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Projects: Custom Search
Reference Number SPT1002
Title Ashton Hayes Smart Village
Status Completed
Energy Categories Other Power and Storage Technologies (Electricity transmission and distribution) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 20%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Policy and regulation) 10%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Consumer attitudes and behaviour) 50%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Technology acceptance) 20%;
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
SP Energy Networks
Award Type LCN Fund Tier 1
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 January 2012
End Date 31 October 2013
Duration 22 months
Total Grant Value £200,000
Industrial Sectors Power
Region Scotland
Programme Low Carbon Generation and Connections
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SP Energy Networks (100.000%)
Web Site http://www.smarternetworks.org/Project/SPT1002
Objectives Reference: SPT1002

The objectives of the Smart Village Project are on technical innovation and delivery of information to the community, aimed at achieving a sustained reduction in carbon emissions:
  • Facilitate connection of various micro generation technologies (wind, PV and CHP) and potentially Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points on the Low Voltage (LV) network and 11kV feeders.
  • Engagement with the village and community to assist in the reduction and optimisation of total energy consumption to reduce carbon footprint.
  • To improve the accuracy and granularity of total electricity consumption measurement by installing additional metering on the network at secondary sub station feeder level and at renewable energy sources providing measurement of the gross generation embedded within the community.
  • Introduce innovative and new techniques to introduce Demand Side Management capabilities aimed at assisting change in energy use related behaviours in residential homes and public properties.
Expected Benefits:
The overriding benefit of this project will be the provision of information and assistance to the community that will enable it to connect more low carbon technology and reduce Ashton Hayes carbon footprint further. In doing so Ashton Hayes can be showcased as a UK exemplar for other communities to follow and play a part in the UKs low carbon transition. Aside from the strong community benefits SP Energy Networks and UK DNOs also stand to benefit a great deal from the project. With its relatively small scale the project has been quick to establish and deliver findings regarding the performance of network monitoring, LV network modelling and the analysis of domestic loads.
The project has also been able to fill a void in academic research for real life network data, the findings of this work will be of benefit to DNOs long after the project has ended.

Applicability of Learning to Other DNOs:
  • Working in collaboration with the community and stakeholders for the common benefits of the village, industry and the UK
  • Near real time monitoring of the LV network to provide information to the community and DNO for analysis and design
  • Installation and integration of a variety of low carbon technologies on the LV network in rural villages
  • Analysis and optimisation of power flows on the LV network to minimise energy consumption.
Abstract Three years ago Ashton Hayes, with the backing of the Parish Council, launched their Going Carbon Neutral project. This rural community of 1,000 inhabitants outside Chester declared an ambitious aim to become Englands first carbon neutral village.

Since the projects inception the village has reduced its carbon emissions by 20% through a raft of predominantly simple measures such as the use of low energy light bulbs, turning down heating thermostats, recycling, composting, taking trains instead of driving and reducing travel by air.

In 2009 the village applied for a DECC grant to install micro generation and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in the village to further reduce their carbon footprint. Scottish Power Energy Networks and EA Technology under the Innovation Funding Incentive have carried out a feasibility study into the impact of connecting micro generation in terms of voltage, losses and power flows analysis. The outcome of the study can be utilised to best advise on the connection of the renewable micro generation, as well as working with the community to further reduce the villages carbon footprint.

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Ashton Hayes Smart Village: Final Report

Added to Database 28/09/16