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 Author  Alan Ruddell
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
 Last Updated  29 July 2020
 Status  Peer reviewed document
 Download Landscape  PDF 1 MB

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Table 3.1: Research Funding | Table 3.2: Key Research Providers

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) brings together the seven UK Research Councils (including EPSRC and STFC), Innovate UK, and Research England, and works in partnership with universities, research organisations, businesses, charities, and government to create the best possible environment for research and innovation to flourish.

This landscape section mainly includes EPSRC funding, while Innovate UK funding is included in Section 4 Applied Research, and STFC funding is included in Section 7 Networks.

The UK Government’s  Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, delivered by UKRI, covers 15 Challenges of which two include energy and energy storage:

Faraday Battery Challenge (funding up to £246m)

Partly in response tothe plan for all new vehicles to be electric and zero emissions vehicles by 2040, the Faraday Battery Challenge will invest in research and innovation projects and new facilities to scale-up and advance the production, use and recycling of batteries. This will also help advance development of batteries for other applications.

Prospering from the energy revolution (upto £102.5m)

The aim is to link energy supply, storage and use, and to develop systems to support the move to renewable energy, and funding will be provided to industry and researchers. Energy storage is included in the scope.

Grid-scale energy storage was identified as one of the Eight Great Technologies to drive UK growth in the UK Government’s Autumn Statement 2012. In response to EPSRC’s Capital for Great Technologies Call, grid-scale energy storage received an EPSRC Capital Grant of £30m, with capital funding provided to 17 Universities for 5 projects. (See Section 6).

The EPSRC Energy Programme supports several areas of energy storage research, as well as SUPERGEN, Doctoral Training Centres, and the UK Energy Research Centre.

Large EPSRC funded projects, described in Tables 3.1 and 3.2 include:

Energy Storage for Low Carbon Grids, (EP/K002252/1),

Integrated, Market-fit and Affordable Grid-scale Energy Storage (IMAGES), (EP/K002228/1),

Energy SuperStore SUPERGEN Hub (EP/L019469/1),

Energy Storage Research Network (EP/J021695/1).

EPSRC funding has provided a strong research base in Universities, that has led to projects such as FLEXIS (Flexible Integrated Energy Systems), a £24m research operation part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and supported by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO). Thisproject is developing an energy systems research capability, including storage within the Integrated Energy Supply Systems work package.

SUPERGEN is part of the EPSRC Energy Programme and is a key initiative in Sustainable Power Generation and Supply. It aims to contribute to the UK’s environmental emissions targets through a radical improvement inthe sustainability of the UK’s power generation and supply. The first consortia were launched in 2003, and the SUPERGEN Phase 3 (2011-2017) supported seven Supergen hubs with £150m of investment over a five year period (including challenge calls and Centres for Doctoral Training). The following Supergen Phase 4 (2017+) featured an enhanced management structure and wider multidisciplinary involvement of Universities. The seven SUPERGEN projects cover a wide spectrum of energy research and training and include the Supergen Energy Storage Consortium.

The 2013 Call for EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training included energy storage within 14 priority areas. The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications started at the University of Sheffield and University of Southampton from 2014 onwards.

UKRI also provides funding for the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) and the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI); both include energy storage within their scope. After 12 years of research into low carbon technologies, the ETI is now closed. Available data and findings from the ETI’s programmes are available online through the Programme pages and Knowledge Zone until 2025, and the project results will also be available from the ETI Publications component of the UKERC Energy Data Centre.

