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Electricity transmission & distributionAuthor(s): Frame, D., Bell, K. and McArthur, S.
Published: 2016
Publisher: UKERC
A review funded by HubNet and UKERC, and written by the University of Strathclyde's Damien Frame, Keith Bell and Stephen McArthur, argues that RD&D activity by Britains electricity distribution network operators has significantly revived; this revival is linked to Ofgem's 500m Low Carbon Network Fund investment.
Author(s): Heptonstall, P.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
The principal aims of this paper are to examine the range of reported unit costs for major generating technologies, show the range of estimates, explain where possible the reasons for the range, and show to what extent there is any clustering around central values. In addition, the paper explains the components of unit cost calculations and discussed what is, and is not, included in these calculations.
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Gross, R.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
This note provides an overview and guide to a process of assessment being undertaken by the UK Energy Research Centre Technology and Policy Assessment function (TPA), with support from the Carbon Trust.
The UKERC has consulted widely on the topics that the TPA needs to consider. It has chosen its preliminary topics carefully, in consultation with stakeholders and in accordance with defined criteria. Intermittency – used herein as shorthand for a range of issues that relate to the costs and electricity system impacts of the intermittent electrical output from wind, solar and some other forms of grid connected renewable generation – has emerged as one of two initial TPA assessment topics.
The TPA will undertake meta-analysis of existing work in order to seek gaps in knowledge, examine different modelling assumptions, and consider how well different pieces of work fit together. The assessment will seek to make clear where and why differences arise in terms of models, assumptions, scenarios and interpretation of findings. It will identify research gaps and provide a clear statement of the nature of the questions that remain.
A key goal is to achieve high standards of rigour and transparency. We have therefore set up a process that is inspired by the evidence based approach to policy assessment undertaken in healthcare, education and social policy, but that is not bound to any narrowly defined method or techniques. The approach entails tight specification of the means by which we will consult stakeholders and solicit expert input, highly specified searching of the relevant literature, and clear and transparent criteria against which relevant findings will be assessed. It is described in the Review Protocol, below.
An introduction to the subject matter and description of assessment activities are provided in this scoping note and protocol.
Author(s): Gross, R.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
The note is aimed at informed commentators and therefore takes some knowledge for granted – for example of terminology, recent literature and the principal concepts. Its focus is on why and where opinions differ, and the objective is to highlight questions and disagreements, but not answer or resolve either. A more general introduction to the subject is provided in the project scoping note and protocol.
Feedback and comment is invited on all of what follows, and in particular on the set of summary questions at the end of this note.
The remainder of this note covers the following topics:
Author(s): Buckman, A.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Froggatt, A., Kuzemko, C. and Blondeel, M.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Sinclair Knight Merz
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Sinclair Knight Merz
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Sinclair Knight Merz
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Sinclair Knight Merz
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Sinclair Knight Merz
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Sinclair Knight Merz
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bilton, M. and Carmichael, R.
Published: 2015
Publisher: UKERC
To inform the UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment project that is examining consumer attitudes to changes in electricity supply voltage, the TPA team co-funded a working paper together with the Transformation of the Top and Tail of Energy Networks (TTaT), an Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC) Grand Challenge research programme. The working paper draws upon a pilot study exploring consumer experiences and attitudes to appliance malfunction, which aimed to establish prior knowledge about voltage, and understanding of the Distribution Network Operators (DNO) role in supplying power.
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Watson, J., Gross, R., Bell, K., Waddams, C., Temperton, I., Barrett, J., Rhodes, A., Gill, S. and Bays, J
Published: 2017
Publisher: UKERC
We welcome the opportunity to comment on the findings of the Cost of Energy Review, conducted by Professor Dieter Helm. In our response, we address most of the questions set out in the Call for Evidence from BEIS. Before turning to these specific questions, we have three general observations about the Review and the Call for Evidence.
First, whilst the review title focuses on the cost of energy, this is misleading. The terms of reference and the Review report make it clear that the main focus is electricity rather than energy in general.
This distinction is important since the data shows significant differences in the position of UK electricity and gas costs when compared to costs in other countries. There are also differences between relative costs for households and relative costs for business energy consumers. UK electricity prices are higher up the European league table than prices for gas. Electricity prices for energy intensive industries in the UK are particularly high.
Our second comment is that there are important distinctions between prices, costs and bills. Whilst much of the debate focuses on prices, the costs of energy for consumers also depends on their energy consumption. Therefore, it is also important to consider energy efficiency of buildings, appliances and industrial processes since these are a key determinant of costs.
Our third comment is that costs need to be considered for the electricity system as a whole. Whilst the separate questions in the Call for Evidence about generation, networks and retail supply are understandable, costs to consumers partly depend on interactions between these components of the electricity system. This compartmentalised approach to the evidence base could mean that some of these systemic interactions are missed.
Author(s): Bell, K. and Hawker, G.
