Author(s): Green. A.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ekins, P., Taylor, P., Kohler, J., Page, M., Titheridge, H. and Strachan, N.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
This workshop was the first in a series of technical workshops under the Energy Systems Modelling Theme (ESMT) of the UKERC. The overall goal of these workshops is to enhance the links between UK energy modelling practitioners, and to learn about different methodologies and analytical techniques. The specific goals of this 1 st ESMT workshop on transport modelling was to bring together energy-economic and transport modellers to learn about each others models, their synergies, and to develop potential collaborations in terms of data, insights and projects. The envisaged workshop outputs were:
Author(s): US Department of Energy
Published: 2008
Publisher: US Department of Energy
Author(s): Baringa Partners LLP
Published: 2018
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2018
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Baringa Partners LLP
Published: 2018
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Baringa Partners LLP
Published: 2018
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, H.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Walker, I. and Staw, T.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Walker, I., Staw, T., Stewart, A. and Tiniou, E.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Walker, I. and Staw, T.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Walker, I., Stewart, A., Staw, T. and Tiniou, E.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Walker, I., Staw, T., Stewart, A. and Tiniou, E.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): McGlade, C., Bradshaw, M., Anandarajah, G., Watson, J. and Ekins, P.
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
This project uses the global TIMES Integrated Assessment Model in UCL (‘TIAM-UCL’) to provide robust quantitative insights into the future of natural gas in the energy system and in particular whether or not gas has the potential to act as a ‘bridge’ to a low-carbon future on both a global and regional basis out to 2050.
We first explore the dynamics of a scenario that disregards any need to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Such a scenario results in a large uptake in the production and consumption of all fossil fuels, with coal in particular dominating the electricity system. It is unconventional sources of gas production that account for much of the rise in natural gas production; with shale gas exceeding 1 Tcm after 2040. Gas consumption grows in all sectors apart from the electricity sector, and eventually becomes cost effective both as a marine fuel (as liquefied natural gas) and in mediumgoods vehicles (as compressed natural gas).
We next examine how different gas market structures affect natural gas production, consumption, and trade patterns. For the two different scenarios constructed, one continued current regionalised gas markets, which are characterised by very different prices in different regions with these prices often based on oil indexation, while the other allowed a global gas price to form based on gas supply-demand fundamentals. We find only a small change in overall global gas production levels between these but a major difference in levels of gas trade and so conclude that if gas exporters choose to defend oil indexation in the short-term, they may end up destroying their export markets in longer term. A move towards pricing gas internationally, based on supply-demand dynamics, is thus shown to be crucial if they are to maintain their current levels of exports.
Author(s): Bradshaw, M.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
This briefing is based on two propositions.
First, that gas security matters, because today in the UKgas plays a dominant role in the provision of energy services, accounting for almost 40% of total inland primary energy consumption in 2017. Thus, a shortrun failure of gas security would undoubtedly have significant political and economic consequences.
Second, that the current measure is far too narrow to offer a comprehensive assessment of UK gas security, particularly in a post-Brexit context. Discussions at the Gas Security Forum suggested that:the measure of gas securityfocuses only on infrastructure capacity and not supply (capacity does not equal flow); it fails to take account of the time-lag for gas delivery; it does not measure diversity or spare capacity; it ignores the impact of multiple asset failures; and, does not consider the costs associated with ensuring greater security.
It is in this context that this paper seeks to address the following questions:
The thinking behind this paper is that a more extensive approach to measuring UK gas security is needed to address the less dramatic challenges that face UK gas security, as well as the chance of managing a Black Swanevent.
Author(s): Frame, D., Bell, K. and McArthur, S.
Published: 2016
Publisher: UKERC
A review funded by HubNet and UKERC, and written by the University of Strathclyde's Damien Frame, Keith Bell and Stephen McArthur, argues that RD&D activity by Britains electricity distribution network operators has significantly revived; this revival is linked to Ofgem's 500m Low Carbon Network Fund investment.
Author(s): Heptonstall, P.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
The principal aims of this paper are to examine the range of reported unit costs for major generating technologies, show the range of estimates, explain where possible the reasons for the range, and show to what extent there is any clustering around central values. In addition, the paper explains the components of unit cost calculations and discussed what is, and is not, included in these calculations.
