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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/113051/01
Title TiPOW (Titanium Powder for Net-shape Component Manufacture)
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 25%;
Not Energy Related 75%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Metallurgy and Materials) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
GKN Filton
Award Type Business, Innovation & Skills Financed
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 February 2015
End Date 28 February 2018
Duration 37 months
Total Grant Value £1,555,580
Industrial Sectors
Region South West
Programme Competition Call: 1309_SPEC_TRA_ATI - Aerospace Technology Institute. Activity ATI Programme : TIPOW Batch 8
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , GKN Filton (58.804%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , University of Leeds (14.476%)
Project Contact , Metalysis Limited (11.292%)
Project Contact , Phoenix Scientific Industries Limited (15.428%)
Web Site
Abstract TiPOW is an initiative by a consortium of leading UK companies proposing to define the requirements and develop the processing techniques to provide high quality Titanium powder; enabling the production of aerospace components via 3D printing or Additive Manufacturing (AM). AM is a revolutionary manufacturing technology with the potential to enable the production of highly complex lightweight aircraft and aero-engine parts using advanced production systems that in some cases print parts layer by layer from metal powders. The advanced components produced by AM can be up to 50% lighter than conventional components; constructed using completely new and novel designs, resulting in substantial weight reduction and increased efficiency & performance. GKN, global Tier 1 supplier for the Aerospace and Automotive industries has partnered with Metalysis, PSI and the University of Leeds for this project; each bringing a wealth of experience and background managing technology collaborations.TiPOW is an initiative by a consortium of leading UK companies proposing to define the requirements and develop the processing techniques to provide high quality Titanium powder; enabling the production of aerospace components via 3D printing or Additive Manufacturing (AM). AM is a revolutionary manufacturing technology with the potential to enable the production of highly complex lightweight aircraft and aero-engine parts using advanced production systems that in some cases print parts layer by layer from metal powders. The advanced components produced by AM can be up to 50% lighter than conventional components; constructed using completely new and novel designs, resulting in substantial weight reduction and increased efficiency & performance. GKN, global Tier 1 supplier for the Aerospace and Automotive industries has partnered with Metalysis, PSI and the University of Leeds for this project; each bringing a wealth of experience and background managing technology collaborations.TiPOW is an initiative by a consortium of leading UK companies proposing to define the requirements and develop the processing techniques to provide high quality Titanium powder; enabling the production of aerospace components via 3D printing or Additive Manufacturing (AM). AM is a revolutionary manufacturing technology with the potential to enable the production of highly complex lightweight aircraft and aero-engine parts using advanced production systems that in some cases print parts layer by layer from metal powders. The advanced components produced by AM can be up to 50% lighter than conventional components; constructed using completely new and novel designs, resulting in substantial weight reduction and increased efficiency & performance. GKN, global Tier 1 supplier for the Aerospace and Automotive industries has partnered with Metalysis, PSI and the University of Leeds for this project; each bringing a wealth of experience and background managing technology collaborations.TiPOW is an initiative by a consortium of leading UK companies proposing to define the requirements and develop the processing techniques to provide high quality Titanium powder; enabling the production of aerospace components via 3D printing or Additive Manufacturing (AM). AM is a revolutionary manufacturing technology with the potential to enable the production of highly complex lightweight aircraft and aero-engine parts using advanced production systems that in some cases print parts layer by layer from metal powders. The advanced components produced by AM can be up to 50% lighter than conventional components; constructed using completely new and novel designs, resulting in substantial weight reduction and increased efficiency & performance. GKN, global Tier 1 supplier for the Aerospace and Automotive industries has partnered with Metalysis, PSI and the University of Leeds for this project; each bringing a wealth of experience and background managing technology collaborations.

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Added to Database 04/12/15