Published: 2015
Publisher: UKERC
This working Paper has been prompted by an inquiry into low carbon networks launched in September 2015 by the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy and Climate Change. A response on behalf of UKERC has been submitted to the Committee. This present paper expands on many of the themes included in that response and provides more detail and discussion
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bell, K., Blyth, W., Bradshaw, M., Green, R., Gross, R., Jansem, M., Ostrovnaya, A. and Webb, J.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Bell, A., Bartlam, P., Pogaku, N., Gowans, B., Grant, K. and Knight, M.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): McLeavey-Reville, C.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bell, S., Heyward, N. and Trichakis, P.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2009
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Turner, D., Allerton, T., Bartlam, P., Cherry, L., Gowans, B., Pogaku, N. and Bell, A.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Baker-Brian, N. and Parker, S.
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Parker, S. and Baker-Brian, N.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): UKERC
Published: 2011
Publisher: UKERC
The meeting considered both the general shape of the Electricity Market Reform (EMR) package and the four specific elements proposed in the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and HM Treasury (HMT) consultations. This summary covers first the generic aspects and then, more briefly, the four specific elements.
Author(s): Day, G.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Subtheme Group
Published: 2019
Publisher: Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Barrett, J., Owen, A. and Taylor, P
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
To recover the cost of energy policies which support the transition towards a low carbon energy system, levies are applied to household and business energy bills. This briefing note focuses on the levies applied to households.
Household energy policy costs
Energy policy costs are applied to household electricity and gas bills, equating to 132, or 13% of the average energy bill in 2016. This research highlights how low-income households are hit hardest by the current arrangements as the poorest households spend 10% of their income on heat and power in their homes, whereas the richest households only spend 3%, so any increase in prices hits the poor disproportionately.
Energy service demands in the UK
Household electricity and gas use represents only 12% of total final UK energy use. Total energy use includes all the energy used to provide househ
Author(s): UKERC
Published: 2011
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Cox, E., Bell, K. and Gross, R.
Published: 2021
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Crawley, J., Ogunrin, S., Taneja, S., Vorushlyo, I. and Wang, X.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Romero, P. and Cooke, H.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Buro Happold
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cox, E., Bell, K.. and Brush, S.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Bell, K.
Published: 2019
Publisher: UKERC
The gas and electricity sectors feature many different actors that interact in different ways, through commercial arrangements and physical transfers of energy. The activities of the larger actors – generators, suppliers, gas shippers, and network owners and operators – are regulated through various licences.
There is then a raft of standards and codes that govern the interfaces between the actors and many of the characteristics of equipment that is connected to the networks. Most of these documents were established when the gas and electricity sectors were first liberalised in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Although a number have seen various revisions since then, many industry observers have argued that they are out of step with technological and market developments and difficult to change.
This document contains the UKERC response to the 2019 consulation by BEIS/Ofgem about how and why the codes might be revised.
Author(s): Gross, R.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
The reason for producing this note is that two distinct strands of thought can be found in the literature on how to conceptualise the costs associated with any additional capacity required to maintain reliability when intermittent generators are added to an electricity network. The first does not explicitly define a system reliability cost rather it assesses the overall change in system costs that arises from additional capacity (Dale et al 2003). This approach can be used to derive system reliability cost if combined with an assessment of the impact on load factors of incumbent stations when new generators are added (see footnote 2). The second includes an explicit system reliability cost. This approach requires that we make an assumption about the nature of the plant that provides back up(Ilex and Strbac 2002). Both approaches should arrive at the same change in total system costs.
Author(s): Otoadese, J.
Published: 2008
Publisher: UKERC
To address the aim, each chapter author presented a 10-minute summary of his chapter. This was followed by a five-minute critique by an invited discussant. Comments were invited from the floor for a further 15-minute period. Professor Gary May provided an overview of research in this area at the end of the workshop. The workshop was opened by an invited chair, Professor A.P. Sakis Meliopoulos of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Professor Meliopoulos offered final concluding remarks.
Author(s): Chaudry M, Hawker G, Qadrdan M, Broad O, Webb J, Wade F, Britton J, Wu J.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ruffenach, A.
Published: 2018
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Sanderson, M. and Hull, A.
Published: 2018
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Mott MacDonald
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Mott MacDonald
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): TransGrid Solutions Inc.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Mott MacDonald
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Mott MacDonald
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Mott MacDonald
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2009
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Mott MacDonald
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Adam, P.G., Finney, S.J., Willians, B.W. and Bell, K.
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Mott MacDonald
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Brinker, L.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
This response provides recommendations on the reform of the energy supply market, based on research on “energy retail market governance” undertaken within UKERC.
Author(s): Bell, K., Gross, R. and Watson, J
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
The RIIO (Revenue=Incentives+Innovation+Outputs) model, introduced in 2013, is designed to ensure that payments to companies running the gas and electricity transmission and distribution networks are fair to network users and permit the recovery of reasonable costs in developing, maintaining and operating the networks.
The network licensees allowed revenue is linked to their performance and should therefore offer them incentives for securing investment, driving innovation and delivering the service that customers expect. However, some commentators have suggested that the licensees have been making unjustified profits. With network charges making up around a quarter of the average household energy bill, it is anticipated that the new price control framework will be tougher and provide lower expected returns for networklicensees.