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Table 3.1: Research Funding

 Programme  Funding Agency  Description  Committed Funds  Period  Representative Annual Spend
Supergen (Sustainable Power Generation and Supply) EPSRC EPSRC project EP/L019469/1          SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub. The SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub (Energy SuperStore) includes 7 University partners (lead organisation University of Oxford, Imperial College, Universities of Bath, Birmingham, Cambridge, Southampton, and Warwick),  and many industrial partners. The project is formed of nine Work Packages: one for each technology and three which address cross-cutting issues in energy storage research. The Work Packages are Redox Flow Batteries; Li-ion and Na-ion batteries; Lithium-air batteries; Supercapacitors; Thermal Energy Storage; Compressed Air Energy Storage; Whole System Modelling and Economic Analysis; System integration; Manufacturing and scale-up.  £3.91m June 2014 to Dec 2019 £800k
EPSRC Research Funding for students EPSRC EPSRC issues block grants to particular universities via Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs), Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) or Industrial CASE (ICASE). The universities then manage the recruitment and selection of students to the projects that will be funded. Research grants awarded to institutions, including studentships for PhDs and Masters.      
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications EPSRC EP/L016818/1 EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications, at the Universities of Sheffield and Southampton. The Centre of Doctoral Training trains researchers in all aspects of energy but concentrating on the core technologies of electrochemical storage (batteries and supercapacitors), mechanical storage, thermal storage and superconducting magnetic energy storage. Researchers have the opportunity to interact with industrialists and gain experience in running a grid connected Lithium-ion battery. They will also undertake a major three-year research project allowing them to specialise in the topic of their choice. £4,078k Apr 2014 to Sept 2022 £500k
Energy Research Accelerator Innovate UK The Energy Research Accelerator (ERA) draws on the expertise and world-class facilities of many of the Midlands Innovation group of universities – Aston, Birmingham, Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham and Warwick, plus the British Geological Survey. The group undertakes projects using a range of capabilities in energy generation, energy storage, energy integration, and energy use. Energy Storage projects include hydrogen, battery, thermo-mechanical, mechanical energy (Compressed air), thermo-chemical, and hybrid systems technologies   The ERA is funded by Innovate UK, with match funding and support supplied by a range of industrial partners who are working together on a range of projects across the Midlands. £60m April 2016 onwards  
EPSRC Energy Storage Grand Challenge: Integrating Energy Storage for Future Energy Networks EPSRC The Integrated, Market-fit and Affordable Grid-scale Energy Storage (IMAGES) project (EPSRC EP/K002228/1). Lead organisation University of Warwick, with collaborators Loughborough University, the University of Nottingham and the British Geological Survey, focussed on the technical and economic issues when integrating large grid scale energy storage with the energy network. £3.019m Sep 2012 - Jun 2018 £500k
EPSRC Energy Storage Grand challenge: Integrating Energy Storage for Future Energy Networks EPSRC EPSRC project EP/K002252/1: Energy storage for Low-Carbon Grids. Consortium of 10 Universities, Imperial College (lead organisation), Cardiff University, Durham University, Newcastle University, University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Edinburgh, University of Oxford, University of Sheffield, University of Warwick; together with many industrial partners.   The research aims are (i) developing novel approaches for evaluating a range of energy storage technologies; and (ii) innovation around four storage technologies; Na-ion, redox flow batteries (RFB), supercapacitors, and thermal energy storage (TES), relevant to grid-scale storage applications. £5.6m Oct 2012 to June 2018    
EPRC Supergen Energy Storage Challenge EPSRC EP/N001877/1  Additive Manufacturing Next Generation Supergen Energy Storage Devices £509k Nov 2015 to May 2019  
ISCF Faraday Battery Challenge UKRI The ISCF Faraday Battery Challenge, is one of 15 Challenges funded by the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, and will develop batteries that are cost-effective, high-quality, durable, safe, low-weight and recyclable. Funding is provided for collaborative research and development projects, and includes creating the £78m Faraday Institution at the Harwell Science and Innovation campus to speed up research into battery technologies. Applied R&D projects led by Industry are described in Section 4 of this Landscape up to £246m 2018-2022 £61m
Faraday Institution UKRI EP/S003053/1 unites the expertise and insight from its 7 founding partner universities (University of Oxford, UCL, University of Warwick, University of Cambridge, Imperial College, Newcastle University, University of Southampton), along with industry partners and other academic institutions, to accelerate fundamental research to develop battery technologies. £55.7m Jan 2018 to Jun 2021 £16m
ISCF Faraday Battery Challenge – fast start projects UKRI The Faraday Institution, opened in October 2017, awarded £42 million in January 2018 to four fast start research projects: ·         Battery Degradation ·         Recycling and Reuse (ReLiB) ·         Next Generation Solid-State Batteries (SOLBAT) ·         Multiscale Modelling £42m 2018 onwards  
ISCF Faraday Battery Challenge: Faraday Institution - Battery Characterisation Call UKRI (Call for Full Proposals closed on 04 April 2019) The research topic is: To develop battery related characterisation; analytical techniques; and capabilities £2m for up to 4 awards July 2019 onwards £1m
ISCF Faraday Battery Challenge: Faraday Institution - Round 2 UKRI (Multiple Stage Call closed on 1 March 2019, Invitation for Full Proposals closed 30-May 2019, projects announced September 2019) The five research projects are: ·         Electrode manufacturing ·         Li-ion cathode materials (2 projects) ·         Na-ion batteries ·         Lithium-sulphur batteries Up to £55m for five Consortia September 2019 onwards £12m
ISCF Prospering from the Energy Revolution UKRI Prospering from the Energy Revolution is one of 15 Challenges funded by the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and aims to create more efficient smart energy systems to intelligently link energy supply, storage and use and support the move to renewable energy. up to £102.5m 2018-2022 £25m
Low Carbon Vehicle Technologies EPSRC EP/M009394/1 ELEVATE (ELEctrochemical Vehicle Advanced TEchnology). Lead organisation Loughborough University, with collaborators UCL, Warwick, Coventry, Oxford, Southampton and 9 industrial partners. The project will develop better materials for energy storage devices such as fuel cells and batteries and improve integration between devices, vehicles and power grids. The project has five interconnected work packages to identify, optimise and scale-up new materials into devices, develop novel diagnostic techniques in the lab and for on-board monitoring and control, and validate the technologies in a hybrid vehicle. £3,266k Jan 2015 - July 2019 £800k
Low Carbon Vehicle Technologies EPSRC EP/M009424/1 Ultra Efficient Engines and Fuels. Lead organisation University of Brighton, with collaborators Brunel University, University of Oxford, UCL, University of Nottingham. The project considered methods for reducing fuel consumption of the internal combustion engine. £2,999k Feb 2015 - July 2018 £1m
UK-India virtual joint clean energy centre (JUICE) EPSRC EP/P003605/1 The Joint UK-India Clean Energy Centre (JUICE). Lead organisation Loughborough University, with collaborators and 10 industrial partners. The virtual centre brings together internationally leading experts in PV technology, applied PV systems, power electronics, electricity networks, energy storage and demand-side response; and will develop integrated solutions to ensure that the value of PV generation is optimised in both India and the UK. £5,094k Oct 2016 to Sept 2020 £1,250k

