunction with the Stage 2a Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) Report Number 11. The economic feasibility of CCSM relative to other CO2 capture processes is studied through capital cost and operating cost. This report builds on the knowledge derived from the initial techno-economic assessment and by scrutinising the cost structure and key attributes of CCSM technology building blocks available in the open literature. As well as addressing the challenges highlighted in this report and TEA-1 it also looks at data gaps from Work Package 1. Results from theexperimental plan will create the dataset required for the broader and more detailed Techno-Economic Assessment of selected CCSM technologies.

In conclusion, mineralisation processes would currently rely on plants that are physically too large to be viable and that are too expensive to justify investment. However, there are indications that very significant improvements in cost and design can be made. The consortium has outlined these detailed proposals in its Stage 2b Development Proposal that has been submitted to the ETI
Associated Project(s) ETI-CC2004: Carbon Capture and Storage by Mineralisation
Associated Dataset(s) No associated datasets
Associated Publication(s)

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture & Storage by Mineralisation - Work Package 1: Stage Gate 2b Report; Synthesis and Interpretation

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture & Storage by Mineralisation: Analysis of UK Opportunities - Request for Proposal

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) - Final Summary Presentation.

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) Final Report

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Sequestration by Mineralisation (CCSM) Stage 2b Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA) Report

Mineralisation - Carbon Capture and Storage by Mineralisation Stage Gate 1 Report