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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Scottish and Southern Energy plc
Department:   None
NIA_SSEN_0033 P ACSS Conductor Study
NIA_SSEN_0039 P An Electric Heat Pathway Looking Beyond Heat Pumps
SSET1002 P Demonstrating the Benefits of Monitoring Low Voltage Network with Embedded PV Panels and EV Charging Point
SSET1004 P Demonstrating the Functionality of Automated Demand Response
SSET1011 P Digital Substation Platform - Phase 1
NIA_SSEN_0038 P E Tourism
NIA_SSEN_0049 P Equal Electric Vehicles
NIA_SHET_0027 P Expanding LoRa
NIA_SSEN_0042 P Feasibility of Compressed Dry Air 33kV Insulated Switchgear
NIA_SSEN_0053 P Future Control Room
NIA_SSEN_0045 P Future Fiscal Forecasting
SSET1010 P Impact of Electrolysers on the Distribution Network
NIA_SSEN_0035 P Informed Lightning Protection
NIA_SHET_0023 P Line Inspections by Semi-Autonomous Systems (LISAS)
NIA_SSEN_0046 P Local Electric Vehicle Energy Loop (LEVEL)
SSET207-01 P Low Energy Automated Networks (LEAN)
NIA_SSEN_0037 P Low Voltage Underground Fault Location Technologies (LV-UFLT)
SSET1008 P Low Voltage (LV) Network Connected Energy Storage
SSET1005 P Low Voltage Network Modelling and Analysis Environment
NIA_SSEN_0041 P MERLIN (Modelling the Economic Reactions Linking Individual Networks)
SSEEN02 P Modular Approach to Substation Construction (MASC)
SSEEN01 P Multi-Terminal Test Environment (MTTE) for HVDC Systems
SSET205 P My Electric Avenue (IEV)
NIA_SSEN_0050 P Near Real-time Data Access (NeRDA)
NIA_SSEPD_0012 P Network Resilient Zone Utilising Embedded Generation - Feasibility Study
NIA_SSEPD_0013 P Network Resilient Zone Utilising Standby Generation - Feasibility Study
SSEEN03 P New Suite of Transmission Structures (NeSTS)
SSET1007 P Orkney Energy Storage Park (Phase 1)
NIA_SHET_0024 P Partial Discharge in HVDC Cables
NIA SSEN_0032 P Phase Identification Unit to Assist in Underground Fault Location
NIA_SHET_0029 P Phasor Based Monitoring for HVDC Applications
NIA_SHET__0028 P Phasor Instream Data Processing (IDP)
NIA_SHET_0026 P Refase Circuit Protection
SSEEN07 P Resilience as a Service
NIA_SSEN_0031 P Risk Assessment and Modelling of Smart nEtwork Solutions (RAMSES)
NIA_SSEN_0048 P Skyline
NIA_SSEN_0044 P Smart Hammer
NIA_SSEN_0036 P Social Constrained Managed Zones (CMZs)
SSET206 P Solent Achieving Value from Efficiency (SAVE)
NIA_SSEN_0034 P Submarine Cable Sensing (SUBsense)
NIA_SHET_0032 P TOTEM (Transmission Owner Tools for EMT Modelling)
NIA_SSEN_0040 P Technical Interfaces to Scale as a DSO
SSET203 P Thames Valley Vision
SSET1003 P Trial Evaluation of Domestic Demand Side Management (DDSM)
SSET1009 P Trial of Orkney Energy Storage Park (Phase 2)
NIA_SHET_0031 P Wake Induced Vibration Modelling
NIA_SSEN_0043 P Whole System Growth Scenario Modelling Phase 2
NIA_SSEN_0030 P Whole-System Growth Scenario Modelling
NIA_SHET_0025 P Zero Missing Phenomenon
NIA_NGSO0033 O 4D Heat
NIA_SPEN_1801 O Distributed Ledger Technology-enabled Distribution System Operation (Phase 1)
NIA_WWU_045 O Eye In The Sky
NIA_WWU_051 O Green City Vision
NIA_WPD_008 O Improved Statistical Ratings for Distribution Overhead Lines
NIA_SSEN_0037 O Low Voltage Underground Fault Location Technologies (LV-UFLT)
NIA_NGN_142 O Project Concur
NIA_WWU_025 O Project Futurewave - Phase 2 (Digital Prototype)
NIA_NGGD0072 O Project Futurewave - Phase 3 (Pilot)
NIA_NGET0100 O Reactive Power Exchange Application Capability Transfer (REACT)
NIA_ENWL003 O Review of Engineering Recommendation P2/6
NIA_NGET0154 O Smart Grid Forum Work Stream 7
NIA_NPG_001 O Vonaq Utility Pole Strength Measurement
NIA_SSEN_0033 I ACSS Conductor Study
NIA_SSEN_0054 I Alternative Jointing Techniques
NIA_SSEN_0039 I An Electric Heat Pathway Looking Beyond Heat Pumps
ENA_10025653 I Asset Reuse and Recovery Collaboration (ARRC)
NIA_SPEN_0070 I Asset Reuse and Recovery Collaboration (ARRC) - Discovery Continuity
EP/L001004/1 I Battery Characterisation and Management - the key to Smart Grids and the Integration of Electric Vehicles