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Table 3.2: Key Research Providers

 Name  Description  Sub-topics covered  No of staff  Field
University of Cambridge Faraday Institution fast-start research project: Battery Degradation
Led by the University of Cambridge with eight other university and 10 industry partners, this project is examining how environmental and internal battery stresses (such as high temperatures, charging and discharging rates) damage electric vehicle (EV) batteries over time. Results will include the optimisation of battery materials and cells to extend battery life (and hence EV range), reduce battery costs, and enhance battery safety. With Cambridge, university partners include University College London, Newcastle University, Imperial College London, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, University of Southampton, University of Liverpool and University of Warwick.
  • Battery materials
  • Battery life extension
Imperial College London Faraday Institution fast-start research project:
Multi-scale Modelling
Imperial College London is leading a consortium of seven other university and 17 industry partners to equip industry and academia with new software tools to understand and predict battery performance, by connecting understanding of battery materials at the atomic level all the way up to an assembled battery pack. The goal is to create accurate models for use by the automotive industry to extend lifetime and performance, especially at low temperatures. University collaborators include Imperial College, University of Southampton, University of Warwick, University of Oxford, Lancaster University, University of Bath, and University College London.
  • Modelling and prediction of battery performance
University of Birmingham Faraday Institution fast-start research project:
Recycling and Reuse
A project led by the University of Birmingham, including seven other academic institutions and 14 industrial partners, is determining the ways in which spent lithium batteries can be recycled. With the aim to recycle 100 of the battery, the project is looking how to reuse the batteries and their materials, to make better use of global resources, and ultimately increase the impact of batteries in improving air quality and decarbonisation. With Birmingham, university partners include the University of Leicester, Newcastle University, Cardiff University, University of Liverpool, Oxford Brookes University, University of Edinburgh, and the Science and Technology Facilities Council.
  • Lithium battery recycling
University of Oxford Faraday Institution fast-start research project:
Solid-state Batteries
The University of Oxford is leading an effort with five other university partners and nine industrial partners to break down the barriers that are preventing the progression to market of solid-state batteries, that should be lighter and safer, meaning cost savings and less reliance on cooling systems. The ambition of this project is to understand the key chemical and fabrication challenges that would be inherent in the integration of batteries with a chemistry beyond Li-ion. With Oxford, university partners include the University of Liverpool, University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Sheffield and the University of St. Andrews.
  • Solid-state batteries
Aston University School of Engineering and Applied Science EPSRC projects:
  • EP/S001778/1 Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading
  • power flows in the distribution network
Engineering and Technology
Cranfield University Advanced Vehicle Engineering Centre
  • EP/L505286/1 Revolutionary Electric Vehicle Battery (REVB) - design and integration of novel state estimation/control algorithms & system optimisation techniques
  • Electric vehicles
  • Battery
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Heriot-Watt University Heriot-Watt University Energy Academy is a centre of excellence and a gateway to Heriot-Watt s energy research and training activities. Research in the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences includes the theme electrochemical energy storage and conversion.

