The ETI commissioned the HEMS & ICT Market project to undertake an in depth study and assessment of HEMS along with what data, processes and controls andpotential additional services enabled via a linked ICT system. The project delivers key insights and findings in terms of potential future offerings and capabilities of these products along with market assessment information. The aim of the project was to characterise the existing market for HEMS and ICT systems and to quantify the market/commercial opportunities for future HEMS and ICT propositions for both consumer and business.
This document is the final report from the project and consists of 2 sections.
Section A covers the “Future scenarios and opportunities” for the market. This starts with an overview of the conclusions and key market opportunities with detailing of each in full. It continues with an explanation of the likely scenarios that determine how the market could develop. The latter part of Section A covers the analysis of the key drivers affecting how the market is likely to develop, as well as the main areas of value in the market which underlay the scenarios.
Section B covers the characteristics of the current HEMS and related ICT market, starting with an overview of key messages, critical success factors and risks.
Key Messages:
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Further information:
United Kingdom
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