The RIIO-2 frameworkconsultation is welcome. Ofgems final view on price control allowances will be published by the end of 2020 with the new network price controls ('RIIO-2') due to be implemented in 2021.
General commentsIn our submission we respondedto the individual points raised in the call. We also note the following:
We support the proposal to reduce the price control period from 8 to 5 years. The energy system is undergoing unprecedented change, not only with continued transformation of the generation background but also major changes to the way electricity is used, such as for transport and heating. However, the rate and precise locations of these changes is uncertain. A shorter price control period will provide the opportunity for incentives and cost recovery to be adapted to the changing circumstances.
Maintenance of acceptable levels of reliability while facilitating the energy system transformation at least cost requires substantial innovation in technologies, business processes and commercial arrangements. The development of new innovations and associated benefits to consumers often takes years to be realised, sometimes beyond a price control period in which network company shareholders would expect a return. We therefore support the proposal to retain dedicated innovation funding but encourage greater clarity on the scope of activities that can make use of such funding and on best practice in the generation and dissemination of evidence on proposed innovations.
We welcome moves to increase the accountability of the network companies and would urge Ofgem to concentrate on those measures that have a genuine and positive impact on the network companies activities in the context of the whole energy system. We note that thisis not restricted to the business plans submitted under RIIO-2 but extends to a whole raft of codes and interactions. These include the evolving responsibilities of the Electricity System Operator (ESO), the relationships between the ESO, the transmission owners and the Distribution Network Operators, and the processes for ensuring that the full set of codes, standards and market arrangements are coherent and fit for purpose. This is a challenging task that requires constant attention to the big picture and sufficient resources, commitment and expertise on the part of the network owners, system operators and Ofgem.
In applying tighter controls that avoid excessive returns to the network licensees owners, the upside and downside risks should be clearly assessed and incentives for managing risk placed on those parties best placed to do so.
Author(s): Gross, R. and Bell. K.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
Pathways that are consistent with legislated net zero targets are likely to see highly significant changes to demand for electricity. When these changes will start to take place and how quickly is uncertain, which leads to challenges when setting price controls. Key elements to circumnavigate this will be flexibility and scenario planning.
The need for network reinforcement can be reduced by the appropriate use of flexibility, e.g. in the timing of EV charging. However, the means by which different sources of flexibility might be encouraged and then utilised are still immature and it is not yet clear which will actors prove to be the most significant and efficient in providing services.
Flexibility can only go so far in helping meet power supply needs; at some point, network capacity often proves the most cost-effective means, especially when considering its reliability and lifetime, and the opportunities provided by asset replacement. The triggering of investment in network assets presents an opportunity not just to meet the immediate need or that forecast for the next few years, but to provide for the maximum transfer that can be envisaged throughout the path to net zero. This is likely to be cheapest for consumers over the longer term as the incremental cost of additional electrical capacity is small relative to the total cost of aproject, it avoids the need for repeated interventions, andit saves on the long-term cost of network losses.
Ofgem has noted in the consultation document that some form of scenario planning of investment is likely to be needed. A number of scenarios should be developed that encompass key uncertainties but are consistent across Britain in respect of the whole, multi-vector system, and associated assumptions.
There should be engagement with Local Authorities and other stakeholders to develop regional plans of future energy needs, such as a Local Area Energy Plan. This engagement is important as local, regional, or devolved administration policies as well as different geographies and starting points can drive different actions.
Innovation is a long-term process and uncertainty is inherent to it there is always the potential for unforeseen things to arise. What this means for the energy system is that:
Where there is uncertainty about the effect or cost of new practices or technologies on an energy system and its users who ultimately pay but also benefit from innovations that are adopted it is reasonable for those users to share the risk by sharing the cost of resolution of the uncertainties. However, arguments might be made that costs should be shared not by energy system users, i.e. its customers, but by taxpayers, e.g. through funding by UKRI.
A less than perfect set of arrangements for the sharing of costs between different parties should be accepted if that is what is necessary to support R&D capacity, address risks, and drive innovation. Moreover, the amount of network customers money that is being proposed in RIIO-ED2 to support innovation is modest compared with the network companies total expenditure and the benefits that will accrue to customers and society as a whole in the energy system transition.
Good governance and good practice on the part of network licensees is essential to ensure that customers money is used effectively. In particular, we agree with Ofgem that data transparency associated with network innovation projectsneeds to be much improved.
In order that the scope of Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) funding is not set too narrowly, we think it important to have a clear understanding of what a successful energy system transition involves. We include in our response a first draft of a definition and include recommendations for the threshold that projects must meet to be funded.
Summary: The greatest challenges faced by Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) in forming investment plans relate to the gathering and use of information with suitable levels of spatial and temporal detail. Access to smart meter data should help, but innovation will be required to turn data into useful information.