NIA_SSEN_0058 I CageCapture™ SF6 Flange Guard
NIA_SSEN_0059 I CageCapture™ ™ SF6 Paint Detection
EP/P001173/1 I Centre for Energy Systems Integration
EP/I002170/1 I Challenging Lock-in through Urban Energy Systems (CLUES)
NIA2_NGET0020 I Co-Simulation
NIA_SHET_0036 I Condition Assessment of SF6 Alternatives (CASA)
EP/N001745/1 I Consortium for Modelling and Analysis of Decentralised Energy Storage (C-MADEnS)
NIA_WWU_2_06 I Consumer Vulnerability Impact Assessment Tool
EP/M002837/1 I Converged Approach towards Resilient Industrial control systems and Cyber Assurance (CAPRICA)
NIA2_NGESO001 I CrowdFlex
ENA_10027180 I CrowdFlex: Discovery
NIA_SSEN_0062 I Customer Led Electric Vehicle Early Registration (CLEVER)
NIA_SSEN_0057 I Decarbonising Utility Transport using Whole System Thinking
EP/J017116/1 I Detection of loss of grid event in distributed generation systems using pattern recognition
EP/K02115X/1 I Development and Evaluation of Sustainable Technologies for Flexible Operation of Conventional Power Plants.
NIA_SSEN_0038 I E Tourism
EP/M009394/1 I ELEVATE (ELEctrochemical Vehicle Advanced TEchnology)
EP/L016362/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Carbon Capture and Storage and Cleaner Fossil Energy
EP/L016818/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Storage and its Applications
EP/Y035194/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Engineering Hydrogen Net Zero
EP/L015749/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fuel Cells and their Fuels - Clean Power for the 21st Century
EP/L015471/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids
EP/Y03550X/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Green Industrial Futures
EP/Y034732/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Wind Energy Sustainability and Resilience
EP/L016680/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind and Marine Energy Systems
EP/Y035119/1 I EPSRC Industrial Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)
EP/Y035127/1 I EPSRC and BBSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Negative Emission Technologies for Net Zero (NET2ZERO)
EP/S031863/1 I Energy Revolution Research Consortium - Core - EnergyREV
EP/D034531/1 I Enhanced Management and Performance for a Sustainable UK Energy Infrastructure
NIA_SSEN_0049 I Equal Electric Vehicles
NIA_SHET_0027 I Expanding LoRa
NIA_SSEN_0042 I Feasibility of Compressed Dry Air 33kV Insulated Switchgear
EP/K036033/1 I Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership
EP/K021095/1 I Flexible and Efficient Power Plant: Flex-E-Plant
NIA_SSEN_0053 I Future Control Room
NIA_SSEN_0045 I Future Fiscal Forecasting
EP/J020788/1 I Gas-FACTS: Gas - Future Advanced Capture Technology Options - Consortium proposal by Cranfield, Edinburgh, Imperial, Leeds and Sheffield
ENA_10023216 I Green Hydrogen Injection into the NTS
EP/L001039/1 I Grid Economics, Planning and Business Models for Smart Electric Mobility
NIA_SSEN_0061 I HOMEflex (Household or Microbusiness Energy Flexibility)
SIF_WWU_2_01 I HyPark
EP/X038823/1 I Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions Hub (HI-ACT)
EP/X038823/2 I Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions Hub (HI-ACT)
EP/L018284/1 I Hydrogen's value in the energy system (HYVE)
EP/T023112/1 I INTEGRATE: Integrating seasoNal Thermal storagE with multiple enerGy souRces to decArbonise Thermal Energy
NIA_SHET_0038 I Ice Mapping
NIA2_NGET0001 I Impedance Scan Methods
EP/V027050/1 I Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC)
NIA_SSEN_0056 I Inertia Measurement in Island Networks
NIA_SSEN_0035 I Informed Lightning Protection
NIA_SHET_0023 I Line Inspections by Semi-Autonomous Systems (LISAS)
NIA_SSEN_0046 I Local Electric Vehicle Energy Loop (LEVEL)
SSET207-01 I Low Energy Automated Networks (LEAN)
NIA_SHET_0034 I Low Profile 132kV Steel Poles
NIA_SSEN_0037 I Low Voltage Underground Fault Location Technologies (LV-UFLT)
NIA_SSEN_0052 I Low Voltage Feeder Cable Open Circuit Detection
