The EDC's mission is 'access to energy information now and for the future'. To support this remit, this document outlines the policy for the collection, management and where appropriate deaccessioning of content in the EDC.
The EDC supports researchers to comply with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles by providing a discovery portal, adding controlled vocabulary information to the records to aid discovery and providing guidance.
Related documents for all types of content are EDC Cataloguing Guidelines and the EDC Preservation Policy. Additional Research Data guidance is in EDC Guide for Depositors
Management information is gathered from: AWS stats (usage); Postgres (content details) and for research data additional usage is available from CEDA.
This is for data held in the EDC, see section 4 for metadata only records
Data for reuse by researchers.
Selection & acquisition
- All UKERC data will be acquired if there is no other domain repository that it is more suitable for.
- Other data of interest to the energy community can be suggested and each will be considered individually.
- Sensitive data that needs specialist provision to support access control (i.e. about people, using Trusted Resaech Environments) is out of scope. Sensitive data that can be used using access control and/or license conditions will be considered on a case by case basis.
- If no contextual information is supplied by the data creator, then this will lead to deselection.
- All digital objects must have a license and any data access restrictions will be discussed and agreed with the EDC team.
- While the scientific quality of the resource will not be reviewed, the EDC Data Steward will check for basic usability and documentation.
The digital objects uploaded are unlikely to be held elsewhere.
Preferred formats
Recommended open formats and those which are easier to preserve. Depositor may deposit both a preservation copy in a preservation-friendly format and dissemination copies. See Guide for Depositors for details.
Data has its own metadata template, see the Cataloguing Guidelines for completion. This includes basic descriptive fields and subject specific ones.
Data will be classified against the IEA subject scheme for domain specific vocabulary.
There is a long term preservation remit for this content type.
There is no expectation that content held in the EDC will be removed.
There is a long term preservation remit for this content type. See preservation policy for more detailed information.
- Bit level preservation is outsourced to CEDA Data Archive
- Functional preservation addressed at ingest, more details in the guide to depositors.
Potential growth
As part of the DMP process a better estimate of this should be possible.
Access & licenses
Data is expected to be open, but if a case can be made for restrictions then this can be applied.
All items will have a license and information on deposit agreements recorded.
For historic (pre 2020) items, the deposit agreement information is available, but the specifics of licenses are of variable quality.
Data management planning for UKERC created data
As part of the UKERC support remit, the EDC provides guidance on data management and reuse. FAIR principles will be embedded in this training.
Grey Literature Publications
Information on:
- UKERC produced documentation, including Landscapes
- ETI outputs
- Publicly accessible roadmaps
- Project documentation
- Other large scale consortia's grey literature outputs
Selection & acquisition
UKERC publications mirror the UKERC website.
The ETI publications are a completed collection.
Landscapes commissioned by EDC and domain experts provide the content.
Processes in place to identify 3-5. They must be relevant to the energy research community.
The license on the publication must allow for acquisition.
The ETI publications have been deposited with EDC as a long-term preservation collection and are unlikely to exist as a collection elsewhere after the ETI website closes.
We are the publishers of Landscapes and hold the copy of record.
Digital objects associated with UKERC may also be on the UKERC website, but not subject to preservation activities.
Digital objects from other sources will be available from that source in the short term.
Preferred formats
PDF, JPEG, Powerpoint
Currently no restrictions on filetype.
Publications have their own metadata template, see the Cataloguing Guidelines for completion.
Records will be classified against the IEA subject scheme.
There is a long term preservation remit for this content type.
There is no expectation that content held in the EDC will be removed.
There is a long term preservation remit for these content types.See preservation policy for more detailed information.
- Bit level preservation outsourced to the CEDA archive.
- Functional preservation addressed at ingest.
Potential growth
Dissemination copies kept on all four UKERC production machines and the shared filespace. Preservation copy in the CEDA Data Archive
Access & licenses
Publicly accessible.
All items will have a license if one is recorded on the document.
For specific grey literature collections the agreement to collect will be recorded.
For historic (pre 2020) items, the specifics of licenses are of variable quality