A final observation is that it is important for the UKs economy as a whole that the UK has the capacity to undertake research and development, to innovate, and to generate evidence in order to drive the commercial viability of ideas
Author(s): Atkins
Published: 2015
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Anderson, D
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
The following analysis revisits the relationships between the reserve requirements, the capacity margins needed to maintain the reliability of supplies, the costs of intermittency, the capacity credit for intermittent generation, and several other quantities. It is not put forward as a substitute for full-blown modelling studies, but does provide a reminder of principles and an independent means of checking results. It rests on a few key parameters, principally the means, standard deviations and ranges of the frequency distributions of the various quantities. Whilst this is a simplification, it helps to make the underlying relationships more transparent and enables the analyst to explore the effects of changes in assumptions. It begins with a basic case and then relaxes the assumptions.
There are three questions which recur throughout the paper:
The paper does not answer questions as to what the optimum reserve margin should be or how it should be determined. There is a long debate on the role of markets and regulation for determining reserve margins which this paper does not get into. Suffice it to say that whatever policy position is taken: (a) in actuality there is at all times a reserve margin, which is the difference between available capacity and demand; (b) this quantity is of interest and needs to be monitored since when it declines the probability of losing load increases; (c) when for policy purposes estimates of the costs of introducing intermittent resources onto the system are being made it is necessary to compare like-with-like such that the costs of introducing them, including the costs of maintaining the reliability of supplies, can be compared with the costs of the alternatives.
Author(s): Garbi. U.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): GridON Ltd
Published: 2014
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Skea, J. and Infield, D.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
The following submission is preceded by a tabled summary of the current state of energy research and development and deployment in the UK, technology by technology. This is used as the basis for commentary on the technology potential of:
UKERC offers its views on the research funding landscape. Recommendations are highlighted in bold.
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Eyre, N., Darb,. S. and Green, R.
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
This Consultation Response to the Energy and Climate Change Committee's Inquiry on Electricity Demand Side Measures explores whether the Governments and Ofgems current proposals for incentivising the development of demand reduction measures are enough to ensure the potential energy savings outlined in the 2012 Energy Efficiency Strategy are achieved.
Author(s): Bell, K., Dodds, P., Chaudry, M., Eyre, N. and Aylott, M.
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
This Consultation Response to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Inquiry into the resilience of electricity infrastructure.In this response we discuss whether theUKs electricity system is resilient to peaks in consumer demand and sudden shocks, andhow the costs and benefits of investing in electricity resilience are assessed and decisions made.
Author(s): Hardy. J.
Published: 2011
Publisher: UKERC
The UK Energy Research Centre welcomes this opportunity to provide input to the HMT Carbon Floor Price Consultation. We have focused only on the questions where we believe we may have something to offer. The observations have benefited from discussions at an “Independent Experts Workshop on Electricity Market Reform” convened jointly by UKERC and the Imperial Collage Centre for Energy Policy and Technology on 31 January 2011.
Author(s): Watson, J., Ekins, P., Gross, R., Froggatt, A., Barrett, J., Bell, K., Darby, S., Webb, J., Bradshaw, M., Anable, J., Brand, C., Pidgeon, N., Demski, C. and Evensen, D.,
Published: 2017
Publisher: UKERC
UKERCs 2017 Review of Energy Policy, appraises energy policy change over the last 12 months, and makes a series of recommendations to help meet the objectives of the governments Clean Growth Plan.
Our main recommendations are:
Author(s): Watson, J., Bradshaw, M., Froggat, A., Kuzemko, C., Webb, J., Beaumont, N., Armstrong, A., Agnolucci, P., Hastings, A., Holland, R., Day, B., Delafield, G., Eigenbrod, F., Taylor, G., Lovett, A., Shepard, A., Hooper, T., Wu, J., Lowes, R., Qadrdan, M., Anable, J., Brand, C., Mullen, C., Bell, K., Taylor, P. and Allen, S.
Published: 2019
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Gross, R., Bell, K., Brand, C., Wade, F., Hanna, R., Heptonstall, P., Kuzemko, C., Froggatt, A., Bradshaw, M., Lowes, R., Webb, J., Dodds, P., Chilvers, J. and Hargreaves, T.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
In this issue of UKERCs annual Review of Energy Policy, we discuss some of the effects of COVID-19 on the energy system and how the unprecedented events of 2020 might impact energy use and climate policy in the future.
Focusing on electricity demand, transport, green jobs and skills, Brexit, heat, and societal engagement, the Review reflects on the past year and looks forward, highlighting key priorities for the Government.
Key recommendations
The scale of investment in the power system required over the coming decade is huge. A big challenge is market design. We need a market that can incentivise investment in low carbon power and networks at least cost whilst also providing incentives for flexibility. Output from wind and solar farms will sometimes exceed demand and other timesfallto low levels. The right mix of flexible resources must be established to deal with variable output from renewables, with the right market signals and interventions in place to do this at least cost.
The end of the sale of fossil fuel cars and vans by 2030 must be greeted with enthusiasm. Yet if this is to play its part in a Paris-compliant pathway to zero emissions, it must be one of many policy changes to decarbonise UK transport. Earlier action is paramount, and we recommend a market transformation approach targeting the highest emitting vehicles now, not just from 2030. Phasing-in of the phase-out will save millions of tons of CO2 thus reducing the need for radical action later on. The forthcoming Transport Decarbonisation Plan has a lot to deliver.
