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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/M015351/1
Title Opening New Fuels for UK Generation
Status Completed
Energy Categories Renewable Energy Sources(Bio-Energy, Other bio-energy) 10%;
Other Power and Storage Technologies(Electric power conversion) 90%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (General Engineering and Mineral & Mining Engineering) 75%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Chemical Engineering) 25%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Dr P Fennell
No email address given
Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 01 April 2015
End Date 30 September 2018
Duration 42 months
Total Grant Value £1,035,606
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region London
Programme Energy : Energy
Investigators Principal Investigator Dr P Fennell , Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London (99.991%)
  Other Investigator Dr N Mac Dowell , Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London (0.001%)
Professor M Pourkashanian , Energy Resources Research Unit, University of Leeds (0.001%)
Dr JM Jones , Energy Resources Research Unit, University of Leeds (0.001%)
Professor GP Harrison , Energy Systems, University of Edinburgh (0.001%)
Dr J (John ) Gibbins , Sch of Engineering and Electronics, University of Edinburgh (0.001%)
Dr MS Lucquiaud , Sch of Engineering and Electronics, University of Edinburgh (0.001%)
Dr H Chalmers , Sch of Engineering and Electronics, University of Edinburgh (0.001%)
Dr J Li , Sch of Engineering and Electronics, University of Edinburgh (0.001%)
Dr L Ma , Computational Fluid Dynamics, University of Leeds (0.001%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , Dalkia (0.000%)
Project Contact , Howden Group Technology (0.000%)
Project Contact , Alstom Ltd (UK) (0.000%)
Project Contact , Orchid Environmental Limited (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract This project seeks to investigate the potential for using waste materials within combustion systems within the UK in the future, and how the combustion of such wastes might affect the ability of a power station to respond to changes in electricity demand. The purpose is not to look at today's electricity system and systems of governance with respect to combustion of wastes, but to consider how a rational system would be designed that utilised all potential fuel streams (and takes into account that different wastes will contain different levels of trace elements, some of which may be quite minor). An important point is that many wastes are currently landfilled - meaning that both the energy content of the waste is lost and a bulky material ends up in landfill.Here, we will conduct experiments looking at emissions of trace elements during combustion and co-firing (with coal) of different types of "waste" materials (for example, wood from demolition sites), together with analysis of ashes produced. The results will then be used to generate models of power plants burning wastes, and used to determine whether, for the wastes examined, the most rational use of the waste is combustion in dedicated facilities or co-combustion. It is clear that some of the wastes we will examine currently fall within the remit of the waste incineration directive (though all will be non-halogenated). We will examine whether this is scientifically valid.

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Added to Database 06/01/15