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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Cadent Gas
Department:   None
NIA_NGGD0092 P A new technical specification for future gas composition analysis equipment
NIA_CAD0027 P Above Ground Crossing Inspection Mapping
NIA_NGGD0012 P Alternative Jointing Techniques for Small Diameter PE Pipe
NIA_CAD0026 P Alternative Preheat Solutions
NIA_NGGD0021 P Alternative Riser Pipe Jointing Method - Pyplok
NIA_CAD0018 P Assessment and Creation of Novel PE Pipe Repair Systems
NIA_NGGD0093 P Assessment of Bioenergy Resource Potential for UK Biomethane
NIA_WWU_006 P Asset Health & Criticality Modelling
NIA_NGGD0003 P Asset Health Modelling
NIA_CAD0011 P Automated Pipeline BIM Modelling and Cost Estimating Tool – Stage 1
NIA_CAD0021 P Automated Pipeline BIM Modelling and Cost Estimating Tool – Stage 2
NIA_NGGD0085 P BioH2 Project: Production of hydrogen by the gasification of waste
NIA_CAD0020 P BioSNG City Conversion
NGGDGN01 P BioSNG Demonstration Plant
NIA_CAD0029 P Blended Hydrogen and Compressed Natural Gas for Transport
NIA_NGGD0065 P Blown Air Extrusion
NIA_NGGD0082 P Blown Air Extrusion (BAE) - Proof of Concept 3
NIA_NGGD0067 P Blown Air Extrusion (BAE) Fully Structural Solution - Proof of Concept
NIA_NGGD0078 P Blown Air Extrusion (BAE) Material Lifetime Testing
NIA_CAD0004 P Bonded Saddle for Temporary Mains Access
NIA_CAD0012 P CIPP for Services
NIA_NGGD0013 P CISBOT 18" Cast Iron Demonstration
NIA_NGGD0014 P Cast Iron Fitness For Purpose (CIFFP)
NGGDGN02 P Commercial BioSNG Demonstration Plant
NIA_NGGD0094 P Composite Repairs to Complex Shapes
NIA_CAD0037 P Composite repairs for through wall defects on metal pipes
NIA_CAD0044 P Compounded Factors
NIA_NGGD0076 P Concrete Removal System for Multi-Occupancy Buildings (MOBs)
NIA_CAD0070 P Connecting with Customers – Intelligent Virtual Surveying Tool for Vulnerable Customers
NIA_CAD0003 P Connections Forecasting Feasibility Study
NIA_SGN0086 P Cured In-Place Pipe (CIPP) (Stage 3)
NIA_CAD0092 P Customer Safeguarding Virtual Training Platform
NIA_SGN0026 P Customer Self Isolation and Restoration (Stage 2)
NIA_CAD0057 P Decision Tool
NIA_NGGD0026 P Demand Allocation
NIA_NGGD0052 P Demand Allocation Phase 2
NIA_NGGD0011 P Demand Scaling
NIA_CAD0007 P Deployment of Resin-based Pipe Replacement in Services
NIA_NGGT0023 P Development of "AGI safe"
NIA_NGGD0007 P Development of DANINT FWAVC software for New Gas Chromatograph
NIA_NGGD0055 P Development of Gas Industry Specification for Polymeric Pipe Lining Systems for Multi-Occupancy Buil
NIA_NGGD0002 P Development of Packaged Solution for Bio Methane Injection
NIA_NGGD0041 P Development of Specification for PE Repair Systems
NIA_NGGD0080 P Development of draft NGG standard for RTP pipelines
NIA_CAD0088 P Digital Exclusion
CAD_SIF0003 P Digital Inspector