Heriot-Watt is the sole academic partner in the ReFLEX (Responsive Flexibility) Orkney project, providing expertise in Whole System design and modelling (see Section 5.2).

EPSRC project:
  • EP/S000933/1 Smart Microfluidics Towards Low-Cost High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries
  • Li-ion Battery
  • Microfluidics
  • Whole system design and modelling
Loughborough University Research activities at the Centre for Alternative Energy Systems Technology (CREST) cover wind power, solar PV, energy in buildings, grid connection and integration, and energy storage (including hydrogen).
  • Loughborough University is the lead organisation in the EPSRC EP/M009394/1 ELEVATE (ELEctrochemical Vehicle Advanced Technology) project. (see Table 3.1).
  • Loughborough is the lead organisation in the EP/003605/1 The Joint UK-India Clean Energy Centre (JUICE) project (see Table 3.1).
  • Loughborough is a collaborator in the EPSRC EP/K002228/1 Integrated, Market-fit and Affordable Grid-scale Energy Storage (IMAGES) project, led by University of Warwick. (see Table 3.1)
  • Grid integration
  • Thermal storage
  • Structuring of Li-ion battery materials
  • Diagnostics and metrology of battery operation
  • Vehicle to grid interface
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering;
Electrical & Electronic Engineering;
Manchester Metropolitan University The Manchester Fuel Cell Innovation Centre (MFCIC) is a £4.1m facility for fuel cell development, partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

EPSRC Supergen Energy Storage Challenge project:
  • EP/N001877/1 Additive Manufacturing Next Generation Supergen Energy Storage Devices.
    The project will develop unique 3D printed structures for supercapacitors and batteries which will give rise to significant improvements in energy storage characteristics.
  • Fuel cell
  • 3D printing for fabrication of electrochemical platforms
Chemical Engineering)
Newcastle University The Sir Joseph Swan Centre for energy research includes the theme Grid systems and Energy Storage.
  • EP/R021503/1 ISCF Wave 1: North East Centre for Energy Materials.
  • Newcastle University is the lead organisation in the North East Centre for Energy Materials (NECEM), together with the universities Durham and Northumbria, and 5 industrial partners.
  • Pumped thermal storage
  • Fuel cells
  • Electro-chemistry
  • Li-Ion, redox-flow batteries
Queen Mary, University of London The Division of Chemical Engineering and Renewable Energy is engaged in research in nanostructured functional materials and Metal Organic Framework (MOF) materials for energy conversion and storage. EPSRC projects:
  • EP/R021554/1 ISCF Wave 1:Designing Electrodes for Na Ion Batteries via Structure Electrochemical Performance Correlations.
    Queen Mary is the lead organisation, collaborating with University of Surrey, and 4 partners.
  • EP/N509899/1 Low-Cost Na-Ion Batteries
  • Na-Ion battery
  • Battery electrodes
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Engineering and Material Science)
Queen’s University Belfast Research in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering includes
  • EP/M021785/1 Design of a Novel Apparatus for the in-situ Formulation and Characterization of Safer Electrolytes
  • EP/L505262/1 Practical Lithium Air Batteries
  • Battery Electrodes
  • Li-Air battery
Swansea University The College of Engineering includes the Energy Safety Research Institute (ESRI) which is focussed on the security of supply, long-term sustainability and operational safety of energy systems.

