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Enabling Technologies - Technology Review and Gap Analysis - Request for proposals

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Energy systems have developed to meet domestic and commercial consumer needs for energy services such as comfort, mobility, cleanliness, lighting, entertainment, manufacturing, sales etc. The requirements for space and water heating, along with mobility dominate the UK’s current energy demand and associated contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.

The ETI has commissioned a major two-phase Smart Systemsand Heat programme in 2012, focussing specifically on the design, development and demonstration of a smart energy system aligned with the needs of UK consumers in the domestic and small commercial-scale sectors.

Through prior work the ETI has developed a good understanding of a wide range of technologies and sub-systems which could be deployed in a smart energy system. This is referred to at the ETI Smart Systems Technology Catalogue. The ETI Smart Systems Technology Catalogue is populated with both quantitative and qualitative data relating to a range of different technology types. The aim of the WA1.1 project, for which this is the request for proposals, is to ensure that this list is comprehensive and no key technologies are omitted.

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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Proposal Request




Smart Systems and Heat