NIA_SSEN_0041 I MERLIN (Modelling the Economic Reactions Linking Individual Networks)
EP/M000141/1 I Multi Vector Energy Distribution System Modelling and Optimisation with Integrated Demand Side Response
EP/I000496/1 I Multiscale Modelling to maximise Demand Side Management (Part 2)
EP/S001263/1 I Multivariate Max-stable Processes with Application to the Forecasting of Multiple Hazards
EP/S001263/2 I Multivariate Max-stable Processes with Application to the Forecasting of Multiple Hazards
ENA_10020514 I NIMBUS - Network Innovation and Meteorology to Build for Sustainability
NIA_SSEN_0050 I Near Real-time Data Access (NeRDA)
NIA_SSEN_0055 I Net Zero Service Termination Project
EP/T023031/1 I Network headroom, engineering upgrades and public acceptance (NEUPA): Connecting engineering for heat system change to consumers and citizens
NIA2_NGET0016 I Novel methods for sealing SF6 leaks 
UKPNEN03 I Optimise Prime
EP/W027887/1 I PATCH: Plasma Assisted Thermo-CHemical energy storage for Carnot batteries
NIA_SHET_0024 I Partial Discharge in HVDC Cables
NIA SSEN_0032 I Phase Identification Unit to Assist in Underground Fault Location
NIA_SHET_0029 I Phasor Based Monitoring for HVDC Applications
NIA_SHET__0028 I Phasor Instream Data Processing (IDP)
NIA_SSEN_0060 I Portable – Low Voltage Fault Passage Indicators (Portable – LV FPI)
EP/F037686/1 I Power Networks Research Academy
NIA_SHET_0037 I Probabilistic Modelling for Connection Studies
NIA_SHET_0033 I Protection Solutions to perform for Lower Levels of Fault Current on AC Networks (PSL-FC)
EP/J006246/1 I Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage
NIA SPEN 0057 I Re-Heat: Enabling Renewable Heat
NIA_SHET_0026 I Refase Circuit Protection
EP/Y024257/1 I Research Hub for Decarbonised Adaptable and Resilient Transport Infrastructures (DARe)
SSEEN07 I Resilience as a Service
EP/T021829/1 I Resilient Future Urban Energy Systems Capable of Surviving in Extreme Events (RESCUE)
NGEN05/V1 I Retrofit Insulated Cross Arms (RICA)
NIA_SSEN_0031 I Risk Assessment and Modelling of Smart nEtwork Solutions (RAMSES)
GR/S28082/01 I SUPERGEN - Future Network Technologies
EP/L019469/1 I SUPERGEN Energy Storage Hub
NIA_SSEN_0048 I Skyline
NIA_SSEN_0044 I Smart Hammer
NIA_SSEN_0036 I Social Constrained Managed Zones (CMZs)
SSET206 I Solent Achieving Value from Efficiency (SAVE)
NIA_NGN_338 I Street Score 2
EP/S001778/1 I Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading
EP/S001778/2 I Street2Grid - An Electricity Blockchain Platform for P2P Energy Trading
NIA_SSEN_0034 I Submarine Cable Sensing (SUBsense)
GR/S26958/01 I Supergen Marine Consortium
EP/S032622/1 I Supergen Storage Network Plus 2019
NIA_SSEN_0051 I Synaps 2 - Fault Detection, Classification & Location Solution
EP/R023484/1 I System-wide Probabilistic Energy Forecasting
EP/R023484/2 I System-wide Probabilistic Energy Forecasting
NIA_SHET_0032 I TOTEM (Transmission Owner Tools for EMT Modelling)
NIA_SHET_0035 I TOTEM (Transmission Owner Tools for EMT Modelling) Extension
NIA_SSEN_0040 I Technical Interfaces to Scale as a DSO
EP/I031650/1 I The Autonomic Power System
EP/Z533221/1 I TransiT - Digital Twinning Research Hub for Decarbonising Transport
EP/I01344X/2 I UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC): PROGRAMME GRANT: Long term dynamics of interdependent infrastructure systems
EP/I01344X/1 I UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC): PROGRAMME GRANT: "Long term dynamics of interdependent infrastructure systems"
NIA_SSEN_0063 I VFES - Vulnerability Future Energy Scenarios
EP/I038543/1 I Vehicle Electrical Systems Integration (VESI)
ENA_10026595 I Virtual Energy System
NIA_SHET_0031 I Wake Induced Vibration Modelling
NIA_SSEN_0043 I Whole System Growth Scenario Modelling Phase 2
NIA_SSEN_0030 I Whole-System Growth Scenario Modelling
EP/L024357/1 I Working with Information, Creation of Knowledge, and Energy strategy Deployment (WICKED) in Non-Domestic Buildings
NIA_SHET_0025 I Zero Missing Phenomenon
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 15 175 190 113,621,417   421,393,148