CAD_SIF0005 P Digital Platform for Leakage Analytics Beta Phase
CAD_SIF0002 P Digital Platform for Leakage Analytics – Alpha Round 1
NIA_WWU_001 P Diurnal Storage (Phase 2)
NIA_CAD0041 P Duraseal Repair Method
NIA_CAD0014 P EZ Valve performance and material testing GIS V7-1
NIA_NGGD0071 P EZ valve: Live Insertion of Pipeline Isolation Valves on Risers
NIA_CAD0042 P Easy Assist ECV
NIA_CAD0063 P Easy Assist ECV Phase 2
NIA_CAD0085 P Easy Assist Remote Actuation
NIA_CAD0089 P EasyKey
NIA_CAD0094 P Effect of 100% hydrogen on cast iron assets
NIA_CAD0017 P End Load Restrain Capability
NIA_CAD0058 P Energy Centre
NIA_NGGT0106 P European Pipeline Research Group 2016
NIA_NGGD0048 P Examination of the relationship between leakage and operating pressure in MP systems
NIA_NGGD0045 P Fence Feet Improvements
NIA_CAD0056 P Field Trials For Hydrogen Blended Gas Detection Equipment
NIA_NGN_0035 P Fracture Monitoring Using Acoustics
NGGDLGN04 P Future Billing Methodology
NIA_CAD0043 P Gas Demand Forecast - Phase 3 - Hydrogen
NIA_NGN_206 P H21 - Alternative hydrogen production and Network storage technologies
NIA_NGN_210 P H21 - Keighley and Spadeadam designs
NIA_NGN_204 P H21 - Strategic Modelling, Major Urban Centers
NIA_NGN_207 P H21 -Domestic and Commercial Metering
NIA_CAD0090 P HVT Appliance Development Business Case
NGGDGN03 P HyDeploy
CADENT06 P HyDeploy2
NIA_CAD0087 P HyLights: Hydrogen Gas Lamp Feasibility
NIA_CAD0035 P HyNet Expansion Options
NIA_CAD0025 P HyNet Motion; Optimising Network Delivery of Hydrogen for Vehicle Transport
NIA_CAD0015 P HyNet – Capital Resources Project
NIA_CAD0104 P Hydrogen Blending: National Safety Evidence Review
NIA_CAD0022 P Hydrogen Grid to Vehicle (HG2V); Network purity for Transport.
NIA_CAD0091` P Hydrogen Technical and Safety Case for Domestic Heat
NIA_CAD0086 P Hydrogen Village - Property Market Evaluation
NIA_CAD0050 P Hydrogen blending - Optimisation of the commercial regime
NIA_CAD0009 P Hydrogen in natural gas – impact on gas engine CHP
NIA_NGGD0087 P I-0052 Optomole Phase 4
NIA_CAD0060 P I-0321 Transport Pathways
NIA_CAD0062 P I-0331 Optimising Distribution of Hydrogen Phase 2
NIA_CAD0066 P I-0334 Hy4Transport
NIA_CAD0064 P I-0335 HyNet Basis of Design Project
NIA_CAD0065 P I-0337 HyNet Operation and Control
NIA_CAD0067 P I-0339 - Technical Review - KIWA
NIA_CAD0068 P I-0342 Cumbrian Hydrogen vision and pathway – Phase 1 Feasibility
NIA_CAD0069 P I-0343 Calorific value and gas quality impact assessment of hydrogen and biomethane blends
NIA_NGGD0086 P I0071 H2 Clusters
NIA_NGGD0059 P Impact of Distributed Gas Sources on the GB Gas Network
NGGTGN02 P In Line Robotic Inspection of High Pressure Installations
NIA_CAD0024 P In Pipe Drone Feasibility
NIA_CAD0001 P Industry and Network Blends - Delivering Reduced Carbon Intensity on the Network
NIA_NGGD0032 P Intelligent CO Monitors
NIA_CAD0071 P Intelligent Governor Surveying and Monitoring
