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Tidal Energy Converter (TEC) Phase 2 - Presentaiton: Addressing the Uncertainties in Application of Hydrodynamic Loads for Industrial Tidal Stream Technology Support Structure Design

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Phase two of the ETI Tidal Energy Converter (TEC) project will see two Atlantis owned 1.5MW commercial tidal energy turbines installed on an innovative foundation structure designed and built as part of the project. This will take place at the MeyGen site in Scotland and increase the number of turbines at the site from four to six, increasing the rated capacity of the tidal array from 6MW to 9MW (enough to power 4,500 local homes). Atlantis are developing a patent-pending innovative and cost effective multi-turbine foundation design as a result of the work they undertook in the first phase of the project - a total system lifecycle cost of energy methodology to identify tidal energy system technologies capable of significantly reducing the cost of energy being deployed at array scale.

This presentation covers:

  • ETI TEC Project
  • Design Process
  • HydrodynamicModel Testing
  • Summary
    • B&V are currently finalising the detailed design of an innovative subsea support structure for the tidal energy industry –StreamTec™
    • This concept has been borne out of industry experience and a holistic approach to optimising tidal stream technology
    • The design process has been developed from a comprehensive understanding of the dependency of the economic feasibility of the concept on the various system components and their respective design drivers
    • The solution to a complex problem, composed of an array of smaller complex problems, does not necessarily need to be a complex one!

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O’Sullivan K.

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1670546 B


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