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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Name:   Professor P Mawby
Organisation:   University of Warwick
Department:   School of Engineering
EP/F061463/1 P Future reliable renewable energy conversion systems & networks: A collaborative UK-China project.
EP/C519221/1 P HERE BE DRAGONS! Sustainable Energy Systems Research Explored
EP/I038543/1 P Vehicle Electrical Systems Integration (VESI)
EP/V056778/1 O Engineered Diamond Technologies
EP/P009743/1 O HOME-Offshore: Holistic Operation and Maintenance for Energy from Offshore Wind Farms
EP/L021579/1 O High Current Module and Technologies Optimised for HVDC
EP/I013636/1 O HubNet: Research Leadership and Networking for Energy Networks
EP/K002228/1 O Integrated, Market-fit and Affordable Grid-scale Energy Storage (IMAGES)
EP/R007756/1 O Modelling, Optimisation and Design of Conversion for Offshore Renewable Energy (UK-China MOD-CORE)
EP/R004927/1 O Prosperity Partnerships
EP/I031707/1 O Transformation of the Top and Tail of Energy Networks
EP/Z531091/1 O Transforming Net Zero with Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductor Device Technology (REWIRE)
EP/R00448X/1 O Underpinning Power Electronics switch optimisation Theme
P: Principal Investigator    O: Other Investigator    R: Recognised Researcher    I: Industrial Collaborator   
Project List Summary
for Professor P Mawby
Funded Started Completed Total £ Value   Total Project
£ Value
0 2 11 13 3,281,350   37,899,343