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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_NGET0169
Title Transmission Network Topology Optimisation
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
National Grid Electricity Transmission
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 September 2015
End Date 01 April 2016
Duration 7 months
Total Grant Value £150,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region London
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , National Grid Electricity Transmission (100.000%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/project/NIA_NGET0169
Objectives The objective of phase 1 of the project is to investigate if it is feasible to use the existing algorithms developed for use with the PJM transmission system to propose topology changes that can be used by engineers within operational planning to optimise the GB NETS and provide recommended actions to the Control Room. The continuation of the study into phase 2 will depend on the outcome of phase 1 and, as a relatively short project, the outcome may lead to further detailed developments. The ability to utilise the existing algorithms to identify changes to network topology that can be utilised to reduce constraint costs by avoiding potential electricity market actions. Topology changes should be credible and in line with existing operating criteria. Phase 1 will be consider a success if the existing algorithms can be used with the existing NGET transmission models to identify credible alternative network topology that can be used as a starting point to study the transmission network and reduce the requirement for balancing actions and reducing constraint costs, based on fixed generation. Phase 2 will be considered a success if the algorithms provide both credible topology and the market impact of revised generation despatch. Similar assessments across the PJM transmission region in the USA have identified improvements of 5 - 10% in the thermal capacity across critical network boundaries. If similar improvements were identified on GB NETS thermal constraint boundaries it is anticipated that constraint costs savings could be of the order of £1 - £5m.
Abstract National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) is responsible for balancing the GB National Electricity Transmission System (GB NETS) on a continuous basis. The costs to carry out this role are passed through to users of the system via Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) charges. One of the key cost components of BSUoS is constraint costs, where the GB NETS is unable to transmit power required to the location of demand due to congestion at one or more parts of the network. NGET will take action in the market to increase and decrease the amount of electricity at different locations on the network. This could be by entering balancing services contracts, trading or taking actions in the Balancing Mechanism. The need to take action and the volume of electricity being increased and decreased can be influenced by switching the network to optimise flows on transmission circuits. However the network needs to be optimised to accommodate a changing generation and demand profile over the day and deal with the potential loss of any piece of the system. As the electricity generation mix changes the GB NETS is becoming increasingly complex and network optimisation is becoming more time and resource consuming, requiring more frequent changes due to the increasing amount of new intermittent renewable generation. The current methods of optimising the network are based around historic solutions and engineering knowledge of a system that is rapidly changing. Alternative methods of identifying optimised network configurations in a timely manner that offer an alternative to balancing actions are required to meet future system needs. We propose a feasibility study based on algorithms that have been developed during research by a consultancy company in partnership with Boston University and USA transmission organisation PJM. The study will investigate if the existing algorithms can be applied to the GB NETS to provide network configurations to build an optimised operating plan and reduce balancing actions. The study consists of two separate stages. This proposal covers all stages of the work, although a decision will be made at the end of Phase 1 as to the appropriateness of continuing into Phase 2 based on the feasibility and results of Phase 1. As the feasibility study is based around utilising algorithms derived in research projects on the US transmission network, National Grid has invested resources into establishing the compatibility of the algorithms with existing NGET network modelling software to ensure that Phase 1 can start in a timely manner. This work has been undertaken prior to the start and registration of the project at NGET cost and is expected to be complete by September 2015. Phase 1 - Initial analysis of historic conditions with fixed dispatch. Transmission network topology change options to relieve congestion will be identified for five historic snapshots and the resultant change in generation dispatch compared to actual generation changes. This is expected to be done from September to November / December 2015. Assuming Phase 1 provides suitable topology solutions, the study will progress to Phase 2. Phase 2 -Pricing impact analysis of topology control and generation dispatch for historic snapshots. This phase builds on Phase 1 introducing market models to fully understand the market impact of changing the network topology, considering changes in generation despatch that are feasible as a result of the topology changes.Should Phase 1 not provide positive results, Phase 2 will not progress, reducing the costs by around £60k.Note : Project Documents may be available via the ENA Smarter Networks Portal using the Website link above

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Added to Database 17/12/18