Author(s): Infield, D.G.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
This document provides a road map for Photovoltaics (PV) research in the UK. It covers PV materials, cell and module design and manufacture and applications including BOS components. It is specific to the UK and reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the research base in the UK, although it is compatible with the roadmaps of other countries, particularly the one recently developed for the European Community. Its primary aim is to identify priority areas for UK PV research and assist the research funding agencies, particularly EPSRC, DTI and the Carbon Trust, in developing their research programmes, but it also considers the need to develop UK capacity, both in terms of expertise and research facilities.
Research cannot take place in a commercial vacuum, and although not its primary function, the road map will outline the context for PV research in the UK. The potential for market growth in the UK and more widely is outlined and the need for market stimulation in the UK discussed.
The road map reflects the outcomes of a two day PV road mapping exercise, organised by the UKERC Meeting Place, that took place in Edinburgh in July 2006, together with inputs from a number of the attendees over the following weeks and subsequently contributions from the wider researcher community in response to an initial draft. The road map has also been subject to international peer review, and we indebted to these reviewers for their input.
Author(s): Mueller, M. and Wallace, R.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
The role of the UK Energy Research Centre Marine Energy Research Network in developing a route map for marine renewable energy research is described and put into the context of previous and current marine energy research at a national and EU level. A summary of the route mapping process is given based upon the Batelle approach. Justification is provided for route mapping in terms of encouraging cooperation and collaboration within the community to develop a coherent reseach, development and demonstration strategy, which will be used to inform policy makers and funding bodies. Some preliminary outputs from the network are presented in the paper to encourage discussion.
Author(s): Colechin, M. and Ragsdell, G.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Norman, J., Barrett, J., Garvey, A., Taylor, P., Goodwin, J., Gibbs, M., German, R. and Garland, L.
Published: 2020
Publisher: CREDS
Author(s): McGlade, C., Speirs, J. and Sorrell, S.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
This report assesses the currently available evidence on the size of unconventional gas resources at the regional and global level. Focusing in particular on shale gas, it provides a comprehensive summary and comparison of the estimates that have been produced to date. It also examines the methods by which these resource estimates have been produced the strengths and weaknesses of those methods, the range of uncertainty in the results and the factors that are relevant to their interpretation.
Author(s): Lowes, R., Woodman, B. and Clark, M
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
This working paper considers the risks and opportunities posed to UK heat sector businesses by a potential transformation towards a low-carbon heat system in the UK. It is an output from the Heat, Incumbency and Transformations (HIT) project which is part of the UK Energy Research Centre programme.
The HIT project is investigating the idea of incumbency, considering what the term means, how it is present in the UKs heat sector and what the implications of incumbency are for the UKs potential transformation from a high carbon heat system to a low-carbon heat system.
The previous working paper developed a working definition of incumbency (Loweset al., 2017). This working paper forms the second phase of the project, exploring who the incumbents are in the UK heat system and the implications of the potential transformation for incumbents.
An online m
Author(s): Higginson, S. and Jenkinson, K.
Published: 2021
Publisher: CREDS
Author(s): Green, A.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Kazaglis, A., Tam, A., Eis, J., Watson, J., Hughes, N., Gross, R. and Hanna, R.
Published: 2019
Publisher: UKERC
This report, commissioned by the Aldersgate Group and co-authored with Vivid Economics, identifies out how the government can achieve a net zero target cost-effectively, in a way that enables the UK to capture competitive advantages.
The unique contribution of this report is to identify the lessons from successful and more rapid historical innovations and apply them to the challenge of meeting net zero emissions in the UK.
Achieving net zero emissions is likely to require accelerated innovation across research, demonstration and early deployment of low carbon technologies. Researchers analysed five international case studies of relatively rapid innovations to draw key lessons for government on the conditions needed to move from a typical multi-decadal cycle, to one that will deliver net zero emissions by mid-Century.
The case studies include:
The report also sets out which low carbon technologies are likely to have wider productivty and growth benefits in other industries for the UK. These include carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS); heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC); wind energy; biofuels and batteries. These areas should be prioritised by the government’s innovation strategy going forwards.
Author(s): Colechin, M., Warwick, K. and Titley, B.
