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Marine Data Exchange

This resource links to an external website containing a dataset collection


The Marine Data Exchange provides access to survey data and reports collated during the planning, building and operating of offshore renewable energy projects. There are two divisions: Wind and Aggregates. Wind consists of raw, cleaned and modelled wind datasets from various meteorological masts, LiDAR systems and meteorological buoys around the UK. Aggregates includes Marine ALSF Regional Environmental Characterisation Surveys (RECs). Can be searched by data type, industry, round, date range, topics and a selection of predefined keywords, interactive map and then further refined by keyword. Includes COWRIE (Collaborative Offshore Wind Research into the Environment). Registration is not required, but gives access to additional resources, including posting notices of datasets wanted.Definitions are at http://www.marinedataexchange.co.uk/data-requirements.aspxWhen downloading data, it looks as though you are buying it because your choice goes into your basket, but in fact there is no charge. You enter your email address and a link to download the data is mailed to you within the next five days; there may also be a short usage feedback survey.


The Crown Estate


The Crown Estate


No DOI minted

Energy Categories

Class Name:

Subclass Name:

Category Name:

Field Dates:

01/01/1999 - 31/12/2049

Data Date Range:

01/01/1999 - 31/12/2049

Data type:


Data format:

No format supplied



Number of Units:

No unit numbers supplied

Unit Type:

No units supplied

Number of Records:

No records supplied


No parameters supplied


Open access via registration account

Rights Overview:

access via a free-to-register account

Further information:


Related Dataset(s):

No related datasets

Related Project(s):

No related projects

Related Publications(s):

No related publications