Green jobs and skills
COVID-19 recoverypackages offer the potential to combine job creation with emissions reduction. A national housing retrofit programme would be a triple win, creating jobs, reducing carbon emissions and make our homes more comfortable and affordable to heat. However, UKERC research finds that there are significant skills gaps associated with energy efficient buildings and low carbon heat. UKERC calls for a national programme of retraining and reskilling that takes advantage of the COVID downturn to re-equip building service professions with the skills needed for net zero.
As the UK leaves the EU on the 1st January it will lose many of the advantages of integration. With new regimes for carbon pricing, trading, and interconnection yet to be agreed, there will be a high degree of uncertainty in the near to medium term. Given upward pressure on energy costs,delays to policy, and this uncertainty surrounding new rules, the overall effects of Brexit are not positive for UK energy decarbonisation.
UKERC research calls for action on heat to deliver the net zero technologies that we know work - insulating buildings and rolling out proven options. We need to end delay or speculation about less-proven options. Analysis is consistent with recent advice from the CCC that heat policy should focus on electrification whilst exploring options for hydrogen. We need to break the pattern of ad hoc and disjointed policy measures for heat and buildings, and develop a coherent, long-term strategy. This would be best achieved as an integral part of local and regional energy plans, involving local governments as coordinating agents. The aspirations for heat cant be realised unless we also take actionon the skills gap.
Societal engagement with energy
Achieving net zero in 2050 will entail significant changes to the way we live, what we eat and how we heat our homes. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that when faced with a threat, society can change rapidly. Engaging society with the net zero transition also needs to change, it needs to be to be more ambitious, diverse, joined-up and system-wide, and recognise the many different ways that citizens engage with these issues on an ongoing basis.
Author(s): Gross, R., Webb, J., Bradshaw, M., Bell, K., Taylor, P., Gailani, A., Rattle, I., Brand, C., Anable, J., Kuzemko, C. and Froggatt, A.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Taylor, P., Bays, J., Bradshaw, M., Webb, J., Britton, J., Bolton, R., Chaudry, M., Qadrdan, M., Wu, J., Anable, J., Brand, C., Rattle, I., Gailani, A., Bell K., Halliday, C., Shepherd, A., Watson, S., Lovett, A. and Hastings, A.
Published: 2023
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Watson, J., Ekins, P., Bradshaw, M., Wilson, G., Webb, J., Lowes, R., Bell, K., Demski, C., Snell, C., Bevan, M., Waddams, C., Anable, J. and Brand, C.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
As we reach the end of 2018, the scorecard for UK energy policy is mixed. Optimists can point to rapid emissions reductions, cost falls in renewables and the centrality of clean energy within the Industrial Strategy. Ten years after the Climate Change Act was passed, UK greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 43% from the level in 1990. The UK is on the way to meeting the first three carbon budgets, and a transformation of the power sector is well underway.
However, if we turn our attention from the rear view mirror, the outlook is more pessimistic. As the Committee on Climate Change pointed out in June, there are an increasing number of policy gaps and uncertainties. If not addressed promptly, meeting future carbon budgets will be much more challenging. For some of these gaps, there is a particularly clear and immediate economic case for action.
The government needs to take urgent action to ensure that the UK continues to meet statutory emissions reduction targets, and goes further to achieve net zero emissions. This not only requires new policies to fill looming gaps in the portfolio, it also requires much greater emphasis on sharing the benefits and costs of the low carbon transition more equitably. Our main recommendations are:
Author(s): Watson, J., Ekins, P., Wright, L., Eyre, N., Bell, K., Darby, S., Bradshaw, M., Webb, J., Gross, R., Anable, J., Brand, C., Chilvers, J., and Pidgeon, N.
Published: 2016
Publisher: UKERC
This review takes stock of UK energy policy ahead of the Autumn Statement, Industrial Strategy and new Emissions Reduction Plan. Its main recommendations are:
Author(s): Flett, G., Kelly, N. and McGhee, R.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
Energy System Demonstrators are physical demonstrations testing new technologies for low-carbon energy infrastructure.
A review of energy systems demonstrator projects in the UK was undertaken for UKERC by the Energy Systems Research Unit (ESRU) at the University of Strathclyde. The review encompassed 119 demonstrators and consisted of two phases: 1) the identification of demonstrator projects and 2) an analysis of projects and their outcomes.
The review defined an energy system demonstrator as “the deployment and testing of more than one technology type that could underpin the operation of a low-carbon energy infrastructure in the future”. Only demonstrators that post-date the 2008 Climate Change Act were included and that included a physical demonstration at one or more UK sites. 119 projects were identified that met the search criteria.
There were two phases of review activity. Phase 1 involved identification and documentation of demonstration projects, involving a systematic search to identify and record the details of projects. Phase 2 was a review of project outcomes and outputs, particularly end-of-project evaluations, covering technical, economic and social outcomes where available.
