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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Professor TJ Abram
Organisation:   University of Manchester
Department:   Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
EP/L018616/1 P PACIFIC - Providing a Nuclear Fuel Cycle in the UK for Implementing Carbon Reductions
EP/T011297/1 P Sim-Fuel and Alpha-Active Material Manufacturing and Characterisation Capability
EP/I003320/1 P The Development of Advanced Technologies and Modelling Capabilities to Improve the Safety and Performance of Nuclear Fuel
EP/M018814/1 P Understanding the In-Reactor Performance of Advanced Ceramic Cladding Materials
EP/S011935/1 O ATLANTIC: Accident ToLerANT fuels In reCycling
EP/V035223/1 O Bangor University Fuel Fabrication Facility (BUFFF)
EP/S033009/1 O DAWNMANTLE - Decontamination and waste minimisation strategies for and using advanced molten salt nuclear technologies
EP/X011526/1 O International Collaboration to Advance the Technical Readiness of High Uranium Density Fuels and Composites for Small Modular Reactors
EP/J021172/1 O New Nuclear Manufacturing (NNUMAN)
EP/T011386/1 O Radiochemical Facilities for the Molten Salts in Nuclear Technologies Network
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Professor TJ Abram
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 1 9 10 9,985,063   20,715,555