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Scoping New Thermal CCS Power Station - Stage B Identification of potential sites

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This project undertook a desk-top selection and review study, to identify potential sites available for the development of a new low carbon thermal power plant that might benefit from the marginal cost of connection to a carbon sink. Stage A of the study, presented in July 2014, identified a ‘long list’ of possible sites for new power stations, and applied qualitative criteria to highlight sixteen high ranking sites, confirming the potential variety of development locations in the target geographical area. The Stage A report included a commentary on each of the 16 sites, outlining the basis of the ranking scores for these sites and an overall site summary. The individual sites were not highly differentiated in the initial desk top review and are dominated by current or previous generating sites.  This Stage B report presents the outputs of the desktop study related to summary outlines for project development for clean fossil. The study has focused on four technology applications to illustrate potential development approaches at sample regional sites but stresses that these locations are representative of a wider number of similar sites. The study also identifies a number of regional power projects that are ‘indevelopment’ that may have merits for clean fossil deployment and through collaboration could reduce the time-scale for route to market of a part chain CCS project.

Publication Year:





Bonser, E. and Lowe, R.



File Type:


File Size:

8416773 B


Energy Technologies Institute Open Licence for Materials

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report


Carbon Capture and Storage