The review outputs (available here) are a final report summarising the findings, 119 demonstrator project summaries (the Phase 1 reports), 119 demonstrator output analyses (the Phase 2 reports) and a GIS (Geographic Information System) map and database showing the locations and project details of the demonstrators.
The final report, attendant project summaries and GIS data are intended to provide policy makers and funding bodies with an overview of the existing demonstrator “landscape”, enabling decisions on future demonstrator calls and the focus of those calls to be made with a clearer knowledge of what has already been done.
Author(s): Blyth, W., Gross, R., Nash, S., Jansen, M., Rickman, J. and Bell, K.
Published: 2021
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Bell, K. and Hawker, G.
Published: 2016
Publisher: UKERC
What mix of generation will provide the cheapest total system cost for the GB electricity system after the 30 minute balancing requirement is met, while still meeting carbon reduction targets? Keith Bell, Scottish Power Professor of Smart Grids, University of Strathclyde, and Graeme Hawker, Research Associate, University of Strathclyde, argue there is no simple answer given that calculating costs is next to impossible due to uncertainties around such factors as storage and demand-side management.
Author(s): Froggatt, A., Wright, G. and Lockwood, M
Published: 2017
Publisher: Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs
• Negotiations over the terms of ‘Brexit’ are likely to be lengthy, complex and difficult. Energy is one policy area in which it may be easier for the UK and future EU27 to find common ground
• Energy cooperation over the past decades has helped European countries to enhance their geopolitical security, respond to growing climate threats, and create a competitive pan-European energy market. Maintaining close cooperation in this field, and the UK’s integration in the European internal energy market (IEM), will be important for the UK and the EU27 post-Brexit.
• Strong UK–EU27 energy cooperation could help ensure that existing and future interconnectors – physical pipes and cables that transfer energy across borders – between the UK, Ireland and the continent are used as efficiently as possible. As European economies, including the UK, look to decarbonize further, interconnectors will help minimize the costs of operating low-carbon electricity systems, and help lower electricity prices for UK consumers.
• The UK and the EU27 have identified the special relations between the UK and the Republic of Ireland as a priority for negotiations. Any future agreement needs to maintain the Single Electricity Market (SEM) across the island of Ireland, as failure to do so could result in an expensive duplication of infrastructure and governance.
• EU funds and European Investment Bank (EIB) loans account for around £2.5 billion of the UK’s energy-related infrastructure, climate change mitigation, and research and development (R&D) funding per year. Replacing these sources of finance will be necessary to ensure that the UK’s energy sector remains competitive and innovative.
• The UK intends to leave Euratom, the treaty which established the European Atomic Energy Community and which governs the EU’s nuclear industry. This process – dubbed ‘Brexatom’ – will have a significant impact on the functioning of the UK’s nuclear industry, particularly in respect to nuclear material safeguards, safety, supply, movement across borders and R&D. Achieving this within the two-year Brexit time frame will be extremely difficult. The UK will need to establish a framework that it can fall back on to ensure nuclear safety and security.
• Remaining fully integrated with the IEM would require the UK’s compliance with current and future EU energy market rules, as well with some EU environmental legislation. The UK government, British companies and other relevant stakeholders will need to maintain an active presence in Brussels and European energy forums, so that constructive and informed engagement can be sustained.
• Without a willingness to abide by the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), and in the absence of a new joint UK–EU compliance mechanism, the UK may be required to leave the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) – an instrument in the UK’s and EU’s fight against climate change. Leaving the ETS would be complicated, even more so if the UK leaves before the end of the ETS’s current phase (2013–20). To maintain carbon pricing in some form outside of the ETS, the UK would need to either establish its own emissions trading scheme, which would be complicated and time-consuming; or build on the carbon floor price and introduce a carbon tax. Either of these potential solutions would need political longevity to be effective.
• It is in both the UK’s and the EU27’s interests for the UK to continue to collaborate on energy policy with EU and non-EU member states. The best way to achieve this would be to establish a robust new pan-European energy partnership: an enlarged European Energy Union. In particular, such a partnership could offer a useful platform for aligning EU policies with those of third countries, including the UK, Norway and Switzerland, while allowing them to fully access the IEM and push forward common initiatives. Experience suggests that the EU27 would be more receptive to working within an existing framework or multilateral approach (as with the European Energy Community) than to adopting a bilateral approach (as the EU currently does in its energy relations with Switzerland).
Author(s): Technical Architecture project team
Published: 2005
Publisher: DTI and Ofgem
Author(s): IEA
Published: 2011
Publisher: International Energy Authority
Author(s): Gross, R., Heptonstall, P., Anderson, D., Green, T., Leach, M. and Skea, J.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Coleman, J.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Watson, J., Ketsopoulou, I., Dodds, P., Chaudry, M., Tindemans, S., Woolf, M. and Strbac, G.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
Energy security is a central goal of energy policy in most countries and with rapid changes occurring throughout the UK energy sector, it remains high on the policy agenda. Recent concerns about UK gas supplies - highlighted by National Grid's gas deficit warning demonstrated just how fundamentally important it is to have a reliable energy system.