NIA_CAD0036 P Internal Joint Repairs
NIA_NGGD0008 P Internal Stress Corrosion Cracking (ISCC) Assessment Work
NIA_NGGD0040 P Introduction of 19 Bar PE Pipeline in the UK Gas Network
NIA_WWU_009 P Investment Prioritisation in Distribution Systems
NIA_WWU_003 P Iron Mains Condition Assessment System
NIA_WWU_017 P Iron Mains Condition Assessment System Phase 3
NIA_WWU_007 P Iron Mains Condition Assessment System Phase 3a
NIA_NGGD0047 P Jointing Techniques for PE Gas Pipelines up to 10 bar
NIA_NGGD0044 P KOBUS Gas Pipe Puller
NIA_CAD0030 P Kobus Gas Pipe Puller Stage 2
NIA_CAD0039 P Long Term Asset Reliability Study for Hydrogen Blended Gas
NIA_CAD0093 P Low Power Heat
NIA_NGGD0088 P MEG Fogger Phase 5
NIA_NGGD0043 P MEG Fogger Trial Phase 3
NIA_NGGD0058 P MEG Fogger Trial Phase 4a
NIA_NGGD0004 P MEG Improvement
NIA_NGGD0023 P MEG Improvement Phase 2B
NIA_NGGD0034 P MEG Improvement Phase 2C
NIA_NGGD0089 P MEG Saturation Monitoring
NIA_CAD0008 P Management of Brittle Plastic Materials
NIA_NGGD0096 P Mechanical Purge End Fitting
NIA_CAD0054 P Methane Alarms
NIA_NGGD0095 P Migration Corrosion Inhibitors
NIA_NGGD0064 P Mobile Virtual Reality Modelling
NIA_NGGD0033 P Multi-Occupancy Building CIP (HTC Serline)
NIA_NGGD0035 P Multi-Occupancy Building Cured In Place Lining (Nu Flow)
NIA_NGGD0097 P Multi-Occupancy Building Cured In Place Lining (NuFlow)
NIA_NGGD0073 P Multi-Occupancy Building Cured In Place Lining (NuFlow) trial
NIA_CAD0013 P Multi-Occupancy Building Cured In Place Lining (NuFlow): Further Development of Technology for GD Riser Systems
NIA_NGGD0056 P Network Outperformance Measure Risk Trading Methodology
NIA_NGGD0068 P Network Outperformance Measure Risk Trading Methodology Stage 2
NIA_CAD0048 P No Power Hot Water Feasibility
NIA_CAD0059 P No Power Hot Water Phase 2
NIA_NGGD0038 P On-Line Fourier Transform Infrared Siloxane Analyser for Monitoring Biomethane Sites
NIA_NGGD0031 P Optimal use of Quick Response (QR) Codes
NIA_NGGD0001 P Optimise Own Energy Use
NIA_CAD0046 P Optimising Distribution of Hydrogen
NIA_CAD0061 P Optinet
NIA_SGN0006 P Optomole
NIA_NGGD0009 P Orifice Plate Deformation
NIA_NGGD0010 P PE Asset Life Research
NIA_CAD0040 P PE Repairs Test Specification
NIA_CAD0031 P PPE Fabric Discovery
NIA_NGGT0100 P PRCI - Pipeline Research Council International - 2016
NIA_NGGD0054 P PRISM (Pipe Replacement in situ Manufacturing) - 6" Line Trial
NIA_NGGD0077 P PRISM (Pipe Replacement in situ Manufacturing) - Above Ground Trial
NIA_NGGD0083 P PRISM (Pipe Replacement in situ Manufacturing) - Below Ground Dead Main Trial and Associated Work
NIA_NGGD0081 P PRISM (Pipe Replacement in situ Manufacturing) - Below Ground Yard Trial
NIA_NGGD0070 P PRISM (Pipe Replacement in situ Manufacturing) - Material Lifetime Testing
NIA_NGGD0042 P PRISM (Pipe replacement in situ manufacturing) - Strategy and High Level Plan for Delivery.