Published: 2015
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Day, G.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Blondeel, M., Bradshaw, M., Froggatt, A. and Kuzemko, C.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Keay-Bright, S.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
This workshop had several aims:
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Coleman, J. and Haslett, A.
Published: 2015
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
These elements have only just started to penetrate energy, which has been held back significantly by the current governance structures. Energy presents similar challenges to those of finance where changes which should benefit consumers come with new risks. However, giving people more freedom in how they buy and use energy should carry less risk than giving them freedoms over their pensions and other investments.
Author(s): Chilvers, J., Pallet, H., Hargreaves, T., Stephanides, P. and Waller, L.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Lidstone, L.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Gross, R.
Published: 2006
Publisher: UKERC
This note provides an overview and guide to a process of assessment being undertaken by the UK Energy Research Centre Technology and Policy Assessment function (TPA), with support from the Carbon Trust.
The UKERC has consulted widely on the topics that the TPA needs to consider. It has chosen its preliminary topics carefully, in consultation with stakeholders and in accordance with defined criteria. Intermittency – used herein as shorthand for a range of issues that relate to the costs and electricity system impacts of the intermittent electrical output from wind, solar and some other forms of grid connected renewable generation – has emerged as one of two initial TPA assessment topics.
The TPA will undertake meta-analysis of existing work in order to seek gaps in knowledge, examine different modelling assumptions, and consider how well different pieces of work fit together. The assessment will seek to make clear where and why differences arise in terms of models, assumptions, scenarios and interpretation of findings. It will identify research gaps and provide a clear statement of the nature of the questions that remain.
A key goal is to achieve high standards of rigour and transparency. We have therefore set up a process that is inspired by the evidence based approach to policy assessment undertaken in healthcare, education and social policy, but that is not bound to any narrowly defined method or techniques. The approach entails tight specification of the means by which we will consult stakeholders and solicit expert input, highly specified searching of the relevant literature, and clear and transparent criteria against which relevant findings will be assessed. It is described in the Review Protocol, below.
An introduction to the subject matter and description of assessment activities are provided in this scoping note and protocol.
Author(s): Gross, R.
Published: 2005
Publisher: UKERC
The note is aimed at informed commentators and therefore takes some knowledge for granted – for example of terminology, recent literature and the principal concepts. Its focus is on why and where opinions differ, and the objective is to highlight questions and disagreements, but not answer or resolve either. A more general introduction to the subject is provided in the project scoping note and protocol.
Feedback and comment is invited on all of what follows, and in particular on the set of summary questions at the end of this note.
The remainder of this note covers the following topics:
Author(s): Prpich, G., Darabkhani, H.G., Oakey, J. and Pollard, S.
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
The energy system is highly complex and its future is uncertain due to unexpected changes and contrasting values. The complexity of the system may be defined by, for example, changing politics, technologies, finance and demographics. Under these conditions, decision-makers may struggle to confidently assess their future needs. However, decisions must be made so that organisational objectives are achieved, energy supply is secure and directives are met. For high-level decisions (e.g. strategic decisions reaching far into the future) it is unlikely that more time and better data will reduce uncertainty, and as a result, decisions must be made with existing information. Techniques like scenario analysis are useful for gathering this type of disparate information.
Deliberative techniques (e.g. scenario analysis) are used under conditions of high decision complexity and uncertainty. These techniques may interrogate multiple decision options under various future conditions, thus providing a first-step in understanding inherent risks and uncertainties. In this report we used scenario analysis to assess a set of risks under two plausible future energy scenarios. The studied scenarios included an energy system on a trajectory of development that did not deviate from its current projection (status quo) and a low carbon scenario whereby energy generation was largely provided by non-carbon (e.g. renewable) sources. Energy system experts were used to qualify the different risks and provide industrial insight.
The study analysed a suite of nineteen unique risks. These included political (international agreement, geopolitical issues, UK political issues), economic (project capital costs, investor trust in government, commodity pricing, electricity pricing), social (behavioural change, public perception, democratization of process), technical (rate of innovation vs implementation, energy supply chain, project risks, transport infrastructure), legal (end of life and stranded assets, pre/post operational governance, UK planning and licensing), and environmental (cumulative environmental factors, accidents and climactic events) issues.