Using a number of indicators, ‘The Security of UK Energy Futures’ assesses aspects of security such as energy availability, reliability, sustainability and affordability to examine how energy security risks will change over time
The report draws three main conclusions:
Author(s): Chaudry, M., Qadrdan, M., Chi, L. and Wu, J.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Dutton. J.
Published: 2016
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Lidstone, L
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bell, K.
Published: 2017
Publisher: UKERC
This Working Paper has been motivated by the growth of distributed energy resources (DER) on the electricity system in Britain, i.e. generation, storage and flexible demand that is connected at distribution network voltages, and the consultation published by Ofgem and BEIS in November 2016 on the subject of electricity system flexibility. It aims to give a very basic and rapid introduction to some of the issues and their origins.
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Abeysekera, M., Fuentes Gonzalez, F., Gross, R., Lowes, R., Qadrdan, M. and Wu, J.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) has provided research and analysis across the whole energy system since 2004, with funding provided by the Research Councils through a succession of five year phases. Research related to low carbon heat became a significant focus during Phase 3 (2014 2019) and the current Phase 4 includes a research theme devoted to decarbonisation of heating and cooling, with several of our other themes providing relevant insights. Our whole systems research programme addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by the transition to a net zero energy system and economy.
In this submission we address specific consultation questions where UKERC evidence and analysis provides us with relevant insights. In addition there are a number of high level observations that we provide in these introductory remarks.
Overall, we are concerned that the measures outlined in the consultation need to be set within a coherent and ambitious package of policies that work together to drive the UKs transformation to sustainable heating at a rate commensurate with the goal of net-zero by 2050. While we appreciate there are some uncertainties over the future role of the gas grid and the potential for hydrogen for heating, immediate progress in heat system decarbonisation is clearly required as part of this multi-decadal transformation. As the consultation notes, heat pumps offer a low regrets option in some applications and it is widely acknowledged that the UK has a small supplier base and very low level of heat pump deployment compared to many countries. Increasing consumer and installer familiarity, and growing the skills base and supply chain all feature strongly in the process of learning by doing that reduces heat pump costs. Ifheat pump deployment were to proceed linearly to 2050 in line with some scenarios for deployment, annual installations would need to increase by an order of magnitude. Whilst welcome, the current proposals are not sufficient to deliver a large scale market for heat pumps. Ambition and clarity of purpose are essential if heat system decarbonisation is to succeed. We also stress the importance of providing support to support the development of large low carbon heating systems, including systems attached to heat networks. We appreciate that the provisions laid out in the consultation pertain only to specific schemes and note the observations made in the consultation about support for heat networks.
Alongside the required policy changes necessary to support specific heating technologies, wider governance changes will be needed to drive the UK transformation to low carbon heating.Whilst regulation and other forms of financial support for building efficiency improvement are noted in the consultation, we note that it is likely to be important to use sticks as well as carrots if the highest carbon heating systems are to be removed and building efficiency increased. However, it will also be important to consider ownership and regulation of heat networks, the role of local authorities and opportunities for innovation that may be unlocked through regulatory change such as encouraging electricity suppliers to offer smart heating tariffs or enabling community ownership of heat distribution schemes.
While we appreciate these issues are beyond the scope of the current consultation, it is important that these considerations inform policy choices made now.
Author(s): Chaudry, M
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC Research Landscape provides an overview of the competencies and publicly funded activities in electricity transmission and distribution research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the UK. It covers the main funding streams, research providers, infrastructure, networks and UK participation in international activities.
Author(s): Chaudry, M., Bagdanavicius, A., Thomas, L., Sansom, R., Calderon, J.O., Jenkins, N. and Strbac. G
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
The UK power system experienced a period of significant and rapid expansion during the late 1980s and in the 1990s. Many power generation assets are now approaching the end of their useful life and need to be replaced as we decarbonise the overall energy system. Developments in distributed generation and other technologies open important questions as to whether the traditional approaches to development and operation of power systems are still adequate and whether the anticipated major re-investment in transmission and distribution networks could be avoided by adopting new technologies such as smart grids, smart meters and a greater emphasis on demand side participation.
High level research issues identified within the UKERC Energy Supply theme cover a number of areas, including:
These projects are reviewed in this report and from these high level research issues, some of the key research challenges identified are summarised as follows:
Author(s): Bell, K., Eyre, N., Hawker, G., Castagneto Gissey, G., Dodds, P., Darby, S., Irvine, J., Paul, G. and Watson J
Published: 2017
Publisher: UKERC
Scope of the Call for Evidence and objectives in respect of flexibility
We welcome the attention being paid by Ofgem and BEIS to the need for flexibility in Britain’s electricity system. In our view the main reason to support electricity system flexibility is that it can help minimise the costs of meeting the UK’s statutory climate targets whilst ensuring that system security is not compromised. The electricity system’s ability to adapt to changing demand in timescales of years down to minutes and varying availability of power from different resources will be extremely important to meeting these policy goals. Furthermore, action is needed so that those consumers that are best able to adapt their patterns of use of electricity have sufficient incentives and rewards for doing so. One manifestation of the main goal in accommodating future generation and demand is an objective to maximise the utilisation (across each year of operation) of electricity system assets, i.e. generators, network components and storage facilities.
