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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Project Contact
Organisation:   Electricity North West Limited
Department:   None
NIA_ENWL032 P A Needs based segmentation of Low Income and Vulnerable Customers
NIA_ENWL_029 P A Statistical model for determining cut out failures
NIA_ENWL008 P ATLAS - Architecture of tools for load scenarios
ENWL020 P Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
NIA_ENWL005 P Asset Risk Optimisation
NIA_ENWL_031 P Automated Transformer Monitoring System
NIA_ENWL009 P Cable Health Assessment - Low Voltage
ENWLT203 P Capacity to Customers
ENWLEN01 P Celsius
NIA_ENWL004 P Combined On-line Transformer Monitoring
ENW1006 P Combined on-line Transformer Monitoring
ENWLT204 P Customer Load Active System Services (CLASS)
NIA_ENWL001 P Demand Scenarios with Electric Heat and Commercial Capacity Options
NIA_ENWL013 P Detection and prevention of formation of Islands via SCADA.
NIA_ENWL002 P Distribution Asset Thermal Modelling
NIA_ENWL017 P Electricity and heat
NIA_ENWL_027 P Enhanced LFDD
NIA_ENWL011 P Enhanced Voltage Control
NIA_ENWL016 P Future Network Modelling Functions
UU8 P GROND - Assessment of HV Network and Policy Module
NIA_ENWL030 P Hyperspectral Imaging
NIA_WPD_008 P Improved Statistical Ratings for Distribution Overhead Lines
ENWL 023 P Intelligent Network meshing switch
ENWL019 P Interface
NIA_ENWL012 P Investigation of Switchgear Ratings
NIA_ENWL_028 P LV Predict
ENWT1004 P Low Voltage Integrated Automation (LoVIA)
ENWT1003 P Low Voltage Network Solutions
NIA_SSEPD_0026 P Management of plug-in vehicle uptake on distribution networks
ENA_10055259 P Net Zero Terrace
ENA_10085870 P Net Zero Terrace Alpha
NIA_ENWL_025 P On-line assessment of neutral conductor integrity
NIA_ENWL014 P Optimising Oil Regeneration for Transformers
NIA_ENWL018 P Project Avatar
ENA_10056144 P REWIRE (REsidential Whole system Integrated REsilience)
NIA_NGET0100 P Reactive Power Exchange Application Capability Transfer (REACT)
ENWL 022 P Reflect Uncertainties around E-Vehicle Charging to Optimize Network Forecasting
NIA_ENWL007 P Reliable, low-cost earth fault detection for radial OHL systems
ENWT206/02 P Respond (FLARE)
ENA_10055401 P RetroMeter
NIA_ENWL003 P Review of Engineering Recommendation P2/6
NIA_ENWL006 P Sentinel
NIA_NGET0154 P Smart Grid Forum Work Stream 7
NIA_ENWL_024 P Smart Heat
ENWT205 P Smart Street (eta)
NIA_ENWL015 P Tap Changer Monitoring
ENWT1001 P The Bidoyng Smart Fuse
NIA_ENWL010 P Value of Lost Load to Customers
ENWT1002 P Voltage Management on Low Voltage Busbars
NIA_ENWL_029 O A Statistical model for determining cut out failures
NIA_UKPN0039 O Engineered Poles Products
NIA_ENWL_027 O Enhanced LFDD
NIA_SSEN_0055 O Net Zero Service Termination Project
ENA_10085870 O Net Zero Terrace Alpha
NIA_WPD_044 O Wildlife Protection
NIA_ENWL032 I A Needs based segmentation of Low Income and Vulnerable Customers
NIA_ENWL_029 I A Statistical model for determining cut out failures
ENWL020 I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
NIA_ENWL_031 I Automated Transformer Monitoring System
NIA_WWU_2_06 I Consumer Vulnerability Impact Assessment Tool
EP/S032002/1 I DecarboN8 - An integrated network to decarbonise transport
EP/K002252/1 I Energy Storage for Low Carbon Grids
NIA_ENWL_027 I Enhanced LFDD
NIA_ENWL030 I Hyperspectral Imaging
EP/G037612/1 I Industrial Doctorate Centre: Sustainability for Engineering and Energy Systems
ENWL 023 I Intelligent Network meshing switch
ENWL019 I Interface
NIA_ENWL_028 I LV Predict
EP/N001974/1 I MY-STORE: Multi-energY storage-Social, TechnO-economic, Regulatory and Environmental assessment under uncertainty
EP/W019795/1 I Modelling aggregate demand-side flexibility in distribution networks with electrified heat and transport
NIA_SSEN_0055 I Net Zero Service Termination Project
ENA_10055259 I Net Zero Terrace
ENA_10056144 I REWIRE (REsidential Whole system Integrated REsilience)
ENWL 022 I Reflect Uncertainties around E-Vehicle Charging to Optimize Network Forecasting
ENA_10055401 I RetroMeter
ENA_10061033 I Whole Energy System Resilience Vulnerability Assessment (WELLNESS)
EP/K022229/1 I Whole System Impacts and Socio-economics of wide scale PV integration (WISE PV)
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Project Contact
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 4 78 82 83,055,517   117,295,700