The results of this study suggest that political and economic drivers pose the greatest risk, or barrier, to future energy system development. Though these two themes were perceived as being most risky, the character of the risks varied for each scenario. For example, political drivers (i.e. geopolitical) and the impact they may have on hydrocarbon prices posed the greatest risk to an energy system reliant on fossil fuels (i.e. status quo). This was in contrast toa low carbon scenario where the character of political risk (i.e. UK politics) focussed around long-term national policy-making, which in turn highlighted issues about investor confidence. Regardless the differences in character, experts perceived political consistency as being vital for improving confidence in their decision-making. Overall, experts consistently rated risks associated with a low carbon scenario higher than those for the status quo.
Our report provides a snapshot of current industrial thinking about the risks associated with different future pathways that the UK energy system may follow. In addition to identifying perceived risk priorities, this analysis also provides an indication of where gaps in knowledge and understanding about risk may exist. Strategies for addressing these gaps may include improved communication (e.g. between industry, government and academia) or targeted research. In either instance, the ultimate aim is to reduce uncertainty and improve conditions for long-term decision-making in the UK energy system.
Author(s): Durusut, E. and Tahir, F.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Jin, M., Olden, P., Ghanbari, S., Pickup, G., Mackay, E. and Fitch, D.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Jin, M., Olden, P., Pickup, G. and Mackay, E.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Marsden, G., Anable, J., Docherty, I., Brown, L.
Published: 2021
Publisher: CREDS
Author(s): Beaumont, N., Gross, R., Hanna, R., Taylor, P., Wade, F. and Webb, J.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Lowes, R., Pidgeon, N., Barrett, J., Qadrdan, M., Gross, R. and Wu, J.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Blyth, W., Gross, R., Bell, K., MacIver, C. and Nash, S.
Published: 2021
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): McLachlan, C., Braunholtz-Speight, T., Hawker, G. and Watson, J.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
UKERC have submitted a reponse to the BEIS call for evidence on the future for small-scale low-carbon generation. This consultation sought to identify the role that small-scale low-carbon generation can play in the UK shift to clean growth by further understanding:
In our submission we responded to the individual points raised in the call, drawing on two streams of work undertaken as part of the UKERC research programme. The first stream concerns community energy, drawing primarily on data from the UKERC Financing Community Energy project. This project has collected and analysed data from a number of sources:
The second stream draws on a number of recent UKERC publications on electricity systems and networks :
Author(s): The CREDS Team
Published: 2019
Publisher: CREDS
Author(s): Buckman, A.
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Hanna, R., Gross, R., Parrish, B. and Speirs, J.
Published: 2016
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Warren, G. and Foulds, C.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
Part of the Energy-PIECES project, this report was developed during a secondment at the Energy Savings Trust.
Author(s): Evans, H.
Published: 2016
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Brown, M. and Otoadese, J.
Published: 2007
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): Daggash, H.A., Fajardy, M., Heptonstall, P., MacDowell, N. and Gross, R.
Published: 2019
Publisher: UKERC
This UKERC TPA working paper has been prepared to support the Committee on Climate Change’s advice to the UK government on the implications of the Paris Agreement on its long-term emissions reduction targets. In their recent reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have highlighted that large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR), defined as any anthropogenic activity that results in the net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, is critical to meeting the Paris Agreement target.
This review addresses two technological CDR solutions that have been demonstrated: bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS). The overarching questions which this review addresses, for both BECCS and DACCS, are:
Author(s): Baringa Partners LLP
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2017
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Montemurro, F., Bauen, A. and Shah, N.
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Montemurro, F., Bauen, A. and Shah, N.
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Montemurro, F., Bauen, A., Shah, N., Samsatli, N., Patel, M. and Ang, S.
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Monjur Murshed, S., Sliz, B., Montemurro, F., Vad, K., Bauen, A., Richter, G., Qi, A., Matthews, R., Eycott, A., Oliver, E., Taylor, G. and Tallis, M.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bauen, A., Bertuccioli, L., Howes, J., Montemurro, F., Ripken, R. and Taylor, R.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bauen, A., Montemurro, F., Taylor, R., Martinez, L. and Myles, H.
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The TESBiC consortium
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The TESBiC consortium
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The TESBiC consortium
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The TESBiC consortium
Published: 2011
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The TESBiC consortium
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bhave, A. and Livingston, B.
