The UK has the world’s highest offshore wind electricity generation capacity. By 2016 it had over 4GW installed but more needs to be done to drive down the cost of offshore wind so it can compete with both current fossil fuel technologies and the lowest priced forms of low carbon energy generation. The UK Government has set a target for 2026 of £85/MWh for electricity from offshore wind. Current prices are in excess of £100/MWh.
Recognising these challenges ETI invested in innovative development of very long blade technology with the focus on reducing both blade cost and weight for a given length – helping to increase turbine performance. The longer and lighter the blade, the more energy the turbine can generate in operation. This was delivered though the development with Blade Dynamics of their technology platform for the manufacture of very large wind turbine blades in a new process that builds the blade not in a single piece but from a set of major sub-assemblies using lightweight carbon fi bre materials. This production process reduces costs by allowing the lower cost manufacture of smaller, higher quality parts than previous manufacturing approaches with common structures in each sub-assembly, further reducing costs.
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United Kingdom
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