NIA_CAD0010 P Phased Array Cable Avoidance
NIA_CAD0034 P Phased Array Phase 3
NIA_NGGD0019 P Pipeline Failure Rate Determination Due To Inland Natural Landsliding
NIA_CAD0049 P Pipeline Spacers
NIA_NGGD0020 P Pressure to Gas
NIA_NGGD0049 P Pressure to Gas (Phase 2)
NGGTGN03 P Project CLoCC - Customer Low Cost Connections
NIA_NGN_142 P Project Concur
NIA_WWU_025 P Project Futurewave - Phase 2 (Digital Prototype)
NIA_CAD0006 P Remote Asset Vibration Monitoring
NIA_CAD0038 P Remote Live Mains Insertion (RLMI)
NIA_NGGD0084 P Remote monitoring Device for Flammable and Toxic Gases
NIA_NGGD0075 P Repair Sleeve for Gas Pipe Systems in Multi-Occupancy Buildings (MOBs)
NIA_CAD0005 P Resin-based Gas Distribution Pipe Replacement
NIA_NGGD0030 P Review and Validation of the current gas demand forecasting methodology
NIA_CAD0016 P Review of MTC Proposed Solutions for Resin Based Service Replacement Solution
NIA_NGGD0051 P Review of the FWACV Billing Regime
NIA_NGGT0105 P Risk Assessment Methodologies for Pipelines and AGI’s 2016
NIA_CAD0028 P Roadmap to Development & Certification of Hydrogen Blended Gas Detection Equipment
NIA_NGGD0015 P SEAMS Analytical Pilot
NIA_NGGD0061 P SENSIT Acoustic Pipe Locator
NIA_NGGD0091 P Safe Digging Phased Array Feasibility Study
NIA_NGGD0006 P Sealback II
NIA_NGGD0066 P Sealback II (Testing)
NIA_NGGD0057 P ServiBoost
NIA_CAD0053 P ServiBoost Phase 3
NIA_NGGD0039 P Siloxane Impact Study
NIA_CAD0023 P Smart Tester – MP applications
NIA_NGGD0022 P Study of crater formation threshold during gas leakage on high pressure pipes
NIA_NGGD0037 P TD Williams On Guided Wave Non Destructive Testing Inspection For High Rise Buildings
NIA_NGGD0025 P The impact of biomethane on odorisation in gas distribution networks
NIA_CAD0019 P ThermalTrax Feasibility Study
NIA_NGGD0018 P Thin Walled PE Liners
NIA_NGGD0017 P Tier One Replacement System (TORS)
NIA_NGGD0024 P Tier One Replacement System Stage 3
NIA_NGGD0036 P Tier One Replacement System Stage 4. 1
NIA_NGGD0046 P Tier One Replacement System Stage 4. 2
NIA_NGGD0062 P Tier One Replacement System Stage 5
NIA_NGGD0069 P Top Tee Siphon Adaptor (TTSA)
NIA_WWU_005 P Unconventional gases within the onshore gas networks
NIA_NGGD0005 P Venting Controllers
NIA_NGGD0050 P WEKO Seal Removal
NIA_NGGD0074 P Wall Anchors for Gas Pipe Systems in Multi-Occupancy Buildings (MOBs)
NIA_WWU_002 P ePipe -Trial internal lining assessment and development of small diameter pipelines.
