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Projects: Summary of Projects by Region
Summary of Projects in Region Northern Ireland involving University of Ulster

37 grants were found from your query. Click on a grant and see the details.

C     EP/E500676/1     Academic Fellowships: University of Ulster
C     EP/K022237/1     All Inorganic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cell Devices
C     EP/V05385X/1     An Aberration Corrected STEM with Integrated Science Driven AI to Quantify Dynamic Functionality in Advanced Energy Technologies and Biomaterials
C     EP/F061471/1     BMT-CES: Biofuel Micro-Trigeneration with Cryogenic Energy Storage
C     EP/V011340/1     Comfort and Climate Box (CCB)
C     EP/G000387/1     Consumer-Appealing Low Energy Technologies for Building Retrofitting ('CALEBRE')
S     EP/T022981/1     DEcarbonisation of Low TemperAture Process Heat Industry, DELTA PHI
C     EP/L015749/1     EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fuel Cells and their Fuels - Clean Power for the 21st Century
S     EP/S023909/1     EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Hydrogen - SusHy
C     EP/P006779/1     End Use Energy Demand Centres Collaborative Projects
C     GR/S08626/01     FARADAY Fast Track Proposal - Vacuum Window Design Optimisation and Thermal Comfort Implications
S     EP/T025581/1     Heat Pump Fully Integrated with Thermochemical Store (HP-FITS)
C     EP/I02560X/1     High efficiency photovoltaic devices based on composite Si-based quantum dots
C     EP/J016454/1     Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Supergen Hub
C     EP/P024807/1     Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Hub Extension (H2FC SUPERGEN)
C     EP/K021109/1     Integrated safety strategies for onboard hydrogen storage systems
C     EP/K011847/1     Interdisciplinary Centre for for Storage, Transformation and Upgrading of Thermal Energy (i-STUTE)
C     S/P2/00477/00/00     Low Cost 100x PV Concentrator
S     EP/R045496/1     Low Temperature Heat Recovery and Distribution Network Technologies (LoT-NET)
C     GR/R66487/01     Natural Gas Fired Zero-emission Power Plant (GAS-ZEP) - Materials Work Package.
C     EP/M024938/1     Plasma-based synthesis of low-cost and environmentally friendly quantum dots with tailored energy band structure
S     EP/X009947/1     RBOC N+ - Resilience Beyond Observed Capabilities
C     GR/S28204/01     SUPERGEN - Biomass, Biofuels and energy crops consortium
C     EP/J004855/1     Sandpit: Smart e-bikes - understanding how commuters and communities engage with electrically-assisted cycling
C     EP/N021304/1     Small Smart Sustainable Systems for future Domestic Hot Water (4S-DHW)
C     EP/R035954/1     SolaFin2Go (Solar Finance 2 Go)
C     EP/T004819/1     SolaNetWork
C     EP/K039377/1     SusTEM Network: Sustainhermal Energy Management Network
C     GR/S94285/01     Technology Assessment for Radically Improving the Built Asset baSE (TARBASE)
S     EP/Y024605/1     UK National Clean Maritime Research Hub
F     ES/Z502728/1     URBAN RETROFIT UK: Scaling up place-based adaptations to the built environment through planning and development systems
C     ES/M001946/2     Understanding and responding to the health impact of cold homes and fuel poverty
C     ES/M001946/1     Understanding and responding to the health impact of cold homes and fuel poverty
C     InnUK/509257/01     University of Ulster and Arbarr Electronics Limited
C     DTI/CC/305     Virtual Plant Demonstration Model
C     DTI/CC/9999     Virtual plant demonstration model basic framework

C = Completed
S = Started
F = Funded but not yet started

Project List Summary
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
1 6 30 37 3,325,074   64,105,273