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UK Energy System Model (ESME): Functional Definition

Citation Ede, S. UK Energy System Model (ESME): Functional Definition, ETI, 2009. https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000559.
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Author(s) Ede, S.
Project partner(s) CRA International
Publisher ETI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5286/UKERC.EDC.000559
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Abstract This report was produced at the outset of the ESME project. Written at the time of the build of the first prototype energy model, it gives a functional definition for a complete model to meet the key requirements identified by ETI. The functional definition addresses model functionality, architecture, data requirements and the implementation path. Many aspects of this functional definition were later implemented in ESME via development of the original prototype model, however not all, so this report is not a factual record of the functionality of later versions of ESME. See the modelling paper dated April 2014 instead for a record of actual model functionality

This publication has been produced as part of the work on the ETI’s internationally peer reviewed energy system modelling environment (ESME) - a national energy system design and planning capability that helps toidentify key areas for ETI investments. ESME is also used by UK Government to underpin and inform energy policy.
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