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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
Department:   None
EP/X024091/1 I Building new collaborations to develop highly radiation resistant materials for fusion power
EP/M014142/1 I Control of structure, strain and chemistry: a route to designer fuel cell interfaces
EP/P002277/1 I Developing Highly efficient HTS AC windings for fully superconducting machines
EP/P002277/2 I Developing Highly efficient HTS AC windings for fully superconducting machines
EP/S021728/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Composites Science, Engineering and Manufacturing
EP/L016095/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment
EP/S02302X/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Resilience in a Changing World (FIBE2)
EP/Y034643/1 I EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Unlocking Net Zero (FIBE3 CDT)
EP/L016494/1 I EPSRC and BBSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology
EP/V037234/1 I ESTEEM: Energy efficient and Safe out-of-oven manufacTuring for compositE materials with intEgrated Multifunctionalities
EP/M002454/1 I Engineering Fellowships For Growth: Designing Feedback Control in Biology for Robustness and Scalability
EP/V057626/1 I FINER: Future thermal Imaging with Nanometre Enhanced Resolution
EP/P023320/1 I Generation Integrated Energy Storage - A Paradigm Shift
EP/V05676X/1 I HUman-machine teaming for Maritime Environments (HUME)
EP/I00033X/1 I Informing Energy Choices Using Ubiquitous Sensing
EP/D002133/1 I Integrated Energy Initiative: Innovative Power Networks, Demand/Supply side Integration and Nuclear Engineering
EP/W026899/1 I Mathematical Theory of Radiation Transport: Nuclear Technology Frontiers (MaThRad)
EP/W026899/2 I Mathematical Theory of Radiation Transport: Nuclear Technology Frontiers (MaThRad)
EP/V043730/1 I New Fuel Assemblies for Advanced Nuclear Technologies
EP/R030340/1 I PyFR: Towards Industry and Exascale
EP/T007214/1 I Quantum Bio-inspired Energy harvesting (QuBE)
EP/G007217/1 I Step change material efficiency for steel and aluminium.
EP/H009612/1 I The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
EP/V000659/1 I Towards Zero Carbon Aviation (TOZCA)
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 9 15 24 0   62,102,258