EPSRC project:
  • EP/N013727/1 A new concept for advanced large-scale energy storage: secondary batteries with seawater as open self-replenishing cathode.
    The aim is to explore a novel technology for large-scale energy storage. This involves the use of sea-water as a positive electrode (cathode) in a hybrid system which is intermediate between a secondary sodium-ion battery and a fuel cell.
  • Sodium-ion battery
  • Fuel cell
University College London (UCL) UCL Bartlett (Faculty of the Built environment) School of Environment, Energy & Resources
  • EP/N001893/1 Realising Energy Storage Technologies in Low-carbon Energy Systems (RESTLESS)
  • Scenarios
University of Aberdeen The School of Natural and Computing Sciences
  • EP/M029794/1 A first principles study of electric double layer capacitors
  • Supercapacitors
University of Bath Department of Chemistry
  • EP/K016288/1 Energy Materials: Computational Solutions
  • EP/N004302/1 Lattice-matched electrode-electrolyte interfaces for high-performance Li-batteries
  • Materials
  • Li batteries
University of Birmingham School of Chemical Engineering
  • EP/N032888/1 Multi-scale ANalysis for Facilities for Energy STorage (Manifest)
  • Batteries
  • Grid ancillary service
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
University of Bristol School of Physics
  • EP/K016709/1 Fermi Surface Reconstruction in Cuprate High Temperature Superconductors
  • Superconductor
Physical Sciences and Mathematics (Physics)
University of Cambridge Energy Storage Research at University of Cambridge includes batteries and supercapacitors.
  • EP/N001583/1 AMorphous Silicon Alloy Anodes for Multiple Battery Systems - "AMorpheuS"
  • EP/P007767/1 Centre for Advanced Materials for Integrated Energy Systems (CAM-IES)
  • EP/P003532/1 Next Generation Solid-State Batteries
  • EP/P510142/1 Graphene coatings on Steel for large scale battery applications
  • Battery materials
  • Batteries
  • Supercapacitors
University of Durham Durham Energy Institute has research projects in energy storage within smart energy systems, and energy materials.
  • EP/P007546/1 Beyond structural; multifunctional composites that store electrical energy.
  • The University of Durham is a collaborator in the North East Centre for Energy Materials (NECEM), led by Newcastle University.
  • EP/R021503/1 ISCF Wave 1: North East Centre for Energy Materials.
  • Smart grids and energy storage
  • Polymers for energy storage
University of Edinburgh School of Engineering
  • EP/P007805/1 Centre for Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy Generation
  • EP/N508573/1 Two-Phase Polytropic Energy Storage
  • Materials
  • Expansion and compression processes
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Engineering and Electronics)
University of Exeter College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
  • EP/P003494/1 Zinc-Nickel Redox Flow Battery for Energy Storage
  • Redox flow
University of Glasgow School of Engineering
  • EP/R020892/1 ISCF Wave 1: High Energy Density Capacitors Manufactured with Optoelectronic Tweezers (CapOET)
  • EP/K022156/1 Scalable Solar Thermoelectrics and Photovaltaics. (SUNTRAP)
  • EP/P00315X/1 (Iso)alloxazine incorporating electrodes as high-performance organic energy storage materials
  • EP/N001982/1 Design and high throughput microwave synthesis of Li-ion battery materials
  • EP/N001982/2 Design and high throughput microwave synthesis of Li-ion battery materials
  • EP/K029290/1 Microwave processing for fast, green preparation of insertion electrodes
  • Capacitors
  • Battery electrode materials
  • Li-ion battery materials
University of Kent School of Engineering and Digital Arts
  • EP/R02331X/1 Formulating and Manufacturing Low Profile Integrated Batteries for Wireless Sensing Labels
  • Integrated battery
University of Leeds School of Chemical and Process Engineering
  • EP/N001745/1 Consortium for Modelling and Analysis of Decentralised Energy Storage (C-MADEnS)
  • Energy system modelling and analysis
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Process, Environmental and Material Eng)
University of Liverpool Department of Chemistry
  • EP/R020744/1 ISCF Wave 1: Earth-Abundant Metal-Air Batteries
  • EP/L505274/1 Practical Lithium Air Batteries
  • EP/K006835/1 Role of Electrocatalysts in the Electrochemistry of Oxygen in Non-Aqueous Electrolytes
  • EP/R000441/1 The Calcium-Air Battery
  • Electrodes
  • Lithium-air battery
  • Calcium-air battery
University of Manchester School of Chemistry
  • EP/K016954/1 Electrochemical Energy Storage with Graphene-Enabled Materials
  • EP/M507714/1 Graphene enabled next generation battery technology
  • EP/R023034/1 ISCF Wave 1: 3D electrodes from 2D materials
  • EP/S004335/1 Understanding N-doped graphene electrocatalysts through in-situ characterisation