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The TESBiC consortium
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The TESBiC consortium
Published: 2012
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cronin, J., Pye, S., Price, J. and Butnar, I.
Published: 2020
Publisher: UKERC
This paper explores the sensitivity of energy system decarbonisation pathways to the role of afforestation and reduced energy demands as a means to lessen reliance on carbon dioxide removal.
The stringency of climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement has placed strong emphasis on the role of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) over this century. However, there are large uncertainties around the technical and economic viability and the sustainability of large-scale CDR options. These uncertainties have prompted further consideration of the role of bioenergy in decarbonisation pathways and the potential land-use trade-offs between energy crops and afforestation. The interest in afforestation is motivated by its potential as an alternative to large-scale bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), with its arguably lower risk supply chains, and multiple co-benefits. Furthermore, doubt over the viability of large-scale CDR has prompted a renewed examination of the extent to which their need can be offset by lowering energy demands.
A global optimisation model (TIAM-UCL) was used to examine decarbonisation pathways for the global energy system. Based on core assumptions, where energy demands follow business as usual trends and degraded land is used for energy crops, the model was unable to find a solution for a 1.5°C target. Over the period 2020-2100, the carbon budget of GtCO2 is exceeded by 332 GtCO2.
Scenarios where also run to examine how the least-cost decarbonisation pathway changes if i) energy demands are significantly reduced, or ii) degraded land is used for large-scale afforestation instead of energy crops. Each option on its own reduced the CO2 budget exceedance but both were required to allow the model to meet the 1.5°C target.
Under the 2°C target, afforestation reduced the reliance on BECCS by 60%. Under the 1.5°C target, the system still used all of the biomass available, as the target is so ambitious. When the energy demands were lower, the effect of afforestation on biomass use was dependent on the climate target. Under the 2°C target, less biomass was used across all economic sectors, whereas under the stringent 1.5°C target, all the available wood and crop biomass was exploited, but its use shifted away from the production of liquid fuels towards use in power generation.
Lowering energy service demands had a larger effect on the energy mix than large-scale afforestation. This is because demands are lowered differently across the sectors according to their economic drivers. However, afforestation had a bigger impact on the marginal cost of climate change mitigation, as it substantially decreases the scale and pace of change required by the energy system, especially in the 2°C case.
Given its key role, afforestation should be considered more in deep decarbonisation scenarios, as should lower demand scenarios.
Lowering energy demand and introducing large-scale afforestation both present significant challenges and opportunities. Further work should focus on factors affecting the carbon sequestration potential of afforestation, along with an interdisciplinary research agenda on the scope for large scale energy demand reduction. Research on the social, technical and economic factors that affect the potential for converting abandoned agricultural land to energy crops or new forest would be beneficial. An interdisciplinary research agenda is needed that brings together techno-economic modelling and qualitative scenario development with research on the social change that could lead to large reductions in energy demand
Author(s): Froggatt, A., Kuzemko, C. and Blondeel, M.
Published: 2022
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): McEwen, N., McHarg, A., Munro, F., Cairney, P., Turner, K. and Katris, A.
Published: 2019
Publisher: UKERC
This briefing paper examines how renewables in Scotland are shaped by decisions taken by the Scottish Government, the UK Government and the EU. Drawing on interviews with stakeholders, it explores the potential impact of Brexit on Scottish renewables.
Brexit has the potential to disrupt this relatively supportive policy environment in three ways in regulatory and policy frameworks governing renewable energy; access to EU funding streams; and trade in energy and related goods and services.
Our briefing identifies varying levels of concern among key stakeholders in Scotland. Many expect policy continuity, irrespective of the future UK-EU relationship. There is more concern about access to research and project funding, and future research and development collaboration, especially for more innovative renewable technologies. The UK will become a third country forthe purposes of EU funding streams, able to participate, but not lead on renewables projects, and there is scepticism about whether lost EU funding streams will be replaced at domestic levels.
While there is no real risk of being unable to access European markets even in a No-Deal Brexit scenario, trade in both energy and related products and services could become more difficult and more expensive affecting both the import of specialist labour and kit from the EU and the export of knowledge-based services. Scotlands attractiveness for inward investment may also be affected.
Author(s): Hinton, E., Holland, R., Austen, M., Taylor, G. (eds.)
