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Techno-Economic Assessment of Biomass Pre-Processing (TEABPP) -Down-selection and workshop report

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The techno-economic project will provide a greater understanding of the options available to modify or improve the physical and chemical characteristics of different types of UK-derived 2nd generation energy biomass feedstocks, that may otherwise reduce the cost-effective performance of conversion technologies

This report details the selection process for the modelling phase of the TEAB project, focusing on the downselecting of ten clearly defined case studies, from amongst the thousands of possible chain choices considered within the Deliverable 2 (D2) Excel tool. These 10 case studies are grouped in to twos or threes to compare the costs, efficiencies and GHG emissions of biomass supply chains “with” and “without” significant preprocessing. This Deliverable 3 (D3) report is a summary of the chain prioritisation process, containing:-

  • The agreedselection criteria used;
  • A write-up of the down-selection workshop discussions and decisions held;
  • The further data collected and improvements made to the D2 tool; and
  • Justification for the selection of the final 10 case studies– based on an assessment rating the chains against the selectioncriteria, highlighting particular strengths or weaknesses, and where particular criteria exclude groups of chains or chains containing particular components.
These 10 chains are the TEABPP project team’s recommendations for incorporation into the WP3 process modelling. The ordering is based on the order of discussion and justification above, and not based on a particular priority order.

  • Heat
    • Underfed combustion
      • Natural drying+ screening
      • Water washing
  • Power
    • BFB gasifier
      • Natural drying+ screening
      • Water wash + pelleting
    • CFB combustion
      • Natural drying+ screening
      • Pelleting
      • Chemical
      • wash + pelleting
    • EF gasifier + CCGT
      • Pelleting
      • Torrefaction+ pelleting
      • Pyrolysis

Publication Year:





Taylor, R., Howes, J., Shah, N., Eastwood, M. and Hughes, K.



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File Size:

3701178 B


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United Kingdom

Publication Type:

Technical Report

