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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/N020863/1
Title SPECIFIC IKC Phase 2
Status Started
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Solar Energy, Photovoltaics) 25%;
Renewable Energy Sources(Solar Energy, Solar heating and cooling (including daylighting)) 25%;
Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 25%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Energy storage) 25%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 50%;
Applied Research and Development 50%;
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Chemistry) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Architecture and the Built Environment) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Systems Analysis related to energy R&D (Other Systems Analysis) 50%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 25%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Other sociological economical and environmental impact of energy) 25%;
Principal Investigator Dr DA Worsley
No email address given
Swansea University
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 01 April 2016
End Date 31 March 2025
Duration 108 months
Total Grant Value £2,997,633
Industrial Sectors Construction; Energy; Manufacturing
Region Wales
Programme Energy : Energy, Manufacturing : Manufacturing
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr DA Worsley , Engineering, Swansea University (99.990%)
  Other Investigator Dr G Williams , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Professor N McMurray , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Dr C Charbonneau , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Dr EH Jewell , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Dr M Carnie , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Dr M Davies , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Professor J Durrant , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Professor S Margadonna , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Dr C Pleydell-Pearce , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
Dr T Watson , Engineering, Swansea University (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Jaguar Land Rover Limited (0.000%)
Project Contact , Pilkington Group Ltd (0.000%)
Project Contact , Cogent Power Ltd (0.000%)
Project Contact , BASF AG, Germany (0.000%)
Project Contact , G24 Power (0.000%)
Project Contact , The Solar Press UK Ltd. (0.000%)
Project Contact , Welsh Assembly Government (0.000%)
Project Contact , Moixa Technology Limited (0.000%)
Project Contact , Oxford Photovoltaics Limited (0.000%)
Project Contact , BIPVCo (0.000%)
Project Contact , Is3 Limited (0.000%)
Project Contact , Tata Group UK (0.000%)
Project Contact , Elmeric GmbH, Germany (0.000%)
Project Contact , Sony United Kingdom Ltd (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract The UK faces a challenge of providing an energy system that is secure, sustainable and affordable. The cost of upgrading the power infrastructure is estimated to be 200bn using a centralised energy generation model. We believe that the Buildings as Power Stations concept can create a whole new manufacturing and business opportunity and dramatically reduce the investment required to create a secure future for the next generation. Even reducing the power infrastructure investment by 10% represents a 20bn UK opportunity which is mirrored across the developed world.So far on our journey we have had substantial impact and SPECIFIC is a key component to ensure commercialisation of these disruptive technologies principally though leadership of demonstration of new technology in the built environment. Research leadership and excellence is backed up by the publishing of 149 papers, international invited conference presentations and an expanding portfolio of 29 patents. A network of over 52 early adopter industrial partners, spanning both large corporates through to a selection of fast moving and innovative SMEs has also been grown. Where no company or market yet exists we have elected to spin two companies out. Alongside this, world class facilities have been created for large scale research and demonstration of product manufacture, including three pilot lines co-located with world class scientific research instrumentation. The opening of the Solcer Demonstration house in July this year is a key milestone; with colleagues at the Welsh School of Architecture (Cardiff) and the construction supply chain, this 'Active House' uses EXISTING technology harnessed in a unique way to generate up to twice as much energy as it uses. Combining solar electric and thermal generation and storage systems the house is globally unique and with a construction cost of under 150k it is affordable.The journey into the next decade brings both challenge and opportunity. We intend to build the success of the first four years and to deliver critical new technologies to market, including printed photovoltaics at half the current commercial Si cost, safer building scale aqueous batteries delivering the opportunity to time shift renewable generation to demand, and solar thermal integrated storage solutions which create Active Buildings that do not require gas heating. Each of these sectors alone represent a billion pound opportunity and together they create a compelling case for a paradigm shift in our energy matrix from centralised generation and grid distribution to a model of distributed energy generation.This is disruptive technology so accurate market assessment is challenging. However, considering domestic new build in isolation, with 145,000 new UK homes built in 2014 and assuming an average 125k construction cost (proved through the Solcer House project) this translates to a > 1.8bn annual domestic new build opportunity if only 10% of new homes use the Buildings as Powerstations concept. Given it is affordable, environmentally friendly and offers building owners an additional income stream this projection is conservative. The opportunity in retrofit is even larger as is that in commercial and industrial buildings. The associated manufacturing opportunity will create 5000 jobs in the construction supply chain and give the UK, centred in Wales, a 'once in a lifetime opportunity' to lead the world using technology invented, developed, proven and manufactured here. Wales and the UK can be a beacon of leadership for developed and developing nations alike in a new industrial revolution.

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Added to Database 08/02/19