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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/101987/01
Title Marine applications of electric turbo-compounding for waste heat recovery
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Bowman Power Group Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 August 2015
End Date 31 July 2017
Duration 24 months
Total Grant Value £1,098,276
Industrial Sectors
Region South East
Programme Competition Call: 1401_CRD_TRANS_BSAS - Vessel efficiency II: better systems at sea. Activity Vessel Efficiency II - better systems at sea
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Bowman Power Group Limited (69.778%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , University College London (23.603%)
Project Contact , Rolls-Royce PLC (5.583%)
Project Contact , Lloyds Register EMEA (1.036%)
Web Site
Abstract The objective of this collaborative industrial development project is to deliver a design solution and prototype hardware to demonstrate the application of electric turbo-compounding on marine diesel and gas engines to TRL 6. The core technology has already proven effective and reliable in land-based stationary powergen applications using similar base engines, however this project addresses two innovative development directions; the transfer of the technology into the maritime environment with all the challenges and additional regulatory requirements that entails, and also the scaling up of the technology to the engine power range more prolific in this sector, 2-4MW per engine. The track record for this technology in land-based applications is strong with fuel savings of 6-8% compared with the base engine performance being typical. The reduction in fuel utilised for a given voyage is accompanied by an attendant reduction in harmful emmissions - with strong adoption of this technology, it is predicted that millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions could be prevented.The objective of this collaborative industrial development project is to deliver a design solution and prototype hardware to demonstrate the application of electric turbo-compounding on marine diesel and gas engines to TRL 6. The core technology has already proven effective and reliable in land-based stationary powergen applications using similar base engines, however this project addresses two innovative development directions; the transfer of the technology into the maritime environment with all the challenges and additional regulatory requirements that entails, and also the scaling up of the technology to the engine power range more prolific in this sector, 2-4MW per engine. The track record for this technology in land-based applications is strong with fuel savings of 6-8% compared with the base engine performance being typical. The reduction in fuel utilised for a given voyage is accompanied by an attendant reduction in harmful emmissions - with strong adoption of this technology, it is predicted that millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions could be prevented.The objective of this collaborative industrial development project is to deliver a design solution and prototype hardware to demonstrate the application of electric turbo-compounding on marine diesel and gas engines to TRL 6. The core technology has already proven effective and reliable in land-based stationary powergen applications using similar base engines, however this project addresses two innovative development directions; the transfer of the technology into the maritime environment with all the challenges and additional regulatory requirements that entails, and also the scaling up of the technology to the engine power range more prolific in this sector, 2-4MW per engine. The track record for this technology in land-based applications is strong with fuel savings of 6-8% compared with the base engine performance being typical. The reduction in fuel utilised for a given voyage is accompanied by an attendant reduction in harmful emmissions - with strong adoption of this technology, it is predicted that millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions could be prevented.The objective of this collaborative industrial development project is to deliver a design solution and prototype hardware to demonstrate the application of electric turbo-compounding on marine diesel and gas engines to TRL 6. The core technology has already proven effective and reliable in land-based stationary powergen applications using similar base engines, however this project addresses two innovative development directions; the transfer of the technology into the maritime environment with all the challenges and additional regulatory requirements that entails, and also the scaling up of the technology to the engine power range more prolific in this sector, 2-4MW per engine. The track record for this technology in land-based applications is strong with fuel savings of 6-8% compared with the base engine performance being typical. The reduction in fuel utilised for a given voyage is accompanied by an attendant reduction in harmful emmissions - with strong adoption of this technology, it is predicted that millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions could be prevented.

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Added to Database 03/01/18