Whilst the title of the call for evidence focuses on ‘a smart, flexible energy system’, most of the raised relate to the electricity system. We have therefore focused most of our responses on electricity rather than the energy system as a whole. Our responses are selective. We have only answered those questions where we can offer relevant evidence, based on our research and expertise.
Author(s): Darby, S
Published: 2017
Publisher: UKERC
Scope of the Call for Evidence and objectives in respect of flexibility
We welcome the attention being paid by Ofgem and BEIS to the need for flexibility in Britain’s electricity system. In our view the main reason to support electricity system flexibility is that it can help minimise the costs of meeting the UK’s statutory climate targets whilst ensuring that system security is not compromised. The electricity system’s ability to adapt to changing demand in timescales of years down to minutes and varying availability of power from different resources will be extremely important to meeting these policy goals. Furthermore, action is needed so that those consumers that are best able to adapt their patterns of use of electricity have sufficient incentives and rewards for doing so. One manifestation of the main goal in accommodating future generation and demandis an objective to maximise the utilisation (across each year of operation) of electricity system assets, i.e. generators, network components and storage facilities.
Whilst the title of the call for evidence focuses on ‘a smart, flexible energy system’, most of the raised relate to the electricity system. We have therefore focused most of our responses on electricity rather than the energy system as a whole. Our responses are selective. We have only answered those questions where we can offer relevant evidence, based on our research and expertise.
This document only answers questions 28 -32 inclusive. Another document is available which gives answers to other questions in the consultation.
Author(s): Skea, J., Hardy, J., Gross, R., Mitchell, C., Baker, P. and Eyre, N.
Published: 2011
Publisher: UKERC
UKERC endorses the principles underlying the proposed package of reforms and supports the broad direction and aspirations of the EMR. However we believe that the package is unnecessarily complex and that some important issues, such as governance arrangements and price transparency in wholesale markets have received insufficient attention, or are absent.
A system of feed-in tariffs differentiated by and tailored to specific technologies, coupled with a capacity mechanism, would be sufficient to deliver the twin goals of promoting investment in low carbon generation and ensuring security of supply.
The feed-in tariff (FiT) is the key element of the EMR package. However, a one size fits all approach to FiT design is not appropriate. Low carbon technologies are diverse in terms of technological maturity, cost structure and risk profiles and different technologies may merit different approaches.
We regret that fixed FiTs have been excluded as they are the lowest risk option and they have a proven track record globally in encouraging investment in renewables. Contracts for differences (CfDs) may be appropriate for nuclear, while biomass generation and CCS could be supported by premium FiTs. The Emission Performance Standard (EPS) appears to be the most dispensable part of the EMR packages since other measures, such as carbon price support, will effectively inhibit investment in new unabated coal in the UK.
A capacity mechanism will be needed to give assurance that sufficient capacity will be installed to guarantee security of supply though it may be some time before the mechanism is needed.
We would recommend approaching auctions for FiTs with caution as, for many technologies, the pre-conditions for a successfulauction are not in place. These include the need for established technologies, a vibrant, diversified and competitive market, and a well developed supply chain. Administered prices or beauty contest type tenders could be used initially with a move to auctioning at a later date.
The key risk associated with the proposed package is that its complexity and uncertainty surrounding its implementation could lead to an investment hiatus threatening the attainment of both low carbon generation and security of supply goals.
Author(s): Chaudry. M., Usher. W., Ekins. P., Strachan. N., Jenkins. N., Baker. P., Skea. J. and Hardy J
Published: 2009
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Baker, P., Chaudry, M., Mitchell, C, Woodman, B., Jenkins, N., Strbac, G. and Hardy, J.
Published: 2010
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Heptonstall, P. and Gross, R.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
The prices paid for electricity by domestic customers in the UK has been a regular discussion point in both policy debate and the media. A particular concern is the contribution that policies to incentivise low-carbon generation and energy saving make to the bills paid by householders. In response to these concerns, the UK Energy Research Centre’s Technology and Policy Assessment team examined in detail the data available on prices in the UK and other countries to address the question: How do the impacts of government policies funded through consumer electricity bills differ between countries?
This report reviews evidence on electricity prices paid by household (i.e. domestic) consumers with a focus on the UK and selected case study countries (Germany, France, Sweden and Australia), supplemented by consolidated EU-wide data to provide a broader context. Gas prices were not examined in detail because to date, policy has generally had a much greater impact on electricity prices, and UK gas prices are in the lower quartile of the EU range for all domestic consumers and almost all commercial and industrial consumers.
Electricity price formation is complex and affected by policies in the UK and all of the case studies considered in this review. Different policy approaches, geographical factors and mixes of power generation mean that comparison requires considerable caution, avoiding over-simplification. Nevertheless there is no evidence to support the contention that policy costs are either the principal source of high domestic power prices in the UK or are high compared to the country case studies or indeed the majority of Western European nations.
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