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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SSEN_0059
Title CageCapture™ ™ SF6 Paint Detection
Status Started
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD)
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 September 2022
End Date 30 September 2024
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £437,219
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Scotland
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD) (99.995%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited (0.001%)
Project Contact , Eastern Power Networks plc (0.001%)
Project Contact , Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc (SHEPD) (99.995%)
Project Contact , South Eastern Power Networks plc (0.001%)
Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc (0.001%)
Project Contact , UKPN London Power Networks plc (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Scottish and Southern Energy plc (0.000%)
Project Contact , SP Energy Networks (0.000%)
Project Contact , UK Power Networks (0.000%)
Project Contact , Northern Powergrid (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_SSEN_0059
Objectives The project is initially a research project followed by a real world trial to deliver a leak detection coating that can be applied to switchgear pipework and flanges to provide visual indication of leak points (either a fluorescence that can be seen with a UV torch or a change in colour visible to the naked eye). The application will provide an easy-to-deploy solution to accelerate leak detection and reduce total emissions. Further, early leak detection will prevent damage to assets caused by moisture entering the switchgear, hazards relating to SF6 contamination and facilitate timely repair or replacement of assets. Stage 1 Proof of concept SF6 detection coating developed and tested in relevant lab environment.Stage 2 Evaluate the performance of SF6 detection coating applied to nine circuit breakers in service on the distribution networks. Trial sites will preferably be in three different locations to provide the typical range of UK environmental conditions including coastal and higher altitude locations.As detailed in section 3.2 the project has the potential to deliver up to £11m in financial benefits to GB distribution customers based on early detection of leaked SF6 gas. Stage 1:Proof of concept detection with CageCapture™ material. Quantifiable detection results will be undertaken to measure the success of the CageCapture™ detection proof of concept.Stage 2:Prototype testing of the coating. Evaluation of coating function in real world environment, measured by real world testing results.
Abstract CageCapture™ Detection solution will improve the speed of response to reduce sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions by enabling early detection and location of SF6 leakage points in assets. The project will deliver a leak detection coating that can be applied to switchgear pipework and flanges for the detection of SF6 leaks, indicated by exhibiting an Ultraviolet fluorescence or colour change. Stage 1 will validate the proof of concept in a suitable test environment; Stage 2 will evaluate application of the product to switchgear on the distribution networks.

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Added to Database 14/10/22