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Projects: Details for ETI-SS1108
Details for ETI-SS1108
Reference Number ETI-SS1108
Title Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) Programme - Integrated Electric Heating Project
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 90%;
Other Cross-Cutting Technologies or Research(Other Supporting Data) 10%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
EDF Energy
Award Type Institute Project
Funding Source ETI
Start Date 01 April 2013
End Date 31 July 2013
Duration 4 months
Total Grant Value £700,000
Industrial Sectors Technical Consultancy
Region London
Programme Smart Systems and Heat
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , EDF Energy (99.999%)
Other Investigator Project Contact , Energy Systems Catapult Limited (0.001%)
Web Site
Objectives The aim of the project is to detail a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) performance specification from the published evidence on comfort and control e.g. definition of the physical parameters that need to be delivered by the HEMS system, for various market segments. The project will summarise the findings and communicate the key implications for the design of better HEMS.

The Integrated Electric Heating Project provided a modelling tool to evaluate the opportunities and challenges for electric heating to meet UK household requirements. The tool will be used to create and evaluate upgrade pathways for a small number of housing archetypes informed by detailed information gathered from dwelling participating in the recent Home Energy Management System trial.

About the project

  • The project aims to understand the opportunities and challenges for electric heat to meet ongoing UK household requirements
  • Project will build modelling software to analyse the interaction across UK housing architecture of heating systems, control systems, building fabrics, weather and consumer requirements
  • The Energy Systems Catapult will deliver the project via EDF Energy who will build the new software based on their existing open source BuildSysPro modelling tool

Many modelling scenarios suggest electric heating could play an important part of a future decarbonised energy system. The Integrated Electric Heating Project aims to provide an understanding of the opportunities and challenges for electric heating to meet UK household requirements. Through this project EDF Energy will be tasked with developing a software package by extending the capability of their existing open source BuildSysPro modelling tool. With this newly developed software tool the Catapult and EDF Energy will jointly model the interaction across a number of domestic UK building archetypes and household types between the heating system, control system, building fabric, weather and consumer requirements.

The outputs from this modelling will highlight the specific opportunities and challenges of delivering low carbon heating solutions in UK homes whilst considering the needs of domestic residents. It will also enable the Catapult to undertake future detailed engineering analysis of current home energy/ heating systems and new heating technologies as they emerge.


WP1 Integrated Electrical Heat - Supporting simulations for BEIS response to IEA Annex 42


No related projects


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WP1 Integrated Electrical Heat - Integrated Electric Heat - Upgrade Analysis Final Report

Added to Database 11/10/18