  • EP/N001974/1 MY-STORE: Multi-energY storage-Social, TechnO-economic, Regulatory and Environmental assessment under uncertainty
  • EP/L014351/1 Role of energy storage in enhancing operation and stability performance of sustainable power systems (RESTORES)
  • Graphene enabled battery
  • Energy system modelling
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
University of Nottingham School of Chemistry
  • EP/S001611/1 Unlocking Na-ion systems through interphase design
  • EP/P023320/1 Generation Integrated Energy Storage - A Paradigm Shift
  • EP/K036297/1 Intelligent MicroGrids with Appropriate Storage for Energy (IMASE)
  • EP/R001251/1 Serial Hybrid Kinetic Energy Storage Systems - SHyKESS
  • Collaborator in the IMAGES project (see Table 3.1)
  • Na-ion battery
  • Integrated energy storage
  • Kinetic energy storage
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
University of Oxford Department of Materials
  • EP/R023581/1 ISCF Wave 1: Materials research hub for energy conversion, capture, and storage
  • EP/R030111/1 Robust Extra Low Cost Nano-grids (RELCON)
  • EP/S001239/1 Novel Manufacturing Approaches to Next Generation Batteries
  • EP/P005411/1 Structured electrodes for improved energy storage
  • Battery materials
  • Battery electrodes
University of Sheffield Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
  • EP/S001107/1 Affordable and clean energy via resilient and autonomous micro-grids
  • EP/L016818/1 EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications
  • EP/L505900/1 Grid integration of multiple energy-storage flywheels
  • EP/P002935/1 Higher Power Density Lead Acid Batteries
  • EP/N022289/1 TransEnergy - Road to Rail Energy Exchange (R2REE)
  • Micro-grids
  • Kinetic energy storage
  • Lead-acid battery
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
University of Southampton Faculty of Engineering
  • EP/L001004/1 Battery Characterisation and Management - the key to Smart Grids and the Integration of Electric Vehicles
  • EP/M02041X/1 Enhancing the specific energy of lithium-oxygen batteries by using redox mediators
  • EP/N024303/1 Fundamental developments of lithium-oxygen and lithium-sulphur batteries by using redox mediators
  • EP/P019099/1 Microgrid Energy Storage using Lithum-Sulfur Batteries
  • EP/R021295/1 ISCF Wave 1: Improved lifetime performance and safety of electrochemical energy stores through functionalization of passive materials and components
  • Battery characterisation and management
  • Li-oxygen battery
  • Li-sulphur battery
  • Passivation of materials
University of St Andrews School of Chemistry
  • EP/I022570/2 Crossing Boundaries in Energy Storage (Oxford)
  • EP/R023522/1 Emergent Nanomaterials (Critical Mass Proposal)
  • EP/M009521/1 Enabling next generation lithium batteries
  • EP/R030472/1 Enhancing Performance in Polyanionic Cathode Materials
  • EP/P007821/1 Multiscale tuning of interfaces and surfaces for energy applications
  • EP/I029273/2 Platform Grant Renewal - Materials for Lithium Batteries
  • EP/P510282/1 Protected Anodes for Lithium Sulphur Batteries (PALIS)
  • EP/L019469/1 SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub
  • EP/N508639/1 Scaled Electricity Storage Using Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
  • Nanomaterials
  • Lithium battery
  • Electrode materials
  • Lithium-sulphur battery
University of Strathclyde Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • EP/R041822/1 Bioinspired green manufacturing of next generation energy storage materials (Sheffield)
  • EP/T004681/1 Distributed pumped hydro for transforming energy and water access
  • Materials
  • Pumped hydro
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering)
University of Surrey Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
  • EP/M027066/1 Designing Nanoporous Carbons as Anode Materials for Sodium Ion Batteries
  • EP/R022852/1 ISCF Wave 1: High Power Material Hybridised Battery (HiPoBat)
  • EP/K035002/1 Advanced fibre-based energy storage for wearable applications
  • EP/K031562/1 Carbon Nanotube Based Textiles for Energy Storage Applications
  • Electrode materials
  • Wearable energy storage
University of Warwick School of Engineering
  • EP/S001905/1 Data-driven Intelligent Energy Management System for a Micro Grid
  • EP/P012620/1 Surrogate Assisted Approaches for Fuel Cell and Battery Models
  • EP/P026818/1 Energy Storage Electrode Manufacturing (ELEMENT)
  • EP/N509863/1 Low cost storage of renewable energy
  • EP/P510397/1 PALIS - Protected Anodes for Lithium Sulphur Batteries
  • Warwick is the lead investigator in the Integrated, Market-fit and Affordable Grid-scale Energy Storage (IMAGES) project EP/K002228/1, (see Table 3.1)
  • Energy management
  • Battery modelling
  • Na-ion battery
  • Li-sulphur battery

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