Published: 2014
Publisher: UKERC
This Working Paper presents key findings from research conducted within the Energy and Environment theme since 2009, when the second phase of UKERC activity began. Research within this theme has investigated the impacts associated with a range of marine and land-based energy production and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation technologies including bioenergy, wind, tidal, gas, nuclear and carbon capture and storage (CCS). The carbon and water footprints of these technologies have been investigated as have their social, economic and environmental impacts and their impacts on terrestrial and marine ecosystem services.
Author(s): Butler. C., Parkhill. K. and Pidgeon. N.
Published: 2012
Publisher: UKERC
This briefing note summarises initial findings from qualitative research undertaken as part of a major project investigating public values, attitudes and views on whole energy system change.
A key objective of the project is to identify degrees of public acceptability relating to various aspects of whole energy system transformation and the trade-offs inherent in such transitions. This research has relevance as a research evidence base for informing development of future energy systems, as well as for understanding processes of and potential obstacles to delivery of such transitions.
Author(s): Garvey, A. and Taylor, P.
Published: 2020
Publisher: CREDS
Author(s): Nolden, C., Moya Mose, T., Sugar, K., Kommidi, A. and Fox, S.
Published: 2023
Publisher: UKERC
Author(s): The Energy Zone Consortium
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The Energy Zone Consortium
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The Energy Zone Consortium
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): BRE Group
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The Energy Zone Consortium
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ramos, M. and Burrows, K.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ramos, M.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ramos, M. and Burrows, K.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Burrows, K. and Ramos, M.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P., Smith, R., Davies, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P., Davies, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The Energy Zone Consortium
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Hall T.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Junemann, S.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Junemann, S., Raslan, R., Burrows, K. and Davies, P.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Junemann, S., Raslan, R., Burrows, K. and Davies, P.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Junemann, S. and Raslan, R.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Junemann, S.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The Energy Zone Consortium
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Raslan, R.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETi
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): BRE Group
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The Energy Zone Consortium
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ramos, M.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): The Energy Zone Consortium
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ramos, M.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Burrows, K. and Ramos, M.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bottone, D. and Pope, W.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bottone, D. and Pope, W.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bottone, D. and Gaze, C.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Bottone, D. and Pope, W.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Cook, P. and Lake, D.
Published: 2013
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Chaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A., Skea, J., Strbac, G., Wang, X. and Whitaker, J.
Published: 2011
Publisher: UKERC
This report explores ways of enhancing the resilience of the UK energy system to withstand external shocks and examines how such measures interact with those designed to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The concept of resilience is explored and a set of indicators is developed to define quantitatively the characteristics of a resilient energy system. In the report we systematically test the response of the UK energy system under different scenarios to hypothetical shocks. These are all assumed to involve the loss of gas infrastructure. We then assess mitigating measures which can help to reduce the impact of these shocks and test their cost effectiveness using an insurance analogy.
Author(s): Chaudry, M., Ekins, P., Kannan, R., Shakoor, A., Skea, J., Strbac, G., Wang, X. and Whitaker, J.
Published: 2009
Publisher: UKERC
This report explores ways of enhancing the resilience of the UK energy system to withstand external shocks and examines how such measures interact with those designed to reduce CO2 emissions. The concept of resilience explored and a set of indicators is developed to define quantitatively the characteristics of a resilient energy system. In the report we systematically test the response of the UK energy system under different scenarios to hypothetical shocks. These are all assumed to involve the loss of gas infrastructure. We then assess mitigating measures which can help to reduce the impact of these shocks and test their cost effectiveness using an insurance analogy.
Author(s): Eyre, N., Anable, J., Barrett, J., Fawcett, T., Foxon, T., Oreszczyn, T. and Webb, J.
Published: 2019
Publisher: CREDS
Author(s): Lowe, R. and Oreszczyn, T.
Published: 2020
Publisher: CREDS
Author(s): Killip, G., Fawcett, T., Jofeh, C., Owen, A.M., Topouzi, M. and Wade, F.