NIA_SGN0044 O Acoustek
NIA_SGN0148 O An Investigation of the Performance of Oxygen Depletion Sensors
NIA_SGN0144 O Assessing the Gas Network Decarbonisation Pathway
NIA_CAD0018 O Assessment and Creation of Novel PE Pipe Repair Systems
NIA_WWU0006 O Asset Health & Criticality Modelling
NIA_CAD0020 O BioSNG City Conversion
NIA_WWU_046 O Cryogenic Pipeline Cracking Technology
NIA_SGN0023 O Cured In-Place Pipe (CIPP) (Stage 2)
NIA_WWU_058 O Debris In Pipe
NIA_SGN0140 O Derivation of a Risk Based Approach to High Pressure Filter & Pig Trap Closure Inspection Frequencies
NIA_NGN_272 O DoorStop
NIA_UKPN0041 O Dual Fuel Transport
NIA_CAD0041 O Duraseal Repair Method
NIA_NGGT0151 O EPRG (European Pipeline Research Group) 2019
NIA_NGGT0161 O EPRG (European Pipeline Research Group) 2020
NIA_SGN0094 O Energy Map and Plan
NIA_NGGT0005 O European Pipeline Research Group (EPRG)
NIA_NGGT0120 O European Pipeline Research Group 2017
NIA_NGGT0130 O European Pipeline Research Group 2018
NIA_WWU_045 O Eye In The Sky
NIA_CAD0072 O FI-0001 HyNet Homes – Understand Phase (technical)
NIA_CAD0043 O Gas Demand Forecast - Phase 3 - Hydrogen
NIA_SGN0113 O Gas Quality Impacts on Industrial and Commercial applications
NIA_WWU_047 O Gas demand forecasting Phase 2
NIA_NGN_078 O Guided Wave Non Destructive Testing Inspection of Mains Pipelines
NIA_NGN_225 O H21 Field Trials Design
NIA_NGN_276 O H21 - Hydrogen Ready Components
NIA_NGN_269 O H21 - Understanding Industrial & Commercial Customers
NIA_NGN_275 O H21 – Hydrogen Ready Services
NIA_NGGT0064 O High Altitude Aerial Surveillance (HAAS)
NIA_SGN0164 O HySCALE – Feasibility study of the use of LOHCs for bulk hydrogen storage and transport.
NIA_SGN0165 O HyTechnical – Literature, science review and subsequent revision technical standards for hydrogen pipelines
NIA_NGGT0156 O Hydrogen Deblending in the GB Gas Network
NIA_CAD0032 O Hydrogen Perceptions, Practices and Possibilities in two UK communities
NIA_CAD0060 O I-0321 Transport Pathways
NIA_CAD0068 O I-0342 Cumbrian Hydrogen vision and pathway – Phase 1 Feasibility
NIA_SGN0107 O IGEM Gas Quality Standard Working Group
NIA_CAD0002 O Impact of Biomethane on Gas Networks.
NIA_WWU_034 O Leakage Sealant Standards
NIA_CAD0061 O Optinet
NIA_CAD0040 O PE Repairs Test Specification
NIA_NGGT0132 O PRCI (Pipeline Research Council International) 2018
NIA_NGGT0152 O PRCI (Pipeline Research Council International) 2019
NIA_NGGT0162 O PRCI (Pipeline Research Council International) 2020
NIA_NGGT0003 O PRCI - Pipeline Research Council International
NIA_NGGT0119 O PRCI - Pipeline Research Council International - 2017
NIA_NGGT0143 O Project Cavendish
NIA_NGGD0072 O Project Futurewave - Phase 3 (Pilot)
NIA_NGN_081 O Provision of Temporary Gas Supplies
NIA_NGGT0047 O Resource and asset reuse toolkit
NIA_WWU_053 O Review of Pipeline Girth Weld Inspection
NIA_NGGT0007 O Risk Assessment Methodologies for Pipelines and AGIs
NIA_NGGT0121 O Risk Assessment Methodologies for Pipelines and AGIs 2017
NIA_NGGT0133 O Risk Assessment Methodologies for Pipelines and AGIs 2018
NIA_NGGT0163 O Risk Assessment Methodologies for Pipelines and AGIs 2020
NIA_NGGT0071 O Spatial district heating analysis and impact on gas and power demand
NGNG_NIA_346 I ATEX Equipment & SR/25 Modification Assessment
