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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/102292/01
Title Development of Lightweight Composite Tieblade-Knuckle for a Wheel Suspension
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Metallurgy and Materials) 25%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 75%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Ford Motor Company Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 August 2015
End Date 31 July 2017
Duration 24 months
Total Grant Value £1,130,157
Industrial Sectors
Region East of England
Programme Competition Call: 1409_CRD_LCV_IDP11 - Adapting cutting-edge technologies - IDP11. Activity Adapting cutting-edge technologies -IDP11
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Ford Motor Company Limited (24.344%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , University of Warwick (33.903%)
Project Contact , Autotech Engineering R & D UK Limited (22.776%)
Project Contact , GRM Consulting Ltd (18.977%)
Web Site
Abstract The automotive industry is being driven towards weight reduction as a means of achieving ever more demanding emissions (CO2 and fuel economy) requirements. Lower weight solutions for traditional steel and aluminium components are failing to deliver the step improvements required. This project focuses on the development of a wheel suspension component of composite materials to save weight via not only a step reduction in material weight but also via reduction of parts and interfaces. An essential part of the project is the selection and development of a reliable, cost effective composite manufacturing process since a rapid process is key to accelerate the use of composites for mass production vehicles. The aim of the project is to achieve a 50% weight saving over the existing steel component at no more than 10$ oncost for each kg weight saved.The automotive industry is being driven towards weight reduction as a means of achieving ever more demanding emissions (CO2 and fuel economy) requirements. Lower weight solutions for traditional steel and aluminium components are failing to deliver the step improvements required. This project focuses on the development of a wheel suspension component of composite materials to save weight via not only a step reduction in material weight but also via reduction of parts and interfaces. An essential part of the project is the selection and development of a reliable, cost effective composite manufacturing process since a rapid process is key to accelerate the use of composites for mass production vehicles. The aim of the project is to achieve a 50% weight saving over the existing steel component at no more than 10$ oncost for each kg weight saved.The automotive industry is being driven towards weight reduction as a means of achieving ever more demanding emissions (CO2 and fuel economy) requirements. Lower weight solutions for traditional steel and aluminium components are failing to deliver the step improvements required. This project focuses on the development of a wheel suspension component of composite materials to save weight via not only a step reduction in material weight but also via reduction of parts and interfaces. An essential part of the project is the selection and development of a reliable, cost effective composite manufacturing process since a rapid process is key to accelerate the use of composites for mass production vehicles. The aim of the project is to achieve a 50% weight saving over the existing steel component at no more than 10$ oncost for each kg weight saved.The automotive industry is being driven towards weight reduction as a means of achieving ever more demanding emissions (CO2 and fuel economy) requirements. Lower weight solutions for traditional steel and aluminium components are failing to deliver the step improvements required. This project focuses on the development of a wheel suspension component of composite materials to save weight via not only a step reduction in material weight but also via reduction of parts and interfaces. An essential part of the project is the selection and development of a reliable, cost effective composite manufacturing process since a rapid process is key to accelerate the use of composites for mass production vehicles. The aim of the project is to achieve a 50% weight saving over the existing steel component at no more than 10$ oncost for each kg weight saved.

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Added to Database 22/01/16