Published: 2021
Publisher: CREDS
Author(s): Bell, K., Barrett, J., Ekins, P., Eyre, N., Gross, R., Watson, J. and Wright, L
Published: 2017
Publisher: UKERC
The development of a comprehensive industrial strategy for the UK is long overdue. The strategy is an opportunity to bring much needed coherence to economic and industrial policy, and to ensure that it works in tandem with the governments other policies and plans. It is particularly important that the strategy underpins the UKs transition towards a cleaner, low carbon economy. This will only be achieved if it is fully compatible with the Climate Change Act, and is integrated with the forthcoming Emissions Reduction Plan.
The Green Paper includes a welcome confirmation of the governments commitment to reducing greenhouse emissions to meet statutory targets, and to do so whilst meeting other important energy policy goals. Unlike previous statements of energy policy, we are pleased to see that the Green Paper adds a fourth policy goal alongside the familiar trilemmaof emissions r
Author(s): Hughes, N., Watson, J. and Ekins, P.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
This evidence is a joint submission by the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources (ISR) and UKERC. These two institutions have worked together closely in the past, including on a report commissioned by the Global CCS Institute, on The role of CCS in meeting climate policy targets.
We are submitting evidence because we believe CCUS is likely to have a critical role as part of an overall decarbonisation strategy for the UK – and, perhaps more importantly, for the world. We are keen to take part in the debate as to how this can be achieved;
Author(s): Mangano, E. and Brandani, S.
Published: 2015
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ferguson, S., Ray, R. and Abbott, T.
Published: 2014
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Ray, R., Tarrant, A. and Abbott, T
Published: 2015
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Foster Wheeler
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): ETI
Published: 2010
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Durusut, E., Slater, S., Murray, S, and Hare, P.
Published: 2015
Publisher: ETI
Author(s): Temperton, I.
Published: 2018
Publisher: UKERC
The latest independent report to the UK government on carbon capture use and storage (CCUS) was published in July this year. The CCUS Cost Challenge Task Force (CCTF) reported under the heading “Delivering Clean Growth”.
There have also been new pronouncements on CCS in the Committee on Climate Change’s annual update to Parliament and in the National Infrastructure Commission’s National Infrastructure Assessment.
Like everyone else who works in and around CCS in the UK, Ian Temperton, who is also an Advisory Board Member of UKERC, spends vastly more time writing reports and sitting on committees than he does actually trying to capture, transport and store CO2.
From the perspective of someone who sat on the CCTF and the previous Parliamentary Advisory Group (PAG) on CCS which reported in 2016, he takes a critical look at what these various bodies have said this year and puts them in the context of the many previous reports on the subject.
While CCS needs to be deployed at very large scale for many pathways that restrict global warming to acceptable levels, including those for the UK, progress to date has been negligible.
The UK government seems to have a new enthusiasm for CCS but it is hard to extract a clear strategy from the recent interventions.
The very premise on which the government bases its current approach to CCS looks very much like it wishes to “have its cake and eat it”. The accompanying desire not to look like it is “picking winners” means that recent reports don’t make a particularly compelling case for CCS at all, at least in the medium term.
This challenges the very nature of whole energy systems thinking. CCS, with its potential applications across the energy sector in electricity, heat, transport and heavy industry (not to mention negative emissions) should be, and indeed is, easy to make the whole of system case for. However, being a citizen of the whole energy system makes CCS a citizen of nowhere, and we are no clearer to plotting an efficient route for deployment through the many potential applications of this technology.
The business model for CCS leaves many unanswered questions. What role does regulation have? Should it be publicly or privately financed? How can “full-chain” CCS be delivered? How can we leverage competition (a word which can hardly be spoken in the CCS debate)? How do we create the right incentives for heavy industry? Can we learn from other large infrastructure projects like London’s Super Sewer? And how does CCS fit in an energy system increasingly dominated by low marginal cost sources of supply like renewables?
The paper finds little to suggest that CCS policy in the UK has become any clearer.
Given the need to develop quickly under such high levels of policy uncertainty, and given that the public sector always has, and always will, fund the majority of the costs of developing CCS, the paper argues for the formation of a public Delivery Body. It also suggests that time is short to make the case and develop the plan for such a body ahead of next year’s UK Government Spending Review.
If we are to harness the new government enthusiasm while addressing the same old uncertainties in CCS policy then there is an inevitable and critical role for a Delivery Body.
Author(s): Department for International Trade
Published: 2022
Publisher: Department for International Trade