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EPSRC Manifest Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) The University of Manchester

This resource links to a data we hold in our archive


The data is from tests performed at The University of Manchester on a commercial 240 kW 180 kWh lithium-ion battery electrical energy storage system (BESS) within the EPSRC funded Multi-scale ANalysis for Facilities for Energy STorage (Manifest) Project (EP/N032888/1). The system is connected to the LV network (400 V) and is located on campus within a mixed-use (offices, lecture theatres, and laboratories) university building (so behind the meter). The tests carried out in March 2017 are described in the PDF Experiment_Description_Readme.pdf


Alessandro Massi Pavan The University of Manchester


Alessandro Massi Pavan The University of Manchester


No DOI minted

Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):

Alessandro Massi Pavan The University of Manchester (2017). EPSRC Manifest Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) The University of Manchester [Data set]. Alessandro Massi Pavan The University of Manchester. https://ukerc8.dl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dataDiscover.pl?Action=detail&dataid=4bd6e2eb-1417-4c8c-a9f0-6587fae2c0c5

Energy Category

Class Name:

Subclass Name:

Category Name:

Field Dates:

01/03/2017 - 01/03/2017

Data Date Range:

01/03/2017 - 01/03/2017

Data type:

Time Series

Data format:




Number of Units:


Unit Type:

Battery Test Facility

Number of Records:



Date and UTC time, Frequency of the grid (Hz), Real power exchanged with the grid P (kW), Reactive power exchanged with the grid Q (kVAr), State of Charge SoC (%), DC voltage (V), DC current (A), average AC voltage (V), the average AC current (A), battery ambient temperature (Degrees C)