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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Prof RJ (Rebecca ) Lunn
Organisation:   University of Strathclyde
Department:   Civil Engineering
EP/G063699/1 P Biogeochemical Applications in Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Disposal
EP/W033747/1 P IGNITE Network+: Innovation and Growth Needs Inclusion and engagement of all Talent in Energy research
EP/Y021592/1 P Mechanochemical processing of silicate rocks for direct carbon capture (MACO2)
EP/I036427/1 P SAFE Barriers - a Systems Approach For Engineered Barriers
NE/F013728/1 O Conceptual uncertainty in the interpretation of geological data: statistical analysis of factors influencing interpetation and associated risk
EP/L014041/1 O Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage soluTIons for NuClear wasTe InVEntories (DISTINCTIVE)
EP/R004889/1 O Delivering Enhanced Through-Life Nuclear Asset Management
EP/R001138/1 O Development of Novel Treatments for Carbon-based radioactive wastes
EP/Y034856/1 O EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Skills And Training Underpinning a Renaissance in Nuclear (SATURN)
EP/T01153X/1 O Plasma Accelerators for Nuclear Applications and Materials Analysis (PANAMA)
EP/S01019X/1 O TRANSCEND: Transformative Science and Engineering for Nuclear Decommissioning
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Prof RJ (Rebecca ) Lunn
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 3 8 11 5,298,022   32,798,696