NIA_CAD0027 I Above Ground Crossing Inspection Mapping
NIA_CAD0026 I Alternative Preheat Solutions
NIA_CAD0018 I Assessment and Creation of Novel PE Pipe Repair Systems
NIA_CAD0011 I Automated Pipeline BIM Modelling and Cost Estimating Tool – Stage 1
NIA_CAD0021 I Automated Pipeline BIM Modelling and Cost Estimating Tool – Stage 2
NIA_CAD0020 I BioSNG City Conversion
NIA_CAD0029 I Blended Hydrogen and Compressed Natural Gas for Transport
NIA_CAD0012 I CIPP for Services
NIA_CAD0037 I Composite repairs for through wall defects on metal pipes
NIA_CAD0044 I Compounded Factors
NIA_WWU_2_06 I Consumer Vulnerability Impact Assessment Tool
NIA_CAD0092 I Customer Safeguarding Virtual Training Platform
NIA_CAD0057 I Decision Tool
NIA_NGN_421 I Domestic Hydrogen Sensor Research
NIA_CAD0041 I Duraseal Repair Method
NIA_NGGT0170 I EPRG (European Pipeline Research Group) 2021 - 2026
EP/Y035194/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Engineering Hydrogen Net Zero
NIA_CAD0014 I EZ Valve performance and material testing GIS V7-1
NIA_CAD0042 I Easy Assist ECV
NIA_CAD0063 I Easy Assist ECV Phase 2
NIA_CAD0085 I Easy Assist Remote Actuation
NIA_CAD0089 I EasyKey
NIA_CAD0094 I Effect of 100% hydrogen on cast iron assets
NIA_CAD0017 I End Load Restrain Capability
NIA_CAD0083 I End User Behaviour – Impact on Safety
NIA_CAD0058 I Energy Centre
NIA2_SGN0002 I Energy Storage Strategy
NIA_CAD0076 I FI 0015 Hydrogen Blending: Functional Spec for Commercial Frameworks (Phase A)
NIA_CAD0072 I FI-0001 HyNet Homes – Understand Phase (technical)
NIA_CAD0074 I FI-0002 Hydrogen Village Consumer Research
NIA_CAD0073 I FI-0003 - Common future end states and transition pathways
NIA_CAD0075 I FI-0004 HyNet – Management of Additional Sources of Hydrogen Supply
NIA_CAD0079 I FI-0011 - Functional Specification: Hydrogen Blending Infrastructure
NIA_CAD0078 I FI-0017 - Exit Strategy Mechanism
NIA_NGN_301 I Failure Modes and Permeation Testing of PE
NIA_CAD0056 I Field Trials For Hydrogen Blended Gas Detection Equipment
ENA_10021808 I Gas Analyser Systems for Hydrogen Blends
NIA_CAD0043 I Gas Demand Forecast - Phase 3 - Hydrogen
EP/W008726/1 I GasNetNew - The role of the gas network in a future decarbonised UK
NIA_NGN_302 I H21 - Wider Impacts of Hydrogen
NGN_NIA_344 I H21 Ignition Consequence Research
NIA_NGGT0179 I HGR&D ST - Assessment Methodologies
NIA_CAD0090 I HVT Appliance Development Business Case
EP/W003597/1 I High efficiency reversible solid oxide cells for the integration of offshore renewable energy using hydrogen
NIA_CAD0087 I HyLights: Hydrogen Gas Lamp Feasibility
ENA_10020622 I HyNTS Pipeline DataSet
NIA_CAD0035 I HyNet Expansion Options
NIA_CAD0025 I HyNet Motion; Optimising Network Delivery of Hydrogen for Vehicle Transport
NIA_CAD0015 I HyNet – Capital Resources Project
NIA_SGN0164 I HySCALE – Feasibility study of the use of LOHCs for bulk hydrogen storage and transport.
NIA2_SGN0024 I HyScale LOHC Phase 2 Project
NIA2_SGN0037 I Hydrogen Appliance Supply Chain - Technical Specification & Development Strategy
NIA_CAD0104 I Hydrogen Blending: National Safety Evidence Review
NIA_CAD0081 I Hydrogen Conversion Strategy - Pipework
NIA_CAD0022 I Hydrogen Grid to Vehicle (HG2V); Network purity for Transport.
