The offshore wind sub-theme focusses on offshore wind, both fixed and floating platforms. This report focusses on offshore wind exclusively as it: 1) is expected to be deployed at significantly larger scale than solar and onshore wind and 2) is a relatively immature technology with greater opportunities for innovation to bring system benefits and unlock export opportunities for UK business. Offshore wind’s role in the energy system, as a variable renewable, is like that of solar and onshore wind in that it is a relatively low-cost source of low-carbon electricity. However, the ability to deploy the technology without as many practical and acceptability limits that occur onshore means that a higher potential is possible. In the future, if the available resource is less constrained, it may be possible for offshore wind to production of storable renewable fuels (e.g. hydrogen).
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Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
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Energy Category
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1221415 B
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