EP/X038823/1 I Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions Hub (HI-ACT)
EP/X038823/2 I Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions Hub (HI-ACT)
NIA2_SGN0033 I Hydrogen MOBS Asset Information Review Phase 2
NIA_CAD0032 I Hydrogen Perceptions, Practices and Possibilities in two UK communities
NIA_CAD0091` I Hydrogen Technical and Safety Case for Domestic Heat
NIA_CAD0086 I Hydrogen Village - Property Market Evaluation
NIA_CAD0080 I Hydrogen Village Safety Framework
NIA2_SGN0026 I Hydrogen Village Trial Hydrogen Appliance Supply Chain
NIA_CAD0050 I Hydrogen blending - Optimisation of the commercial regime
NIA_NGN_425 I Hydrogen compatibility of components - Phase 2: Further analysis
NIA_CAD0009 I Hydrogen in natural gas – impact on gas engine CHP
NIA_CAD0060 I I-0321 Transport Pathways
NIA_CAD0062 I I-0331 Optimising Distribution of Hydrogen Phase 2
NIA_CAD0066 I I-0334 Hy4Transport
NIA_CAD0064 I I-0335 HyNet Basis of Design Project
NIA_CAD0065 I I-0337 HyNet Operation and Control
NIA_CAD0067 I I-0339 - Technical Review - KIWA
NIA_CAD0068 I I-0342 Cumbrian Hydrogen vision and pathway – Phase 1 Feasibility
NIA_CAD0069 I I-0343 Calorific value and gas quality impact assessment of hydrogen and biomethane blends
NIA2_SGN0027 I Ignition Probability in Small Services
NIA_CAD0084 I Implications of Hydrogen Purity
NIA_CAD0024 I In Pipe Drone Feasibility
ENA_10063754 I Intelligent Gas Grid - Beta
NIA_CAD0036 I Internal Joint Repairs
NIA2_SGN0025 I Interventions for Hydrogen by Asset Group
NIA_CAD0030 I Kobus Gas Pipe Puller Stage 2
NIA_CAD0039 I Long Term Asset Reliability Study for Hydrogen Blended Gas
NIA_CAD0093 I Low Power Heat
NIA_CAD0077 I Low Power Hot Water
NIA_CAD0008 I Management of Brittle Plastic Materials
NIA_CAD0054 I Methane Alarms
NIA_CAD0013 I Multi-Occupancy Building Cured In Place Lining (NuFlow): Further Development of Technology for GD Riser Systems
NIA_CAD0048 I No Power Hot Water Feasibility
NIA_CAD0059 I No Power Hot Water Phase 2
NIA_CAD0046 I Optimising Distribution of Hydrogen
NIA_CAD0040 I PE Repairs Test Specification
NIA_CAD0031 I PPE Fabric Discovery
NIA_NGGT0171 I PRCI (Pipeline Research Council International) 2021 - 2026
NIA_CAD0010 I Phased Array Cable Avoidance
NIA_CAD0034 I Phased Array Phase 3
NIA_CAD0049 I Pipeline Spacers
ENA_10068173 I Predictive Safety Interventions - Beta
NIA_NGGT0143 I Project Cavendish
NIA_CAD0038 I Remote Live Mains Insertion (RLMI)
NIA_CAD0016 I Review of MTC Proposed Solutions for Resin Based Service Replacement Solution
NIA_NGGT0172 I Risk Assessment Methodologies for Pipelines and AGIs 2021 - 2026
NIA_CAD0028 I Roadmap to Development & Certification of Hydrogen Blended Gas Detection Equipment
ENA_10060460 I Scenarios for Extreme Events
NIA_CAD0053 I ServiBoost Phase 3
NIA_CAD0023 I Smart Tester – MP applications
NIA_NGN_338 I Street Score 2
NIA_CAD0019 I ThermalTrax Feasibility Study
NIA_CAD0082 I Use of Automatic Isolation Valve (AIV) Systems with Hydrogen – AIVs in LP and MP Services
ENA_10037659 I Velocity Design with Hydrogen – Alpha
ENA_10068217 I Velocity design with hydrogen - Beta
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 15 348 363 144,717,751   267,503,869